Nutmeg Gnocchi with a chilli courgette sauce

This is a therapeutic and easy supper dish 
I made it from scratch today
Here is my masterclass 

You will need
2 potatoes
Chilli x 1 red
1 cup flour
1 egg
1 courgette

Mash 2 potatoes and allow to cool

Grate one courgette, chop three cloves garlic and finely cut one red chilli
( this is for the sauce) 
Measure out Half a teaspoon of grated nutmeg

Put one cup of mash into a bowl add nutmeg

Add One cup of plain flour 

Add one egg

Mix and kneed into a dough
Cut into quarters 

Roll into rough rolls

Cut into 3/4 inch pieces and flatten sides with fork 

Boil a saucepan of water and drop gnocchi in. Meantime fry off chilli, garlic in a little oil and large knob of butter. Season well.
Wait for gnocchi to float

Add courgette and fry gently until cooked

Add gnocchi and ensure all is heated through

Season well if needed , add Parmesan cheese and Basil 
Eat with rocket salad
Bloody lovely


  1. Congratulations Sir, I'm impressed by how well you eat and your love of cooking.

  2. That sounds and looks delicious!

  3. Anonymous9:17 pm

    What a faff! I'd make the sauce but buy a packet of ready made gnocchi

  4. Mmm mmm-that looks loverly John-I should savour it but would probably gobble it all up x

  5. Making me hungry. I love your measuring cup/bird too. xx

  6. Thank you, a feast for the eyes as well.

  7. Looks wonderful. probably just beats my toast and mature cheddar cheese with Worcestershire sauce, if a bit more bother.

  8. i bow to you chef john...well done!

  9. Thank you John, that looks wonderful. I shall be trying it very soon!

  10. Anonymous1:02 am

    Looks Damn Good!

  11. It looks and sounds delicious! Even the side salad looks tempting! Jeez, what has come over me?

  12. I might try it... but without the nutmeg. hate the shit.

  13. I do like Gnocchi, but must admit that I tend to buy them ready made. They adapt to so many sauces; yours sounds very good.

  14. Barbara Anne4:22 am

    A healthy, colorful, delicious meal and well worth the bit of effort. Well done, sir! Did the rest of the family approve or were they miffed that no sausages were involved?


  15. Well done! It looks delicious.

  16. One of my favourite Italian things to make and eat - very simple to do;
    I like mine with sage and lemon butter :)

  17. Meant to say - I don't use an egg in mine

  18. De-lic-ious! Your measuring cup meets the William Morris standard . "useful and beautiful too". Top marks! I might try making Gnocchi using Kumera/sweet potato - do you think that would work? I can't eat potato, or chilli either.... such a bore!

    1. Anonymous1:40 pm

      1kg Kumara
      3 garlic glove
      4 tsp oregano, rosemary and/or nutmeg
      1 1/2 cups Flour
      1 Tbsp Olive Oil
      Salt and pepper to taste

      Peel and dice the kumara into cubes and place into a pot and cover with water. Add the garlic salt. Bring to the boil and then reduce to a simmer until the kumara is soft. Drain the water, and return back to the hot element to dry. Shake a few times and turn off the element.

      Mash the kumara and garlic.Add the herbs and 1/2 of the flour. Knead together. Turn out onto a floured surface, add more flour and continue to knead. Keep going until all the flour is combined and a firm dough is formed. Divide the dough into 4 pieces and roll into logs about 2 cm wide. Cut every 2cm to create little parcels.
      Bring to boil a large pot of water and add the olive oil. Add the gnocchi to the boiling water in batches and boil for 2-3 minutes. Don’t put too much in at once. It is best that they don’t touch each other.

      Serve with a sauce of your choice.

  19. Homemade is always worth the effort in flavor. Thanks for sharing!

  20. Anonymous7:15 am

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. toddle off

    2. Charlie Farley10:18 am

      I've always thought of John as being good looking.

      I'm sure your face must look like a cow's arse which explains your commenting in such a way - envy and jealously are two strong emotions.

      Betty Crocker isn't actually a real person but merely a fictional character used to advertise products but obviously you didn't know that.

    3. Anonymous10:52 am

      This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Common

  21. Sounds delicious; I have bought gnocchi, but will definitely try your recipe, which probably tastes much better and costs less, without any E numbers!

  22. That is gorgeous. I'm not so sure about easy. You obviously haven't seen me cook.

  23. Looks so good. I'll try it.

  24. That looks lovely. I may give it a try! :)

  25. Anonymous9:48 am

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  26. That looks delicious. Healthy too. Thanks for sharing. I am going to give it a try.

  27. It looks revolting for all that effort. If I am ever to be invited for dinner please note that I don't eat courgettes. X

  28. Looks yummy! I'll be over!

  29. Absolutely wonderful,thank you for sharing

  30. Anonymous2:20 pm

    This daily visit from your troll is becoming rather tiresome. They are obviously enjoying being fed on a daily basis with the retaliation they receive. It all seems like a game and very personal. Are you sure you don't know who Anonymous is? Cee

    1. I'd prefer no one interacts with any troll.
      I will simply delete any comment left

  31. Sounds delicious - don't think I dare try it though.

  32. You have done a great job of showing us how to prepare it and it looks delicious! Thanks for the cooking class! xx

  33. Looks delicious, but I have never gotten round to making gnocchi up to now, perhaps I should.

    Have you thought of moderating all comments, at least for a while ... it would take all the pleasure away from your charming Anonymous fan.

  34. It looks very inviting - I can imagine that it was very tasty as well. I like the sound of this, so shall give it a try. Thanks for the tutorial.

    I love home made gnocchi and often make a few with any leftover mash, then pop them on a floured plate in the freezer. Once frozen I add them to a bag of them already in the freezer, so I've always got them on hand should I need a quick meal.

  35. This looks delicious! You need to share more of your recipes!

  36. Definitely will trying this one out this week.
    thanks, John.

  37. Now you've done it, you've made me want to make gnocchi. good grief

  38. I will try this! Tho maybe buy gnocchi from the Italian shop in town. What kind of chili should I get, there are so many choices? Is the sauce super spicy?

  39. I love the sequence of photos like a professional video
    well done looks delicious.


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