....and Finally........

I didn't feel quite right this  morning but washed my face, brushed my teeth and hair and filled Bluebell with dogs early to go Christmas Shopping.
I had arranged to meet a friend in Llandudno for coffee and so paid a visit to Mostyn Gallery to buy some gifts, then took the girls into the hospice to visit a patient.
It was almost lunchtime when I caught up with my friend and after flat whites I walked to the West Shore and after letting Winnie amble v e r y s l o w l y, I sat on the low sea wall and let the dogs congregate  around me with their backsides pushing against my hips and feet.
My phone pinged
I thought it was my friend with a witty wise crack but it was an email notification
The email was from my mortgage building society's legal team
They told me blandly that from tomorrow I will solely own the mortgage on Bwthyn Y Llan
Ok I will be 70 until it's paid off,
Ok , it's going to be a bloody struggle
but from tomorrow the cottage will be mine, in my name only!

The four of us sat there leaning forward in the wind
And not for the first time this year.
I had a good cry
My first positive one of 2019


  1. Great news. Happy Christmas now to you and yours.

  2. John, I'm 70, and my mortgage won't be paid off before I die. Don't sweat the pay-off, just enjoy the years.

  3. You are not the only one struggling at a time of life when we all expect things to be under control - and I say that not to diminish your feelings but to tell you that you are not alone. We all must keep marching forward, and sometimes it helps to know we have company. Hugs to you, my friend.

    1. No, I'm grateful today not sad.......
      .........yet !!! Lol

    2. Ah, I misinterpreted :) Well, that's all right then, good tears are okay!

  4. No matter the age, paying off a mortgage is always a good feeling no matter the age. I was 69 when I paid my mortgage off and it was such a relief.

  5. Good news indeed! Enjoy that feeling and for Gawd's sake stop that crying.

  6. Nice to have it in your name; now you are free to do what you like with it, it's yours!

    1. Yes.....I've would have paid him off too !

  7. ...a lovely setting for such liberating news. Onwards and best foot forward John. Julie Wood

    1. Thank you Julie .....perhaps we can meet up in 2020 xx

  8. Great news, John. An English mans home is his castle!πŸ˜€
    All the best for the future. Xx

    1. It's a small castle but tomorrow it's mine x

  9. great news, you deserve to have everything you want. Instead of wallowing youve picked yourself up and reached the summit. If I was you I would be very proud. Much love for Christmas and wishing you a brilliant new year. Onwards and upwards lovely man xxx

  10. Welcome to this 'club', my friend.

  11. Great news.......and just one tiny step to go x

  12. Yay and congrats, you did it!

  13. Hurrah! You love your cottage and now will love it even more. I am so glad this happened before the end of the year!

  14. Anonymous5:32 pm

    So pleased for you John, you've finally turned the corner. I'm sure we all hope that 2020 is going to be a much better year for you. xx

  15. It's a good feeling isn't it? So very pleased for you - the feeling of security is good . I wish you and your lovely fur babies all the very best for Christmas and the new year. One step along an exciting and interesting and challenging new life . Well done .xxx

    1. At one stage I felt I was being forced to sell and all I was really worried about was the dogs and Albert

    2. I was so glad for you, the dogs and Albert, when you didn't have to sell.
      All the best for the future x

  16. Happy you're feeling better, pal. And good on ya' for turning that corner. Happy holidays.

  17. I understand how it feels. It must be a relief for you after all the months of uncertainty. Xx

  18. Lynn Marie5:41 pm

    Congratulations! Curious if you can prepay mortgages without penalty over there? I pay extra each month when I'm able. Sometimes it's a couple hundred $$; sometimes it's only $5 or $20, but it's delightful to watch the interest decrease and the principal increase every month.

  19. The Great New Year begins with a bang! Congratulations! Forward with hope and joy.

  20. Barbara Anne5:42 pm

    Glory be!!!!! At last, at last, the cottage is YOURS - and Albert's and Winnie's and Mary's and Dorothy's.

    Time for a happy dance!

    Hugs :)

  21. Hooray hooray hooray, the best news. I am so happy for you, John. x

  22. Great, a corner finally turned for the new year!

  23. Replies
    1. I've been chasing this up for so long it feels odd it's finally here

  24. What lovely news, and hopefully the turning of a corner and positive start to a new decade.
    I can imagine you sitting on the sea wall, surrounded by love.
    Blessings dear friend,

  25. That's good news - bittersweet too, but still good. It would be too sad if you'd lost your so idyllic cottage. Oh, and 70 is no age. xx

  26. Anonymous6:06 pm

    What a magnificent early Christmas gift for you , the girls and Albert ! I am ever so happy for you . Really, only thing richest people receive something worth so much as gifts, you behaving as rich in the gifts of love and caring you bestow makes you more than deserve to own your place. -Mary

  27. That's wonderful news an early Christmas present, you and the animals can now settle knowing you are safe , I am sure it will be a struggle but so worth working for .

