
Me and chic Eleanor out for a small jaunt at The Crown 
As played by Russell Crowe and Nicole Kidman

I think we are all in need of a bit of froth
Time for a parlour game

Today's game people is simple
" In The movie of your life , who will play you ? 
As a young version of yourself 
As the older version of yourself" 

Be as inventive as possible !

  but I am feeling better this morning. I'm still tired and have a nagging headache but I do feel brighter.


  1. I thought you were poorly? This seems to make light of the terrible situation some ill people are in right now. Have you just got a cold then?

    1. Well Ann
      Arnt you talking a pile of crap!!!
      I am so sorry to disappoint you by not being more poorly than you wanted me to be
      I'm feeling a bit better today though still feel a bit tired..anyhow
      How on earth am I being respectful by initiating a game?

    2. Well mave I was slightly surprised that Ann seemed genuiningly disappointed that I felt better today! Lol

    3. Some people !!! When I wrote about my friend Amar who had posted a vid from his hospital bed, troll said, well he can't be that ill if he can post to social media. Jeeeeez.

    4. Anonymous10:40 am

      Prolonged stress interferes with bodies immune system being able to fend off illness. But Ann finds it wrong not to only concentrate on the terrible situation.?! What an unhealthy and negative attitude to have and expect others to have. We're fortunate that John and most people look for what's positive and find light hearted ways to brighten our days. -Mary

    5. I am close to tears with antagonizing ann and her unnecessary comment.Would she rather you just slit your throat John?My mum and several of my family had dreadful diagnoses and we still laughed.Also a lady with cancer in the same bay that I was with in hospital when I had appendicitis and another lady who had just been raped and had been damaged so so badly she had her bowel removed whist I was there etc and we sang and laughed and played games.One evening I called across to the lady with cancer" let's play that who would you like to invite to your dinner party?"-we all enjoyed and made the best of things.The nurses and the Sister were pleased we were having fun x

    6. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    7. Ursula the last person I would want advice from is you. My comment to John was indeed innocent but I now realise I could have worded it better. I have the utmost regard for John and didn't intend to disrespect him. However for you judging by your past comments on this blog I have no respect for you whatsoever.

    8. Priceless Ann - just priceless!!

    9. Oh Ann - I've just seen your reply. Good on you for coming back we all word things badly sometimes x

    10. John I'm sorry my comment appeared as "a load of crap" I could have worded it better and I hadn't intended to disrespect you. I blame it on having been up most of the night with a loved one who has Alzheimers Disease. As most nights. Tiredness can make even the most rational mind totally awry. I often read here but make few comments and perhaps I should refrain from commenting in the future! I'm glad that you are improved this morning, if you do have Covid-19 then I hope it will be mild and you're soon completely well. I have every respect for the work you do, in my eyes anyone that works in a hospice situation is to be applauded Our health system would be a sad place without hospice facilities. My daughter is a front line NHS nurse and today had to leave work as she has a temperature. As she has asthma this is very worrying. She'll be tested in a few days. Keep well and safe.

    11. You have no respect for me "whatsoever", Ann. That's fine, and is between between you and yourself. Doesn't justify you kicking me in the shin for trying to give you some moral support.


    12. Ann
      In retrospect i could have phrased things better
      I think emotions are running high so I think it's understandable you thought I was being frivolous.
      To be honest I wanted to be frivolous to lighten the mood and to make us all smile a bit
      Thank you for getting back here
      And thank you for not letting Ursula Hijack the post again
      It was brave to get back
      And I hope your family member is ok....
      Let's all re group today, rest if we need to and laugh if we can
      John xx

    13. Ursula
      A lesson for you me thinks

    14. Ann, is there anything you would like to add to having a father with Alzheimers and a daughter working on the front line as a nurse with asthma with a temperature? Perhaps something like she is a single mother springs to mind.

    15. John, assuming that the teacher is worth listening to I am always happy to take a lesson on board. Keeps me on an even keel, wind in my sail where others throw babies out with the bathwater and then wonder why same have drowned.


    16. Rachel is right, Ann if u need any further support
      Please say
      Or email

    17. Anonymous7:31 pm

      Ann,please accept my sincere apology for criticizing your attitude. I applaud you for coping with as much as you are, and for still being gracious enough to come back here to help us understand your state of mind and emotions. I hope you find time where you can to rest. - Mary

    18. I've only commented here once before, but I had to laugh (now the exchange resolved peacefully---good on Ann!) and wanted to weigh in"
      the question was, Who would play you in a movie? and the above exchange, with some changes, would be a screenplay.

      I don't know the characters well enough to assign actors, but it would be a great scene in a film, showing the sort of misunderstandings and short tempers many of us are experiencing during this Pandemic.

      I always wanted Philip Seymour Hoffman to play me in my biopic... But he had to go and die. (I am female, but that wouldn't have been a problem for him.

      Glad you're feeling a bit better, John. A friend of mine has "the Rona" and has just been tired, tired, tired, for 12 days now.
      Hang in there!

    19. John - a heartfelt thank you.

      Mary - thank you.

      Rachel - I think you've read my comment wrongly, I didn't say it was my father with Alzheimers, I said it was a "loved one" and in fact it's my husband, not my father. Also I don't understand why you would think my daughter is a single mother, I certainly didn't imply that. She is in fact happily married!

      Ursula - feck off, and that's from someone who doesn't usually swear.

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  2. First of all HOW ARE YOU??????!!
    Secondly - when I was young my first husband (always a bit of a flatterer) used to say I looked like Jean Simmonds. Now, alas sixty years later maybe Glenda Jackson or even Katharine Hepburn.

    1. All beauties when young even Hepburn
      I'm feeling brighter today pat. Still tired but fine

    2. Still no test results?

  3. The younger me will be played by Morph - as created by the late great Tony Hart. The older me will be played by Jacob Rees Mogg because I'm also a stupid twat.

  4. Good to see you are still feeling chipper.
    When I was younger I was told by a work colleague that I looked like a young Elizabeth Taylor (flatterer).
    Now I suppose it would have to be Bette Davis.

  5. Helena Bonham-Carter for both.

  6. Maybe i was a bit like zooey deschanel. Now, probably more Susan Boyle

  7. Unlike Ann, who no doubt wants a blogging friend to be right at deaths door so she can boast about knowing someone with Covid-19, I am very happy to hear that you are feeling brighter and are initiating a game.

    I have no idea who could play me back in the day or now, but I've been told by previous men friends that I had the attitude of Alanis Morrissette and vocabulary of a drunken sailor. No wonder I ended up married to a sailor!!

    Who DO YOU think could play me now - we've met, you know what I look and sound like.

    Keep feeling brighter ... it was that lovely, delivered to your door cooked dinner what did it ;-)

    1. Kudos to Ann who came back on with an explanation. We are all guilty of saying the wrong thing or wording something badly sometimes. Only the best people explain and apologise. ♥️

    2. Well said sue
      And a lession for me not to always jump back so quickly x

  8. I am not a film buff so I couldn't even guess. Whoever plays me would need to be shy and quiet as a child, and gobby and gutsy as an adult. With a streak of softness of course. Probably a tart with a heart.

    1. That would be Shirley MacLain in La Dolce Vita! LOL

    2. I've got that perfume and I love it Marcia x

    3. Anonymous4:29 pm

      Worzel Gummidge?

    4. Strangely I described him to my neurologist when asking for help with my walking as it's Aunt Sally at times.Unfortunately he is Greek and wasn't aware of her at all x

  9. Younger version......Jay Silverheels (Tonto in the series 'The Lone Ranger')

    Older version........Richard Gere

  10. Thrilled that you're feeling a little better today John! :-) Not that I look like either of them but I would have liked Rachel Weisz to have played me when I was young and Cameron Diaz to play me now I'm more mature only because I saw her on Graham Norton and thought she was hilariously funny! x

  11. Anonymous10:44 am

    I'm so glad you are feeling less poorly and much better. May you feel even more chipper tomorrow. Bless you John. Everyone, please don't be too hard on Ann, we are all vulnerable during this time and it's good to remember that most people are coping the best way they can. Hugs.

    1. But let's get everything into perspective too xx

  12. I'd be a younger Reese Witherspoon, but I'm morphing now into a middle aged Judi Dench.

  13. younger - drew barrymore
    older - kate hepburn

    sorry to hear you still have your headache, luv. more rest and a hot toddy for you!

  14. Unlike Ann, I'm happy to read the news that you're feeling a bit better and I DO hope it's not Coronavirus after all. Sorry, but I'm stunned by her childish response. I'm reminded of when I was in 2nd grade and got hit in the eye with a snow ball. Grit had gotten in my eye and my vision was in that eye was awful, so I was sent home and to the doctor who rinsed my eye. When I went back to school completely well the next day, one of the girls was annoyed and snarled, "Blind man can't see no more!" What!?! Anyway, I usually avoid commenting like that. SO... glad you're doing better. I have no idea who would play ME but the first thing I thought when I saw the photo you shared was: "That woman looks just like Nicole Kidman!" and "When did John's hair get so long?"

  15. glad you are bouncing back John, I want to join your game: actress for younger me: Phoebe Waller-Bridge (Fleabag) and older me: Joanna Lumley (cos we have to grow old gracefully)

  16. Anonymous11:06 am

    Younger version Sally Fields, older one Jane Seymour. I hope you feel completely well in every way soon, John. Thanks for brightening my day with thoughts that make me smile.
    xx oo - Mary

  17. Lovely to hear you are feeling a bit better. I thought that was you not Russell Crowe!! should have gone to specsavers....

  18. Glad you're feeling better!
    And for a moment I thought that WAS indeed you, though. LOL
    And because movies are fantasy, why not Dev Patel and Kumal Nanjiani? A boy can dream...



  19. The younger me would be a young Carol Burnet, the older version would be an older version of Carol Burnet or maybe Lily Tomlin.

    So glad to read that you are feeling better, John. That is my good news for the day. You nurses are our angels and we will never forget what you have all, very bravely, done for us all. Bless you, dear John.

  20. Anonymous11:45 am

    Tess Harper. 20 years ago I was stopped at an airport and a man asked me for my autograph. He became angry because I wouldn’t admit that I was Tess Harper. Unfortunately, as we both have aged, we still look alike. We both gained a few pounds. She played Jessie’s mother in breaking bad. Denise

  21. Young me, Stig of the Dump- I was a seriously grubby kid, always digging in mud and searching for treasure. Old me, Would like it to be Dawn French ( In her larger days), more likely to be John Pertwee as Worzel Gummage, I'm still digging in the mud but my hair is now truly wild! Glad you're feeling better x

  22. Glad to hear you're on the mend. My mum used to think I looked like Jenny Agutter so perhaps she could play me both now and then? Although I'd like it better if I looked like Penelope Cruz!! Keep getting better xx

  23. Jaimie Lee Curtis, young and old. A girl can dream:)

  24. Lynn Marie12:02 pm

    God love you, Ann. I bet we all have had someone like you in our lives at one time or another. You've given me my laugh for the day. Hopefully you've given John a laugh too.

  25. Nathan Lane, young and old.
    Fabulous and funny!

  26. If he weren't already dead it would be Roddy McDowell. As a child people remarked that I looked just like the boy in Lassie and in later years in New York I would sometimes be mistaken for him.
    Keep feeling better.
    Cheers Peter

  27. Big smile on my face to hear you're feeling better than you were.
    Young me - Jessica Harper (Phantom of the Paradise) (I SO wanted to be like her when I was a teen). Older me - dreamworld Emma Thompson. Reality - Doris Hare (On the Buses)xx.

