

It’s easy to anthropomorphise animal behaviour to suit your own mood 
But take a close look at this photo, taken just before getting up this morning 
Dorothy is on the left, Mary to the right.
Both with a part of their body pressed close to mine.
And overlooking everyone is Albert, wide eyed as usual.

Albert never sleeps in my bedroom.
Every morning he would be found in the back bedroom on his own or else sat with Winifred in the kitchen reading chair. 
But since Winnie died he has slept on the window seat, facing us.
Two nights in a row.

Funny what you notice


  1. Albert is just making sure everyone is ok; once he has scoped out the emotions he will no doubt be off once again sleeping on the spare bed alone. He is a prop you up type of cat. Gotta love him.

    Jo in Auckland

  2. I was wondering how Dorothy was handling the loss of the pack matriarch. I guess Albert is feeling the loss of his best friend, even more than the others do.

  3. Pretty hard not to think of Albert's behavior in human terms. He is definitely keeping watch over you all--making sure all his companions stay safe. Bless him.

  4. Aww - good on you Mr Albert.

  5. They may not be human but I think animals are far more conscious than some people give them credit for. Just because they don't know their tables and don't have opposing thumbs doesn't mean they don't consciously experience the world in a way that makes sense to them.

  6. I'm always looking at people and animals and wondering why they behave as they do. There is usually a reason behind it. So forgive the question, but is this the first time that Albert has witnessed a death? Actually witnessed it? I know that you've had other dogs. But for an intelligent animal to see that his friend can simply 'stop' makes me think it must have been a shocking realization.

  7. Winnie's passing probably changed all of their routines. Animals are very sensitive....


  8. albert is lonely. i wonder who he will pair up with now?

  9. They are waiting for the new dynamic to make itself felt, in the meantime they are all gaining solace from you and offering you their support in the only way they can, by their presence, especially as you sleep.

    You have yet to get the 'I'll push my luck as far as I can' phase of the dynamics reshuffle. Then it will be your job to be the pack leader and top dog with absolutely no room for doubt. Only then will things revert to a new normal and they will relax knowing that Dad has got their backs.

    1. This is the way I see it, too. Well put, ASL.

  10. Did you let them have a sniff at Winnie after the event?

    1. They were not bothered at all. I left her a while .
      Only Albert came over

  11. Albert knows you know. He likes to be with you and the family. Ever since P left the house all four of my cats have been clingy. They have never really got to grips with him not being here so they stick to me like glue.

  12. He is missing his friend....

  13. Albert knows what happened to Winnie; remember how he studied her and rubbed her head? Now he wants to reassure himself that everybody else is still with him and all okay.

  14. Behaviourist psychologists always used to preach that anthropomorphism is wrong, but others now acknowledge we have more commonality with animals than previously thought.

  15. Anonymous12:46 pm

    Albert is just watching and waiting......
    When we had the 2 Rotties, a weekend treat was a ham hock each. Bear (the male dog) would gobble his one up and try to get Leah's (the female) one off of her, he had to be watched over in case of a squabble.
    After Leah died from that time on Bear never wanted another hock, wouldn't touch it at all, l bought him a few, just not interested. Until we got him a new companion, in the shape of a new rescue Rottie Ella, then he took up eating the ham hocks again,.And people say 'oh they're only animals!'... yeah right!!!!
    Head up me lad.
    Tess xx

  16. My cat is convinced she is just a small person in fur. She demands equal rights (and gets them most of the time!). Albert is pretending to watch over you while satisfying his need to be close.

  17. We had two cats in California, brothers we got when they were 4 months old. One died at the age of 12. I left the next day for a week of business. The brother sat at the top of the stairs for three days watching the front door. He didn't eat, didn't drink and finally SG had to take him to the vet where he remained for 3 days getting fluids and more. There was nothing physically wrong. I got home. He continued to appear depressed, but at least eating and drinking. We went and adopted a loving kitten and he was transformed.

  18. In the wake of loss come adjustments. We all have to find our place in this world. My heart to you. And Albert.

  19. I was wondering how the other animals were getting on. Just like humans, they all act differently. (We had a rescue dog who wouldn’t eat for three days after her ‘mother’ was put down. (unrelated) Another dog didn’t seem to notice) I’m sure you’re giving extra cuddles to the gang!

  20. albert needs reassurance, as do the girls. you will all get through this sad time together.

  21. I don't think it's anthropomorphising John. They notice the absence. It may create some anxiety and sense of loss for them too

  22. I'm sure they're all missing Winnie too. Animals do sense when we are feeling under the weather, just as we do them. Give them a hug.

  23. They all need your reassurance now, poor little animals.

  24. It's lovely to know I'm not the only one who has to suffer dog arse in my face at bedtime.

  25. He needs the company as much as you do. He needs to be near; give him some one to one time he is hurting too. x

  26. Well, there is anthropomorphizing and then there is simply realizing that animals, too, have emotions and reactions that we have always thought of as human.

  27. Scientific studies have proven that animals do feel grief. They are sad and depressed after loss of their offspring, mate, friend, owner, parent etc. How long they mourn is another thing, some can't get over a loss ever, some individuals shake off sadness easily. One of my cats disappeared on August, and her brother is still missing her (he doesn't search her around the house anymore, but he doesn't eat the way he used to do, he doesn't sleep on places he used to sleep with his sister etc). It's hard to see him like that, but I've noticed our new kitten has helped him.

  28. We so feel for them in their loss, and our understanding it doesn't make it any easier. I just want to cuddle and talk to each of them in turn.

  29. They all feel the loss. For sure. Sending extra cuddles and hugs to all.

  30. Barbara Anne3:54 pm

    Mary, Albert, and Dorothy know it's time to circle the wagons in this time of unwelcome change. With the colder weather of winter, the added warmth is certainly nice for each of you. Albert may make the leap to the bed if the spirit moves him.

    Hugs for all

  31. One of our cats was very much my husband's cat-when my husband died he seemed subdued and not himself. But can also remember one occasion when my son became distressed missing his dad-our cat who is not really a lap cat cuddled up with him for a while

    1. Oh Anna so sad and sweet at the same time.

  32. This comment has been removed by the author.

  33. Say what they might, but animals are far more caring and have feelings then people think. Albert wants to be cuddled missing his dear friend. A you and he nap will be called for.

    How has this affected Dottie if I may ask?

  34. Anonymous5:47 pm

    Nice there's a window seat near the bed,Albert needs to feel close to the family rather than being alone downstairs. Tame animals need to belong to a family,so glad Albert has one.- Mary

  35. I can only reiterate what others have said. Animals feel emotions, maybe not in the way that we do, but still valid for all that. You will all get through this sad time in your own way and at your own pace. xx

  36. They are watchful because they don't want you or any of the others to go away. Animals are also great creatures of habit and routine and now that has changed. They are looking for a new routine. Also, they simply loved Winnie and they miss her and are mourning in their way. Hugs to you all.

  37. We all mourn in our own way.
    Poor Albert.

  38. I think mine pick up on my emotions and will watch me possibly concerned about what's wrong and larger ones even sit on me until I laugh or they are insistent that I tickle their tummies-they try to help.One of my dogs each Friday watched out of the window for my mum and this continued for weeks which was so sad to see his longing for her after she passed x

    1. This brought tears to my eyes. They do wait don't they. Sweet baby.

  39. Sweet Albert making sure all is fine and maybe wondering were Winnie is... Did he sniff Winnie after she died to help him understand ?

  40. Hiya John, annimals are funny. My hubby had tamed a wild kitten. It would only come into the house when i was not there. For a year i fed her outside and since he died in Aoril iv never seen the cat since

  41. He needs to keep his pack close.

  42. I like to think they are making sure you are ok.

  43. A cat can mourn:

  44. It makes sense to me, sweetpea! They're taking care of YOU! xoxo

  45. They must be missing her, and making sure you're OK at the same time.

  46. Years ago when my hound Thoreau died, Faulkner the smooth collie found him and alerted me. Faulkner was very depressed for several months afterwards and needed to be close to me.


  47. Awe sweet Albert he looks like he is reviewing the situation and may choose to stake his claim on the lovely window seat, strange that the girls act nonchalant but they know they are loved and that's the main thing.

  48. Thank you for your comments . Been on nights and it’s been a bit busier x

  49. Oh sweet sweet Albert. Looks very much like my Moon. She also comes to us on her own terms, but very loving.

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