  28. Brilliant news, if I had enough ribbon I would wrap st bloody big bow around your cottage. Your home is your own just in time for Christmas. Congratulations ♥️πŸŽ„πŸŽ€

    1. 'wrap A bloody big bow' πŸ₯΄

    2. Thank you sue
      Thank you for your support

  29. I'm a 74 year old single old woman and still pay mortgage. The bank said I had three more years to go. I have a small bungalow that I love so I was upside down during the housing crisis but kept paying my mortgage and didn't dump my mortgage like most people did. I'm no longer upside down and building equity. I hope you get over your sadness soon. It took me about five years and now I'm fine. I can think about the other person and it doesn't bring me to tears. Happy holidays.

  30. Yeah!! So glad that part of the process is settled. Now if that damn decree absolute would get its butt in gear you would have a great start to the new year!!

    1. I doubt that will happen before 2020

  31. Fantastic news John. You give so much joy to us all, so glad you have some for yourself. Jax

    1. It's been a better day despite watery farts

  32. Absolutely fantastic news!!

  33. Not only do you keep your home, but you stay in the village - where you've made so many friends and been such a good friend to so many. Don't worry about the future, enjoy the present - I hope 2020 is going to be a really good year for you.

    1. I want 2020 to be a happy year. No great dramas
      No great sadness
      No illness
      No tears

  34. Wonderful news, it is yours, all yours! Well done my friend. XXXXX

  35. Anonymous7:02 pm

    Very happy to hear your good news... sole owner. You’ve come a long way, baby! May the New Year bring blessings of love & happiness to you.
    Take care,
    Cali G

    1. I feel I'm back were I was before I met Chris
      20 years ago!

  36. Congratulations John! I remember the feeling so well and it was over 20 years ago. After so much misery, it was finally mine...to do with as I wished. Your home and safe haven is finally securely in your name. 2020 is going to be a wonderful year for you! X

  37. Replies
    1. I was waiting to feel relief
      I was just surprised x

  38. Wonderful, wonderful news. I hope all your tears in the year(s) to come are happy ones. Yes, I know that is unrealistic, but I still hope for it.

  39. So pleased for you and your animals, I hope that the decree absolute follows soon for you. Alison (Shropshire)

    1. I hope so too.... I suspect it will be the new year now. Doesn't everything official shut down. Tomorrow"?

  40. Good news, John! I'm happy for you!

  41. Anonymous7:40 pm

    Good news indeed. Now you can make a few forward plans without the worry and uncertainty of where to live and be able to call home actually home.
    Get thinking about writing for profit, try that writing course maybe next year, with my heartfelt wishes for better times ahead, friend never met!
    Tess xx

  42. We usually fill our car with petrol... are dogs cheaper :-)

  43. I am so very happy for you. Merry Christmas and may the New Year hold many wonderful things for you.


    1. And to you Constance ! Do you know my first bulldog was called Constance ?

  44. Glad it's all yours now as you have made it your home. Hopefully its a turning point for you that things are starting to look up.

    1. Let's hope so. I want some closure this Christmas

  45. That's a great relief John - and just an idea but perhaps you could allow us all to camp in your garden throughout the year in our tents for a bit of extra money(just a compost loo required and water tap - just a thought) x

    1. Not all of us. I flatly refuse to shit in a bucket to help John pay the mortgage. If he wants my dollars he has to pay for them like any self-respecting trick 😁

    2. You've done worse mave!!!

    3. I've turned down more 🀣

    4. Yes butt it would be like at Glastonbury Mavis,I'm sure some of John's friends here are musicians and then there's The Choir and the gorgeous one-if you could just overlook the loo arrangements it would be lovely x

    5. Flis your romanticism almost swept me away.....and then I remembered I have a stone cold heart.

    6. Nooo Mavis- I'm sure not- it defrosts occasionally- before it hardens up again x

    7. It hardens a lot flis

    8. Calm your erection John

  46. Really pleased for you. So great to be sure of your forever home, after a tough year. All the very best for 2020 and new endeavours - you're an amazing bloke!

    1. I've made my mistakes
      And made them in my marriage
      But now I can walk away with my head held high

  47. How wonderful! Congratulations!

  48. Good morning John (it's Friday morning here in Sydney), you now have a home to call your own for you and your furry children. The last 18 months have indeed been very taxing, on all fronts. May be your various bouts of ill health are a rΓ©flexion of that. You mentioned the dogs pressing against you as you sat on the seafront promenade, I thought of all the people you follow your blog, and dare I say, have come to care for you very much indeed.... all those people are sitting around you and pressing them against you. To tell you that you are very much loved and cared for and appreciated. Catherine

    1. Beautifully put and you are so right

  49. Congratulations! The best is yet to come. Better to be 70 with it, than 70 without it. And a lot can happen in the next 20 years.

