
Blogging is much more labour intensive than instagram and twitter
I've just realised .......#dumbbastard
This I what I would have twittered today
  • I must be getting used to lockdown because I now realise that The Archers are now not on a Friday night.# duh
  • The aquilegia are flowering in the front garden and I've only just's not like I have been away on holiday or anything.#pissboringcomment
  • I've just bought myself an expensive new wallet on line.....what possessed me ? I think I have been watching too many reruns of Sex and The City ....#who do I think I am ?# Fucking Carrie Bradshaw...# Sarah Jessica Parker #silly money
  • Someone I kind of know told me they found me attractive yesterday...I don't really believe them#postdivorceblues
  • What am I missing most at this moment of the lockdown ? An empty cinema and a good afternoon film #irony#I lovethestoryhouse
  • Our Hospice has just had a gift from a local school PPE visors # thankyou Ysgol Y Creuddyn #really???#REALLY????
  • Trump allows some Florida beaches to open #arsehole
  • I made myself a fruit salad for my supper tonight as the more than welcomed food parcels from  the village have played havoc with my underware waistlines #fatbastard
  • Was going to record PhamtomofTheOpera on tv last night but realised I had already seen it on Broadway # gayboyshowoff
  • Big up to Vikrim who sorted my life insurance out whilst he was working from home today# aviva good service #bad compnnection# hetoldmetostaysafe
  • Caught Winnie showing walkers down the lane her " poorly" leg but was in fact showing them the wrong one! #fatbastarddramaqueen

What would your twitter comment and # follow up be today!!!!!!??????


  1. productive day at home (#ohlawdwhenwillthisend?). made quiche for lunch, organized my recipe clippings in manila folders, knitted, did some work for my employer at home.

    you ARE attractive, not a fat bastard. and your co-workers are looking good in their PPE gear.

  2. #essentialWorkerandpooped.

  3. I just dusted off my sea shell collection. #notaeuphemism

  4. I love Winnie- she is such a character. I love to hear about her. I just made fabric masks today for my loved ones even though I know they do absolutely nothing to keep them safe. Maybe the love sewed in will help. Take care dear John-I love to read about your life.

  5. Cleaned the crumb tray in my toaster today! #toomuchexcitement

  6. Still trying to catch up.
    Love the school made you "Masks" !
    Three calls from the Doctor, Oh Dear !

  7. "It's amazing how a solid day's work can improve your #quarantine mood. #WFH #FinallyFunctional #TGIFF" (Thank Gawd It's Feckin' Friday!)

  8. Ha! I love this! you got the hang of that twitter thing, only you're not nearly angry enough. everyone on twitter thinks the world is ending. also, i'd believe the one who found you cute.

  9. Read your post #alwaysentertaining

  10. Twitter is over-simplified messaging for morons #realdonaldtrump

    1. I like it YP #BlameitontheECTx

  11. Barbara Anne4:04 am

    Sewed 5 quilt blocks (#luvmyseamripper)

    Never use Twitter either (#toomuchbotherfornotmuchatall)

    Hugs actually!

  12. I spent all day yesterday sure it was Wednesday, so I'm very confused how Friday got here. So what else is new?

    1. I sent my husband to pick up our curbside order last Friday. He called me, trying to disguise his irritation but not quite succeeding, saying, "Linda, this woman tells me they don't have an order!" When I checked the order, I suddenly realized what I had done. For clarification, I asked, "What day is it?" The "woman," apparently standing near the open passenger window, started laughing and called out, "It's Thursday, April 16." Fortunately, my husband, being the good guy he is at heart, started laughing, too, and cheerfully made the trip again the next day. (I'm immuno-compromised, so he does the pickups.)

    2. I've having some existential angst, trying to figure out if I had 2 Wednesdays or lost a Thursday.

  13. I only tweet in reply to tweets of people I follow.

  14. I don't use twitter, I just mumble to myself.

  15. Wandering aimlessly around the house trying to keep calm,trying to be cheerful and dancing to the occasional advert on the radio or tv #get a fluffing grip #you're still alive #be grateful#talking to myself again out loud#bark bark bark #get a grip #hang on in there #the Sun will come out tomorrow x

  16. My sour dough is ready. #smug domestic goddess not. I cant get yeast so this is what I have to do.

  17. I'm watching 'Phantom' right now on YouTube [Thanks for prompt. I assume this was what you meant when you say about it being on TV last night] It's now 9.10 a.m. and this is available only for a few hours more in the U.K. - It's really looking and sounding terrific in the Albert Hall - certainly better than the disappointingly flat and heavily truncated film.
    Like you, I saw it on stage, in my case in London in its very first days, with Michael Crawford. Sarah Brightman had been indisposed that day [a small mercy for me] but her understudy whose name I've forgotten, though I'll still have the programme somewhere, was first-rate.
    Right - on with the show......

