
You have to be kidding”
I managed to leave out the fucking in “you have to be FUCKING kidding” 
But it really DID deserve to be inserted there as I stood for a mini second with urine in my face, urine seeping under my mask into my mouth and eyes and all across my head.
The patient and the nurse-who had forgotten that she had left the urine standing inside a covered bedpan looked at me open mouthed 
I lost my usual bouncy sense of humour and bolted to the sluice where I ripped off my sodden mask and washed my face and hair
Urine in open eyes and mouth is the equivalent to a needle stick injury and has to be taken seriously 
After a shower, a failed blood taking effort by the hospice doctor, a long talk to occupational health and cup of hot tea, my sense of humour slowly started to reappear.....just !
Once I nursed a psychiatric patient who would intermittently delve down his pants , grab a large and rather wet turd and fling it at the nearest nurse. 
The staff would get used to the melodramatic warning cries of “incoming !!” as turd left hand and a blob of brown hurtled through the air of the ward like a smelly hand grenade .

* photo of Dorothy tonight , sleeping in front of Trendy Carol’s log burner



  1. Expletives would have been appropriate.

  2. WTeverlovinF? was the bedpan thrown at you?

  3. And to think, there are sex clubs where people pay good money for this treatment.

    1. I’ve never understood this side of sexuality maddie x

    2. Me either! I can't even stand food stains getting on me.

    3. Lol , I dont have that problem xxx

  4. I have no words......chin up/tits out Xxx

  5. I feel your pain. As a student nurse, I was sprayed by a foley catheter, hit me in the eyes and my instructor got a drop on his beard. He ran out of the room screaming at me to tidy up and went and shampooed his beard. I cleaned up, went to the nursing station and the UM asked me what had happened. Next thing I knew I was in Occupational Health having my eyes flushed.

  6. Oh!...yuk!
    On a happier note, Dorothy looks totally relaxed at Carol's, and doesn't she tone well with the decor?!

    1. I’ve just thanked trendy carol’s hubby for his support

  7. I wonder if you should now drink plenty of fluids to remove any nastiness from your body x

  8. I still can't understand how on earth you managed to get urine on your head - even if it was a full bedpan.

    1. People just don't realise the hazards of your job!
      I am envious of Dorothy...she looks blissful

  9. I know a few people who would pay for the privilege x

  10. How many things like this do nursing staff have to endure without the public ever knowing.
    As to Dorothy - sheer bliss.

  11. Well, the only cheerful thing I can think of is that tomorrow will surely be better. *fingers crossed*

  12. First I would have vomited, and added to the mess and then I would have rinsed my eyes multiple times, washed my face and hair. This is why I know I could never be a nurse. Odors also make me queasy. I was in a car accident where my head hit the windshield and my then boyfriend/now husband had his teeth knocked out by the steering wheel. The smell of all of the blood really made my stomach lurch.

  13. Dorothy looks perfect and lovely there. I add my condolences to everyone else for the shitty parts of your job...because a shitty day at work should be figurative!

  14. My darling thatch had diarrhoea today and at 8.30pm I've taken him to the vets with bloody vomit in a container to show them.She gave him a rectal which was bloody and as his heart is too fast he has been admitted x

    1. oh flis. I am sorry. Fingers crossed.

    2. Thank you so much-they said he had a comfortable night and they will call me later x

  15. This sounds like one big fluke incident. Most awful still. Hopefully you will not get sick as a result. Sweet Dorothy looks very content and cozy by the fire. Not a care in the world.

  16. Oh dear that sounds absolutely ghastly I bet the nurse feels terrible John, she won't make the same mistake again.
    Dorothy looks so content, can you post a photo of your kind neighbour Carols terrier some time please.

  17. Barbara Anne12:27 am

    Holy moley! What an unwelcome turn of events and it should never have happened had the bedpan been properly emptied and cleaned. Hope there are no dire consequences for you.
    My worst experience was being vomited on by an ER patient who had been bitten by a copperhead snake. I laughed and told the patient not to fret about it as he couldn't help it. Then I went to the nurses' lounge, washed up, and changed into scrubs.
    I'd wondered if your hearth had been tiled in the last day or two. Am glad to know it's dear Carol's heater. Dorothy certainly looks blissful!


