
Did you know that Sex and The City was originally developed as a romcom drama about four New York Gay men?
Yes, really....all that drama would, be far too much to cope with so the producers were wise to plump for the glam 4
How many times did the eponymous heroine Carrie Bradshaw ponder her decisions over her laptop with the audience shouting at the screen don’t dooooo it!
And of course she did it.....

I checked my ex husbands twitter feed yesterday
It’s something I haven’t done for months now and I wish I hadn’t
He’s sailing around the Greek Islands like Jackie O

Why do I do it?
I don’t want him back, I certainly don’t want to live his lifestyle
But in a lonely crack of a busy evening, I checked anyway.....
more fool me

Carrie would have turned to Miranda if she had done it
Miranda would have said it was a normal blip, don’t be too hard on yourself and don’t do it again
Then they would have met up after midnight and drunk cocktails as the final credits appeared to that tinkling music

Hey ho

Off to ikea shortly with a friend
Gay men do Ikea....
Now there’s programme series in itself


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you , but I’ve taken Auntie Glads wise words and have enjoyed something simple
      She once told me ( and I’m paraphrasing )”I’ve always enjoyed the simple things in life, good simple nutritious food , a bit of shopping, church and people”

  2. Oh, shit.
    That's a no-no. The first thing we need to do is block them in all socials. All. Of. Them. Because we are all Carrie and we know it and we are gonna go look.
    Hope you're feeling better.

    And I absolutely love Ikea. 80% of the stuff I have comes from there.


    1. Thank you for your postcard by the way , strangely enough it arrived today and stands proudly on the fireplace

  3. You treat yourself at Ikea - buy yourself something nice.

  4. Off to Ikea? Can you do something for me? When the coast it clear, set as many kitchen timers as you can to go off at 1 minute intervals - then walk away & wait for mayhem to ensue. I say a bored child do this once & Howard has to dissuade me from doing this on most visits.

    1. I bought a sofa, cushions , a small jug, a rug, and a tray

    2. Hilarious BST! I feel a visit coming up. I loath IKEA, apart from its food section.

  5. IKEA instigated the one-way system long before anyone else, so it should be safe.

    1. It was packed but very well organised

  6. You're going to Ikea? Isn't that a Greek island too? Let's hope you don't bump into you-know-who. Do have a splendid time! ;-)

    1. I had a lovely time Raymondo
      But no meat balls

    2. Life is being good to you - sometimes.

  7. We all do things like that and then wish we hadn't John. Enjoy Ikea - they used to do good food as well as nice furniture.

    1. The deli was open but the bistro closed so no meat balls..we went to marks and I had a fish finger sandwich

    2. Fish have fingers?

    3. Big fat tasty ones covered in breadcrumbs

  8. Big mistake .... HUGE !!! But very normal ! Who’d want to go anywhere abroad at the moment ? Ikea is a much better destination .... are you after anything in particular or just doing research for a new couch and bathroom ? XXXX

    1. I went to buy a rug for the living room and ended up buying that, a load of other s5uff and a NEW SOFA!

  9. With flat pack bosom to the fore sail around Ikea like the figurehead you so obviously are.


    1. I sailed around it like the Queen Mary

  10. Anonymous9:59 am

    More fool you indeed but we can't help ourselves at times and I recently FB stalked my first partner/boyfriend from 40 years ago.

    If it is a male friend you are visiting Ikea with and you do the full circuit and eat Swedish meat balls together, it must be true love.

    1. We didn’t do the meatballs as the bistro was closed 😭

  11. I've never been to an IKEA.

    1. I’ve been to paradise but I’ve never been to me

    2. But did you move like Harlow in Monte Carlo?

    3. Hey, you know what paradise is? It's a lie.

    4. Barbara Anne2:42 pm

      Me either, Rachel, so you're not alone in this!


    5. See this
      It’s so cheesy

  12. My Ex is still "friended" (whatever that means) on Facebook, and regularly confirms how lucky I am to have moved on with my life.

  13. Now if Carrie were here she'd be typing..." Im heading to Ikea for some furnishings later with friends. But should I? I mean, we all know the retailer has but disposable items that don't last...and are easily replaceable. Is it like my men? Its a question I'd have to ponder with the girls at brunch. Does this say something about me and the men in my life? Are they too like my one day and gone the next?"

    1. William J3:56 pm

      That was perfect and a hearty side split! LMAO.

    2. Wonderful x as always
      Well William btw

    3. I think Carrie would have gone shopping for revenge Loboutins.

  14. I am pleased and proud to say that I have never seen one episode of "Sex and the City" and I haven't seen "Miranda" either so I have very little idea what you are talking about in this blogpost.

    1. Please see both
      Both have great worth
      SATC was very liberating to many

  15. sooner or later, your ex will be visited by karma...mine certainly was. bwhahahahaha!

    in the meantime, you get on with YOUR FABULOUS life. you contribute good to society; your ex is a selfish pig.

    I have 3 ikea bookcases. and I second yorkshire pudding.

    1. AM you crack me up
      Never shy , never short of an opinion xx

    2. thank you, squire. SMOOCHES!

    3. You are my knight in armour AM

  16. It's something so irresistible that checking of the social media of our ex's isn't it. Mine has only just discovered Facebook and the limit of his posts are a couple of photos of him and our granddaughter ... and one of his new pine sideboard ... I don't think I'm missing much!!

    I cannot for the life of me imagine Sex and the City with four gay guys ... the girls just do it so well.

