Friday Thoughts

Trelawnyd  has a what's app support group that is coordinating the work of the street wardens who are caring for the elderly and the needy of the village during lockdown.
The group is run by Velvet Voiced Linda who clearly knows, quite naturally, just how to organise and manage an eclectic collection of people and from what I can see, apart from some expected challenges the group,is functioning well.
A separate warden social group has been started , which is more of a chit chat group between villagers and the Affable despot Jason, can often be found here posting humourous  and often ribald videos that entertain the troops.
Last night I watched a discussion develop between several of the village women .
Each one recounted how they came to live here, whether through birth or by accident or design and their thoughts made for rather moving to Wendy the Gop, Tracy Soup, Bunty, Well Street Bridget thank you for a good read....texting words and feelings is such a powerful thing as we all remain on our own miniature Cottage islands.
The clap for the key workers came loud and strong last night with air horns, saucepan bashing and Cameron the boffin's drumming adding to the din and it looks as though we will have a further three " claps" yet before lockdown is reviewed
Next week I'm going to ask if I can ring the Church bell
Our sister village of Gwaenysgor rang their Church bell last night and we can't be outdone

I am lucky.
I am back at work tonight and am working day shifts next week.
My uniform is ironed already


  1. Well, you can't let Gwaenysgor outdo Trelawnyd -- you MUST ring your church bell too!

  2. Ring those bells loud, let people hear that they are not alone,

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. YP, that sounds SO nasty! but I know what you mean. hope you are well. :)

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    5. OOps, I'll delete my reply incase I've upset him :(

    6. I just thought I'd join in with the deletion epidemic .... don't worry folks John will still be able to read them all :-)

  4. hopefully they will let you ring the bell, john. the flowers above are lovely.

  5. It is so interesting how differently a close knit community handles things. There is no community spirit here.

  6. For Whom the Bell tolls.

  7. You can't be outdone by Gwaen--yg-ord--thingy.

    1. There has always been a gentle rivalry between the two villages

  8. wish we had a network like yours, we are friendly in our street though and when we come out to clap we chat at distance and wave for a minute which makes us feel a bit united

  9. The sound of church bells ringing stirs up quite powerful emotions.

  10. It sounds as though the village of Trelawnyd, as well as no doubt lots of other similar places, are going to come out of this knowing so much more about each other and being an even more tightly knitted community. There are some benefits.

    Ring those bells ... Trelawnyd cannot be defeated by Gwaenysgor. Ooh spell check doesn't like that one!!

  11. Our neighbour over the road plays his melodeon...he is so good but hadn't touched it for a few years.
    He is caring for his wife who has dementia and won't step outdoors...but she does step just outside for this and waves

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Because I can't spell and am a dolt today .. sorry!

  13. So So happy you are back to work... Thank you for what you do ...

    Jo in Auckland

  14. if you ring the church bell have someone make a video so we can see and hear it?!

  15. Onward and upward. After reading through your Cast of Characters, I have to wonder what nickname you might have landed on me if I happened to live in Trelawnyd. Friends have always found it hard to find a good nickname for me, but I know you'd manage it!

  16. The bells, the bells


  17. Still no claps from around here. They must either not care - or are suffering in bed with the v. And you know what? I'm not sure I could give a flying fig about them either!

  18. Barbara Anne2:17 pm

    Oh, I do love hearing about life in your wonderful village!

    I second the motion for someone to video or audio clip you ringing the church bell.

    Enjoy being amongst your fellow humans tonight while at work!

    Lovely flowers ...


    1. SpikesBestMate3:01 pm

      I second all your comments here, Barbara Anne. Wouldn't it be a great sound if church bells and hand bells rang out in unison across Britain.

  19. Living next to a cemetery I see a lot of funeral processions daily.
    Now I see people in ones or twos spaced out looking through the railing. It is so sad at times. But needs must.
    People are still having the big cars and beautiful flowers though.

  20. Happy you are back to work, you recover quickly, don't you. Could you hear the bells from the other town? How lovely to ring the old church bells, so...medieval.

  21. We had a whole range of pots banging, triangle, drums and car horns tooting as well as clapping in our street last night. Every week the numbers grow and we all wave to each other from our socially accepted distance. It's rather moving :-)

  22. Don't forget your mask we still worry about you -

  23. I love the church bell idea. We should do that here! (Not that I've ever even set foot in the church.)

  24. Yes! Ring the bell! Maybe someone can record it all, not just for us but as a memory for the village!

  25. Yes the applause is growing here too John - as time goes by I think we are all so overcome with the efforts of all the NHS Staff (and I am including you in this) - shots we see on TV of how it is in hospital brings it home to us just what it must be like.

  26. Loud applause for community. And for you because you remind us just how valuable it is. Thank you.

  27. Yes definitely ring the church bells. Glad you're fully recovered.

  28. Each week people here are showing their appreciation in larger numbers.There was the hand clapping,saucepans banging,tambourine player,drum banging and a horn somewhere.Next time I shall rattle my drum rattly thingy that I used when walking my dogs in snake areas - and Do Ring your Bell John good and hard x

  29. That's exciting news. Imagine, back to work and on days. Beautiful flowers too.

  30. So good that a great bass drum was added to the din, and yes, you will get permission to ring the bell!

  31. The church bell was rung here too and most of the street was out clapping. Theres rainbows in most windows that the kiddies have drawn.


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