  18. What a job you have! And you are a saint to do it!

  19. Gag worthy!
    I'm stuck on why the doctor couldn't get a blood sample?

  20. That certainly would have pissed me off. (Sorry. Unless your sense of humor has totally returned.)

  21. Anonymous2:33 am

    Had some near misses in nursing school. That's why I take care of babies, I've been pooped/peed and vomited on, not to mention baby spit but it's low volume and usually not loaded with yuk!! Sorry that happened to you. Not nice at all!

  22. Wow, what a day you've had!

  23. The life and times of a Nurse!!

  24. I've never gotten piss in the face, but had my pants leg soaked by a man rolled over in my direction even though he had just used the urinal. Also never had patients who threw shit. Some elderly folks liked to paint with it though.


  25. I once fired up a macerator full of used, very brown incontinence pads in an enclosed space not realizing that the drain was blocked. I came out of the room brown from head to toe and covered in bits of white fluff.

  26. That must figure high in the list of Worst Work Days. I hope there are no bad consequences. You nurses really are Everyday Heroes. I am pleased to see Dorothy relaxed at Trendy Carol's home. Our old 'grand-dog' is anxious if left at home alone, so she's coming to us more and more. She stays within sight and follows us around. I think we just have to accommodate her needs.

    I hope you had a treat for yourself when you got home. You deserve it.

  27. Eeww, and yet again I know why I couldn't do your job! The "pee in the face" obviously happened when my boys were babies and getting their nappies changed but (a) they were my babies and (b) - well there is no (b) is there. I'm glad there are people like you around who are willing to do those jobs - and not just from the "pee in the face" standpoint, from the caring and helping standpoint. Like someone said on another blog recently, you ALL deserve to be recognized in the honours list!

  28. The joys of nursing! I remember it well. It's not all Florence Nightingale holding patients' hands is it? I hope the only harm was to your dignity LOL! xx

  29. Oh, blech! (I don't know why some people find that sexy.) But I hope all is well. What a nightmare. I'm glad Dorothy had a better day.

  30. Denise8:46 am

    Special Ed teacher here...taught a child who used to put his hand down the back of his nappy then wipe it on you if you weren't quick enough to dodge it. Joys of the profession.

  31. Let's hope today is better.

  32. All professions have their dodgy sides one way or another.

  33. Oh dear not good! I can recall some female nursing colleagues asking me to assist in moving a comatose gentleman who was quite large - this in the days when nurses still practised lifts such as the Australian lift. I don't recall which lift we used but I do know that as I slid my forearm underneath the patient's bottom his bowels opened - producing copious amounts of diarrhoea. My nurse colleagues collapsed in shrieks of laughter as I rushed to the adjacent sink with a bright yellow dripping arm. Not very professional of them - the screens around the bed were closed - but I guess these thinfs can cause wry amusement. Just not so when you're the one it happens to! As a footnote, never kneel on a turd on a patient's bed wearing corduroy trousers...

  34. Reminds me of an incident in the dark and distant past. While rolling a patient about the bed to clean him up following an attack of melaena (faeces full of blood). For some reason the other nurse flicked the sheet and melaena flicked up and landed on her lip!! She was trapped arm under patient screaming out loud. I quickly whipped out a glycerin mouth care stick and proceeded to commence mouth care on her. Eventually we finished the patients clean up. She ran off to the staff toilet to clean her teeth/mouth and gargle for about an hour.
    Oh I miss the days of body fluids flying about. Not.

  35. Oh Jesus. This is why I could never be a nurse. (Well, one of the reasons.) More power to you, John.

    On the bright side, isn't urine supposed to be a sterile fluid? Absent any UTI, that is?

  36. Gross! Reminds me of diaper days when my kids were babies! One of the perks of being a Grandma is handing off the stinky baby to the parent!

  37. Frankly i think the "fuck" was needed - I'm afraid my language would have been far more fish wifey. A lady I am not - potty mouthed. One of our pts decorated the surgey loo with crap. We tried after cleaning it as well as possible to hoover up the water which had leaked out of the toilet - Henry the hoover blew up. We couldnt stop giggling and put the hoover back in the cupboard so that the cleaner would have to report the hoover had broken.

  38. Too sorry that happened to you.

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