  17. I taunt myself by looking on google maps at the homes I lived in whilst still in the UK, also at ex's homes. I think it's human nature (or curiousity). Enjoy Ikea.
    love Ro xx

  18. Step away from the tat

  19. Best entertainment ever was watching a couple trying to get a flat pack wardrobe and a massive potted plant into a Ford Focus ..
    Tweetart x

    1. Ikea car parks over a Bank holiday are great places to hang out if you've got an allotment. You'd be amazed the number of people who buy something too big to fit in their car, then take it out of the box & discard the cardboard so they can cram it in every nook & cranny for the journey home. The cardboard comes in very handy to cover ground to kill off weeds, but you have to be quick as the recycling staff are on the look out for stray boxes as well.

    2. I had a bit of trouble fitting the rug in bluebell

  20. I love sex and the city. Carrie is my favourite. I can't resist watching reruns whenever I come across them even though I have seen them all so many times. Enjoy Ikea.

    1. I always liked Miranda
      The episode where magna kisses her on the head in a gesture of motherly love kills me to this day

    2. When Carey broke the heart of Aiden.

    3. I also loved the episode when Miranda got married

  21. he might be floating around the greek isles but i bet he hasn't changed.

  22. I'd enjoy doing IKEA right now too - but our closest is requires a day trip and overnight hotel stay, something I'm not up for yet! I love browsing through the store and picking up a few odds and ends - don't need any furniture at this point.

    1. Funnily enough we joked that next time we would get a hotel to enjoy the experience better

  23. Every once in a great while I check out my ex's FB page and without fail I shudder and think how lucky I was to escape the life I would have had with him.

  24. Remember that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence because it's fertilized by bullshit.

    1. Are you related to Anne Marie. Debra ?
      Love ya xx

  25. Oh living the perfect life is he-Well perhaps the new partner will bugger off with someone more tasty.Shallow is what I think of him if you don't mind me saying.You deserve better John x

    1. We all deserve someone nice , everyone of us

  26. Barbara Anne2:53 pm

    I love many of the Ikea fabrics and think the song is a hoot! Enjoy your day!


    1. Barbara Anne2:55 pm

      Oh, and I saw those fabrics on-line. The nearest Ikea to us is a 2 hour drive north or south. We don't need furniture.


    2. I was impressed with the trips and the rugs x

  27. I didn't think I'd like Ikea but oddly half of my wooden kitchen has modern red shiny units fixed to the wall-don't know how that happened.My top dog barked at his reflection in them x

  28. It is just human nature and I wouldn’t be surprised if he hasn’t checked on your media presence either.

    1. Human nature’s a fickle thing

  29. I’d rather sail around IKEA any day. No chance of sinking, painful sunburn, covid, or stds.

  30. I like Anne Marie from Philly's comment...karma will visit your ex bahahaha! I was thinking more...I hope he gets a rash that makes him miserable LOL Keep checking John and see what happens to like watching a reality show LOL Or is it considered stalking? Anyway, love Ikea too.

    1. No I think I should keep away like I have been doing

  31. Consider me a less tolerant Miranda...Isn't it choir night? That will cheer you up. Just remember bragging on Twitter is so creepy and uncool, Greek Islands or not.

    1. Yes it was choir but I was too late as it was another meet up and distance singing in the grounds of the village hall... I didn’t quite enjoy the distance singing , it was hard

  32. Lizzy D is right...Twitter is creepy and uncool. I bet you have many more real friends, and ones that go back years and, importantly, you have the dogs!

    1. The have been with trendy carol today and have been spoilt rotten

  33. I'm glad you're wise enough to know to forgive yourself. And what are the Greek Isles compared to the comforts of a village that embraces you to its Bosoms, and the adoration of 1200+ followers? I'd rather come home to muddy boots than an expensive tan.

    1. I last went to greece with nuala in 1995..we had a blast x

  34. Well Karma is a Bitch and it will bite him on his backside, in spades.
    You actually have a wonderful life now, which is all you're own doing. You might want someone, sometimes, but you sure as hell don't need anyone.

  35. You have the heart of gold that many men and women would love to have in their lives. Sometimes others are threatened by that and it makes them look shabby in comparison. I know nothing of your ex-spouse and have no interest in him. You need no one to make you.
    You are the one John Gray. The one and only you!

  36. Anonymous7:19 pm

    Supercillious, bragging toss-pot.
    I thought it then, l know it now....
    I wanna come to lkea with you and your friend, eat hot dogs buy things called 'plob' and 'ulta', giggle like girls and be earthy, and grounded and have fun and return home to animals that love you and people that care about you and not give a fig that you are wearing crocks in the street, ha!
    Tess xx

    1. I had them on today
      My new blue ones !
      I looked fab lol

  37. Two words for Twitter: Donald Trump.

  38. We all have a natural curiosity but it's best to avoid checking up on the ex. I too believe in Karma!

    A trip to Ikea is a wonderful thing to do! Did you say you found a new sofa???? What fun!

  39. I'm reading back to front so know that you had a fabulous day, not much to add to the conversation except to say that Debra said it best.

  40. I read that fact about Sex and the City years ago and loved it. I loved that show, Stanford Blatch was my favourite character.(I quite liked Aidan too but for very different reasons). It's difficult not to read about ex's but you are genuine and loved by many xx

  41. I read that fact about Sex and the City a while ago and loved it. Loved the shoe, Stanford Blatch was my favourite and Aidan (for different reasons). Checking ex's social media is tempting I bet. Know though you are genuine and well loved xx


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