Have Yourself.......

I finished night shift at 8am yesterday morning, today I have off and tomorrow I am back on nights for three.
No wonder I woke up this morning without a clue what day it was .
Last night I joined the Trelawnyd Women’s Institute  for their Christmas Concert.
Now it wasn’t a Sherry fuelled sing song with Bunty and Pippa leading a much spirited Can Can sort of do. Ma Manly with daughter Kelda had booked a bona fide Scottish Folksinger Iona Fyfe to perform which proved to be a cracking idea.
I really enjoyed it 
There was lots of chatter before the main event. Gwawr from Bron Haul sat with her new baby Jack , Cameron’s mum looked every inch like a Downton Abbey character , surrounded as she was with expensive looking oil paintings and Village leader Ian looked rather dapper in his cottage study.
I did notice that Margaret from Erw Wen didnt quite get her iPad straight so we could only see her nostrils for most of the evening.
The concert itself was sweet. Iona Fyfe has a lovely ballad hugging voice and her remit was to keep things light which was an ok decision but it was her atmospheric Christmas songs that made the most impression 
Her rendition of “Have yourself a merry little Christmas” backed by villagers swaying gently in front of their fires and Christmas trees proved to be an incredibly moving experience.

Have yourself a Merry Little Christmas ,
Let your heart be light
From now on
Our troubles will be out of sight
Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Make the Yule-tide gay
From now on
Our troubles will be miles away
Here we are as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more
Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now


  1. That is my favorite Xmas carol... and the only one I perform in my sets. For now. Working on a version of Jingle Bells and Silver Bells. Your concert sounds awesome. Technology is a wonder. Be well.

  2. Sounds wonderful, I am watching a zoom-christmas-theater sort of thing from friends in London tomorrow evening https://www.damncheek.co.uk/

    1. Dave are you watching or taking part

  3. Thank God for Zoom, Face Time, and other technologies! It feels at times that I've lost the ability to chat - from such prolonged periods of solitude. However, one neat thing that has come from this is a sort of peace I haven't known in a long time. Yin/yang I suppose! I, too, love this song - it evokes such tenderness!

    1. Tenderness that’s the word I was looking for

  4. I do love THE Christmas song.

    1. Rosemary cloony singing it on ER DID IT THE BEST

  5. only 16 more days until we kick 2020's arse to the curb!

    1. Yes.........it’s not been a favourite

  6. Anonymous2:24 pm

    I don't know about Margaret's nostrils but just what part of your body is that on your picture?

  7. There's some great music online these days. I was just watching the benefit for the Betsy Trotwood music venue in London (I had a mate playing in it, so I had to watch it - but I'm pleased I did). Not overtly Chrismassy but loads of acts.


    1. That’s a three hour watch x

    2. It is! I must admit to jumping ahead here and there!

  8. The original version has a different third line in the last verse - "Until then we'll have to muddle through somehow". It was changed as they thought it was too depressing but I think it is more fitting these days.

    1. I like the original better!

    2. All of us will be muddlingbthis year

  9. What lovely lyrics...I never really noticed them before; thank you, John. If the fates don't allow it in person, we will be together by Zoom and in spirit.

  10. Oh, for a second there I thought you had joined a Christmas concert IN PERSON. Whoa! Then I realized, no, on Zoom. You scared me! Anyway, it sounds really nice ... and yes, that's a wonderful carol.

    1. No Tom, the changing of the tier system in London looks like my visit is off 😂

  11. Barbara Anne3:24 pm

    Who is sitting to Margaret's right? It looks like it could be you!
    This is one of my favorite songs, too. And yes, Sally, we'll have to muddle thought somehow.


  12. Sounds really good fun!
    Ma Manley used to live in the next smallholding to mine, we bartered childminding of my youngest two for sheepgrazing of her Shetland and Soay sheep on my fields

    1. Lol it’s a small world
      She’s a lovely lady and very active in village life x

    2. Good to hear it and Kelda is a good 'un too

  13. What a wonderful idea! Well done, WI.

    1. And an out of work singer made a bit of money

  14. Thank you. And we all will be humming that song all day.

  15. Wonderful words and this year even more apt. Wishing you a merry little Christmas, John, and let's hope all our troubles will be miles away soon. xx

    1. Ditto mz hooker
      A phrase I thought I’d never say x

  16. Lovely words John. Brought tears to my eyes.

  17. Am I the only one looking for Margaret's nostrils?

    1. Lol I apologise she was on the next page

  18. https://youtu.be/dIwMgKNh1S4
    This one by The Royal Melbourne Hospital scrub choir is going gang busters down under.

  19. They are playing this quite regularly at the moment on classic fm-the King's singers and also a wind symphony x

  20. What a lovely idea I really miss going to choirs this year I managed to go to four local ones last year music really heals the soul I think.

  21. That's one of my favorite songs...it always makes me sentimental.

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