  18. Twitter is the not thinking man’s crumpet...#you tell me who?


  19. Nothing much happened. It rained.

  20. I can barely FB twitter is an enigma to me! #boredshitlesstidiedoutthefreezer.
    Does that work?

    Jo in Auckland

  21. Watched the rain all day, good for the garden #lazy old fart.

  22. You are attractive John!

    I know it's a very selfish thing to worry about in these scary times but I would have a moan that I'm desperate for a hair cut!! :-0

    1. Anonymous7:02 pm


  23. I cried #getabloodygripwoman

  24. Chin up, boobs out, smile on, crack on! #NHSworkerstandard

  25. Lovely video of our gorgeous 17 month old grand daughter saying proper words #missingisla

  26. Could Lincoln's Gettysburg Address have been tweeted?

  27. I want to do something but I don't know what #somuchtimetodostuffbutcantbebothered

  28. Oh dear, although I enjoyed reading this, I have no idea what it's about. :D

  29. I am devastated that The Archers is cancelled on Fridays. I would turn that into a tweet but I don't know where the hashtag symbol is.

    1. Anonymous3:05 pm

      On my device the hash tag symbol is in the row beneath numbers 1234567890,
      @ # $ - it's the second symbol there

    2. Well not on mine. It's hidden away in the special characters section, and I can't even find that. Just as well I don't have a Twitter account.

  30. Never used twitter - I'm a doddery old bat.

    1. or #I'madodderyoldbat!

      Jo in Auckland

  31. Moved my 2 bookcases into the living room and realised I'd read more in the evenings if a book was handy #lazycow #keepabookhandy

  32. Anonymous10:55 am

    I probably won't vacuum today. #Feeling guilty. #What else is new.
    BTW, Trump IS an arsehole, but it's the state governors who decide what is open or closed. Gov. DeSantis of Florida is also an arsehole. Carol in Philly.

    1. If it's GOP aka Republican, then it's an arsehole! If there's an R after its name, it's an arsehole! Marcia in Colorado

    2. Anonymous11:15 pm

      Agreed. I should have clarified that DeSantis has an (R) after his name. Carol in Philly

  33. Over an hour for introductions for an online meeting #talkingstick

    There is a tradition in some native American cultures, that the person holding the "talking stick" has the floor and can't be interrupted until they yield the talking stick to the next person.

    I bought a really expensive wallet a couple of years ago, and no one ever notices. #Alligator

    1. I’m still using the wallet my parents gave me. They died in 33 years ago. #wheredoesonebuyawallet

  34. When looking through the pantry for tahini to make a tahini lemon sauce for the beets that came in this week's CSA box, I thought I was in luck. I found a jar. Then I saw that it had expired sometime in 2016. #graduallycleaningoutexpiredgoods

    1. #Iwouldhaveprobablyeatenitanyway!

      Jo in Auckland

  35. Well, I'm not on Twitter, but I could certainly do with a good film at an uncrowded cinema. Or even a crowded one.

  36. We have a very large collection of arsehole politicians in the USA, but luckily some decent politicians, too.

  37. #winniesnotasgreenasshescabbagelooking.

  38. No, no, no! Stay with the blog; Twitter is the work of the devil!

  39. My second grandson was born on Thursday and went home on Friday. Everyone doing well so I am thrilled.

  40. Don't twitter.#cantteachanolddognewtricks

  41. Tweeting that much is exactly the same as blogger, except in bits. My tweet (from experience) would be "Twitter is crap".

  42. I tried Twitter very briefly but I struggle with the idea that flinging brief comments out into the world is at all beneficial. They're too short for nuance or true communication, which is why all people do on Twitter is fight.

  43. Spent hours reading blogs! #lovetowastetimewithmyblogs
    (you can tell I don't tweet!)

  44. When we had sheep, Ella was the flock leader as she was the tallest and also had a brain. One day she was limping on a front leg. We checked her over and found nothing. We began giving her glucosamine and chondriton crushed up in some grain. She loved it so much she didn’t want to lose this treat. One day we noticed she was limpong on the wrong leg. #notallsheeparestupid

  45. I don't do Twitter. #Twitterisanidiotmagnet #therealdonaldtrump #wasteoftime.

    Why is the donation of the protection gear a "#really? #Really?'' Is it not useful?

  46. We have those masks at work too. #stylishppe

  47. Anonymous9:19 pm

    #madechickensouptoday #delicious #definitelycute #noquestion #believeit

  48. If you're going to twitter, John, I'm afraid I won't be following. Do enjoy your posts, as you know.

  49. Anonymous11:09 pm

    No wonder the postal service is having problems. I mailed a *really dumb book* to another blogger in Wales that I thought might give him a grin and I don't think he ever got it.
    #stupidbookanyway #postalservicestinks #whatwasithinking #heyho

  50. #cashierswearmorePPEthanthis nurse

  51. Twitter doesn't allow for any style.


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I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes