41 Guns?

The ruins of the Elizabethan house Siamber Wen located just a stones’ throw South of the centre of the village

According to the village Facebook page there was going to be a 41 gun salute to the Duke Of Edinburgh at midday. I went to collect eggs from the livery stables and managed to snap a brief video of the “ excitement” from the centre of the village.
The salute took place on top of the Gop 
You can here me and villager Mandy discussing the spectacle

On my walk I bumped into Affable Despot Jason who is a staunch republican.

“ 100,000 dead from covid and they are shooting guns off the Gop for Philip...makes my piss boil” he commented ....not his usual smiling self. Mrs Trellis passed with her over erect bobble hat on, and she waved 
Jason and Mrs Trellis ( with Blue)

Jason invited me for a drink in the garden.
More sporadic gunfire echoed over the valley as I headed for home.
The sun is shining and the sky is an azure blue 

I’m making home made gnocchi in a chilli and courgette sauce for supper  
Chic Eleanor has invited me for an outside gin at 6pm


  1. I have been quite shocked and disappointed at the lack of respect to be honest. Not being able to miss a few programmes for one night ( plus there are so many other channels like Prime, Netflix and Sky to name but a few ) & what is wrong with a 41 gun salute to honour a 99 year old man who devoted over 70 years to his wife and country ? That makes MY blood boil !!! XXXX

    1. I think the royal family have been sensitive here by asking for a low key reaction to his death. Given covid

  2. I'm with you on this Jacqueline.

  3. I wonder why Mrs Trellis's bobble hat was over erect. Perhaps she had been watching her old "Chippendales" videos again.

  4. I feel for the Queen and the Royal family at their loss, and yes, he has served the country for 70+ years, but the coverage has now become too much. Let his family grieve in peace and the country can mourn at the funeral. I wonder if his funeral will be limited to 30?

    1. He carved a kind of role for himself out of nothing

  5. Is Siamber Wen accessible John? Appears to have been last inhabited in 1960 and is just a shell of (unstable) walls. It looks as if it's on the market - presumably there's a fair amount of land attached? That's a lot of work...
    Once upon a time I might have been with the affable despot, but looking at the shenanigans of other countries Presidents and given the toss up between a 'President Blair' or a 'President Cameron' (throw in any current UK politician) I think I'd prefer to stick with the Royal Family (well, perhaps minus Andrew...).

    1. When I was on the community council a few years ago we passed some wonderful plans to make the house whole again
      Pity that never happened

    2. But P., many countries manage with just the one elected head of state, not least the USA, so why can't we just have a Prime Minister (even the current abomination as he was, astoundingly, elected)? No need for a President Blair or Cameron or whatever, and certainly no need for a Royal Family; but I am sure it will bumble onwards in its ludicrous way for quite some time to come.

    3. I think that's a case of "be careful of what you wish for" Andrew. So called 'progress' isn't always a good thing.

    4. But my point was, why does everyone assume that without a Royal Family we would need a President? It does not necessarily follow, regardless of what I may, carelessly or carefully, wish for myself.

    5. Now I would like Justin Trudeau as MY prime minister

    6. For looks or policies? (And do you not fancy Big Boris then?)

    7. Sorry, John, but I've lived under both Trudeaus years in power. It looks good from the outside but their policies are not at all friendly to the average working Canadian.

      Justin thinks we can keep spending and "budgets will balance themselves".

  6. Republican or not, one has to admit that the circumstances in which Prince Phillip found himself, he did a fine job with a pleasing persona and a smile..... more than most of the royal family who look so dire and serious.

    1. I liked him....he reminded me of many neurology consulatnats I have worked with

    2. I can admire some of the people, and I do, Philip and Elizabeth included, while still finding the institution ludicrous. Having a child such as Charles, Anne, William, Harry, George etc born into that gilded cage is a form of abuse, in my opinion.

    3. I am a royalist
      I like the idea of the royal family

  7. I second jacqueline also. well done, philip.

  8. Such a show off making your own gnocchi!
    D of E left the legacy of his Award scheme. 2 of my sons loved all aspects of it, not a bad legacy.

  9. Barbara Anne2:07 pm

    Lovely look at the village this morning but I do wonder why the 21 gun salute was so sporatic? Pity about the derelict Elizabethan home.
    Yummmm ... homemade gnocchi for you to enjoy! DH is barbecuing a pork shoulder today and that will be so very tasty, too.


  10. I am with the Affable Despot on that one.

  11. I wondered how slow the gunfire was but then realised it was only one perminute - so didn't watch any more of the televised show. Couldn't get yours to work but did see the blue sky.

  12. If Jacqueline is "shocked and disappointed at the level of respect" over there, there are no words to describe how'd she'd describe what's going on over here ... the online jokes, the memes. I don't dare repost any of them. They are THAT horrid.

  13. I can't see any connection between 100,000 unfortunate deaths from Covid-19, and showing respect for Prince Philip, but no doubt a few will manage it.

  14. A 41 gun salute sounds perfect to me. Why not a military fly over too? I don't mind the televised programming honoring the Prince but I don't like listening to the same content ad infinitum.

  15. A 41 gun salute, or 41 shots from one gun?

    1. I think it was two guns I’m not sure

    2. Well I do hope they picked up their 41 spent plastic and metal cartridges, unlike most shooters where I live, and used blanks rather than spraying loads of toxic lead pellets into the environment, as many shooters still do where I live.

    3. I watched a video the guys ( mostly from the community council ) took of them shooting from the top of the Gop
      It looked awesome

  16. You have more of a social life in one morning than I have in weeks.

    1. It was only the sun that brought the village to life x

  17. I'm with Cro on this one....what does the salute and paying tribute to PP have to do with Covid deaths?

    1. Andrew5:50 pm

      I believe the reference was to the inordinate fuss made about just one person's death sometimes.

    2. I think every death should be mourned and every life celebrated .
      He was a public figure and should also be respected for that

    3. Ah, okay, I get that.

  18. I remember watching relatives making gnocchi-it seemed you had to be very light of finger x

  19. I thought Charles spoke well this evening. It's hard to grieve in private let alone in public.

  20. Without the royal family and rank and peerage and all that palaver, there would be no tourist industry -crass foreigners traipsing through castles and palaces, watching the change of the guard. Honestly it's the biggest industry left to the UK. Sadly on hold for ages but it is a case of being careful what you wish for (not) lest you miss what it provides. Was it/is it worth it? No idea. He was very, very old and unwell and had the best of private treatment, whereas not everyone is so fortunate. And the ratings on TV slipped 60% as people tuned out. So much real tragedy in life right now.

    1. The historic buildings most people visit are not occupied by royalty, and the changing of the guard is a ceremony rarely relevant to or involving any royal personages.

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