  28. A younger me would be a younger Jim Carrey, like The Truman Show or Spotless Minds. Older me IDK maybe Jim Carrey still if he removes the beard and cleans up the hair.

  29. Young would have to be Kami Cotler (Elizabeth Walton from Walton's Mountain) and I think old would be Kathy Bates. In between you might want to go with Bryce Dallas. You've got to rock the red hair.

  30. When young : Bambi
    Now: Winnie 🤣
    Good to hear you are feeling a little better John. XXXX

  31. Oh John, so pleased that you're feeling better. I do not understand vexatious people, nor will I try. I try to bless them (through gritted teeth at times), and move on. If you've seen "Fried Green Tomatoes" I was definitely the character of Idgie (Nancy Atchison). Banged-up legs, forced to wear frilly dresses and hating every moment of it. An older version of me is Dame Judy Dench - fun, wise, strong, witty. Stay well, John, and thanks for the fun game!

  32. Dame Maggie Smith as in 'The Lady In The Van' when older, younger god knows

  33. Young version Paris Hilton, Older version Joanna Lumley only because they are both blonde lol. Nice to see you posting hope your feeling better.

  34. Ooooo this is fun!

    Winona Ryder young version
    Sophia Loren older version

    For me it's go big or go home with this LOL

  35. Old me: Tom
    Young me: Jerry

  36. Younger: Bette Davis (I'd love to kiss you but I just washed my hair)
    Older: Betty White
    Glad you are feeling better!

  37. My young self would have to Danny LaRue
    My old self dear...Dame Edna Everage.

    Although currently I've gotten alot from people I remind them of Neil Patrick Harris. The mind boggles.

    1. NPH? no way; you are the one and only maddie!

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. Patty Duke in her twin version, Cathy, only because of Cathy's introspection. I was not as urbane. I don't know about the adult version. When I once used a facial recognition app to find dopplers for fun, it kept pulling up photos of Boy George! But without the beard, please!

  40. This comment has been removed by the author.

  41. Hayley Mills, young me, followed by a cross between The Singing Nun and Fleabag, old me.

  42. Oh John I am so relieved you are better today. I’ve been worried and even had a dream of you being ill. I hope ‘Ann’ can work on her compassion deficit. Young me: Grace Slick from Jefferson Airplane. Current me: The Queen. ❤️❤️❤️

    1. Grace Slick! Yes! (I always felt she should’ve been cast as the Acid Queen in ‘Tommy’ despite Tina Turner’s terrific effort)

  43. Anonymous2:04 pm

    Glad you are doing better!

  44. Glad you are feeling better John. My godfather used to say I looked like Jackie Kennedy, in the sixties, now I think I am more like Brenda Blethyn! Either being Vera or Katy in her new show!!

  45. As a school girl some said I looked like Marie Osmond.As a teenager possibly a non singing Amy Winehouse.More recently a cross between Chrissie Hynde,Joanna Lumley and Mrs Overall,Bette Davis as Valerie has mentioned but in my case "Mr Skeffington"with the clips of false hair dropping off-skipping along as Dorothy along the Yellow Brick Road with my Totos x(I think the magical sprinkles of love may have settled on you as you slept last night John)x

  46. Two names popped into my mind . . .
    Emma Thompson
    Diane Keaton
    Damn Ann . . . not nice!

  47. This comment has been removed by the author.

  48. Such good news you're feeling better. Young self, Elizabeth Montgomery, old self, Madame Arcarti, as played by Margaret Rutherford. x

  49. Barbara Anne2:41 pm

    How marvelous that you're feeling better!! Can you take some pill(s) for that headache?

    Hummmm .... young: Alanis Morissette
    older: Alanis Morissette
    Except that my eyes were blue when I was young and now my eyes are green. Her eyes are brown.


  50. Young version - Miss Piggy
    Old version - Julie Walters
    Hey John, I'm so glad You're feeling better xxx

  51. Anonymous2:48 pm

    Used to be Bridget Jones (Renee Zellweger) and now, Edina Monsoon (Ab Fab) - no details, the transition years are a bit of a fog.

  52. So relieved to know you are feeling better ... all the positive energy sent your way had to have helped!
    Younger: Doris Day
    Older aka Now! My own Mother ... not at all famous, but when I look in the mirror ... well ... I see my Mom.
    It's snowing in S. Colorado again today! Stay well!

  53. young me .. Elizabeth Taylor (got the pictures to prove it). Old me .. Nora Batty (sadly also got the pictures to prove it)

    1. Lol at Nora Batty... loved her.

      Jo in Auckland

  54. So very glad you're on the mend!! Best news I've heard in days.

  55. Heather3:11 pm

    John, glad you are not feeling too bad, rest and chill.
    A young me, Lena Headey, older me Sally Field...
    ....then I wake up and put on my glasses :)

  56. Young me: Dorothy Dandridge. Older me: Queen Latifah. I feel that they could capture my essence, if I had an essence. It's my fantasy and I can have whoever I want!

  57. So glad you are feeling a bit better!
    As for the game...
    Younger me = Linda Cardellini
    Older me = Maggie Smith

  58. John, I am so glad you are feeling better. Take care and continue to mend.
    Younger me...Goldie Hawn
    Older me....Goldie Hawn LOL
    Joyce in Indiana

  59. I'm still concerned, John. No pub for you! [wink] Thanks for Monday morning smiles for us. Id be played by Diane Keaton, young and old.

  60. In the early 80s I was ardently pursued by an older woman who thought I was the spit of Paul Nicholas then acting in 'Just Good Friends'; felt a bit weird - the excitement was all hers. As for now, I still have all my locks but no idea who I look like. Yes, definitely a Russell Crowe resemblance John. Nicole Kidman - no pashmina I'm afraid...

    1. The real Eleanor is more glamorous P

  61. Hmm that’s a difficult one - I’m five feet nothing and nothing like a film star - then or now. Then, I’ll go for Mia Farrow - that gamine look (well I had hair like hers anyway) and now? Ruth Jones as Nessa!

  62. Oh and SO glad you’re feeling more like yourself today x

  63. Younger me Kirstin Dunst, shy, girl next door type, older me Sarah Lancashire, slightly plump now and needing a good hair cut !!!

  64. Young me: Keith Carradine, old me: Vincent Price.
    Glad you're feeling better, remember to do some breathing exercises, wish you had a old incentive spirometer.

  65. Glad you are getting better. Stay in bed and rest all you can, spoil yourself. You are Russell Crowe's twin! When I was young, people said I looked like Diane Keaton (circa Annie Hall). These days, I'd say more a mix of older Diane Keaton, with a bit of Margaret Rutherford's Miss Marple around the edges.

  66. Young me, Kathy Burke, old me, Miriam Margolyes.

  67. Glad you're feeling a bit better.

    Young me Emma Watson: bookish smarty pants know it all
    Older me (now) Sandra Bullock: don't need a man to have a kick ass life

  68. Young-Julianne Moore. Old-my mother!! glad to hear your feeling a little better today.

  69. Really glad you're feeling better and good to see you posting. Younger...Ruth Jones. Older Germaine Greer. Humour and sarcasm and a good brain. [Mad cat lady aspect is optional]

  70. Anonymous6:51 pm

    Old me-Kathy Bates

  71. Anonymous7:07 pm

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  72. So happy you are feeling better. This is a fun topic to discuss. I would choose both the younger and the older Sally Field for me. I was much like her in Gidget and The Flying Nun when I was young and like her still in some of her later movies. Keep feeling better John!

  73. Sorry you have a headache; glad you are feeling better and more upbeat! As for the game, Young me = Helen Mirren Old me (Now) my Dad about 20 years ago!

    Jo in Auckland

  74. My young self a young Jerry Lewis (just think, Dean Martin would be my partner😍.) My old self, Jack Lemmon (in which case I'd end up with Walter Matthieu--no wonder I'm a grumpy old man.)


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