  50. "and let the dogs congregate around me with their backsides pushing against my hips and feet".... Unconditional love from your pack...priceless John. I wish you a truly merry Christmas x

    1. I am working suzie but it will be lovely i am sure

  51. Now you can breathe

  52. Wonderful news John, congratulations.

  53. Congratulations John, such great news for you and your fur babies. There is nothing better than your own front door and the feeling of security. Hope 2020 brings you joy and happiness. Sallyann x

  54. Huzzah, John. I'm doing the 'happy happy joy joy' dance for you. Merry Christmas!

  55. Just in time for the New Year, great timing. Onwards and upwards!

  56. mortgaged til I'm 85; 20 years to go. CONGRATS on owning your own home; father xmess is good to you.

  57. Yorkshire Liz10:37 pm

    And this day and that moment, will stay with you forever. The moment you reached the summit of a bloody big hill and could see the other side. Valleys and heights and sunshine.

    You deserve no less.Your great news is a Christmas blessing for you your four legged family and your friends. Brilliant. So shine on!

  58. Super news ,at last your day is coming John. Go forward now with those gorgeous pets and all the best for 2020 to you all in your own home.x

  59. Great news for you and all the pack! All the best and much happiness moving forward into 2020.x

  60. Well Merry Christmas to you :)

  61. Anonymous11:51 pm

    Reading this gave me goosebumps. I keep hearing "I'll be home for Christmas" as I read. Just lovely.

    Annie V

  62. ho...ho..ho... Merry Christmas!

  63. Hurrah--so happy for you! Merry Christmas! xo

  64. Anonymous3:03 am

    It's progress, hard won, tough year, but progress. Hope you are feeling a bit better. Cwtches.

  65. What fantastic news! I am so very happy for you John. A well deserved early Christmas present. Merry Christmas! (Hugs)

    Jo in Auckland

  66. Fantastic news John the key to your own home a safe haven for you and the dogs and Albert. Good on you a toast to the New Year and time to make new memories.

  67. ❤️ What great news! Merry Christmas, John,

  68. Anonymous4:10 am

    Good to hear. Some inflation and higher wages should see you pay it off more quickly.

  69. What wonderful news to end the year

  70. Congratulations John, now that will be a Merry Christmas! Greetings from Perth, Jan

  71. Congratulations John, the cottage is yours. All the more precious because you almost lost it. x

  72. Absolutely fantastic news John, dare I say I cried as well:) Hey ho♥ xxxx

  73. Hi John I think it's your birthday today, if so Happy Happy Birthday dearest John♥ xxx (another Capricorn born on 22nd Dec) We arrive in Glossop on that day:) Love to you and Janet and fur babies ♥ Linda in Oz xx

  74. Morag8:04 am

    Great news. I remember the feeling of relief when the mortgage passed into my sole name and I knew I could stay put. I'm sure without the stress of waiting for this confirmation of security, that your health will now improve.

    All the best to you and doggies and Albert for a happy Christmas. xxx Morag ❤☃️������❤

  75. Aaand relax.....x

  76. Good on you John. It is great to have some good news, and that you and your little family get to stay in your peaceful cottage.

  77. I guess this is the definition of 'bittersweet' congratulations on your ownership. I remember when I bought my first house asking my father what I would do if couldn't pay the mortage, his answer was 'well at least you will have had it, enjoyed it and lived the moment' who knows what the future holds, you could meet a rich sugar daddy.... :)

  78. Most people fill their cars with petrol but you fill yours with dogs. How many miles can you get out of a tank full?

    Good news about the house.

  79. I hope this is the first of many good things headed your way!

  80. I am so pleased for you. You can start 2020 in a new mind-set now.

  81. Anonymous11:09 am

    Really happy for you John. I've also got a lot of financial stuff to sort out since my husband died but am slowly getting there Anna

  82. Very happy for you, πŸ’

  83. Congrats on your HOME being YOUR home!

  84. Congratulations, and Well Done!

  85. A great big congratulations from Texas!

  86. Happy for you and the crew. Best wishes for more happiness in the new year!

  87. Anonymous1:10 pm

    You gave us all a lift this morning with your wonderful news. You are loved by so many people. We worry when you are sick, we are sad when you are sad and we are so happy when life is going in a good direction for you and you are happy. May you have many, many moments of happiness in 2020, and good health. Patricia (Canada)

    1. Exactly what I wanted to write.

      2020 will be your year of equilibrium and joy, I just know it.

      Happy ChrisHanuKwanSolstice from the north shore of Long Island.

  88. Moving onward and upward into this new chapter.

  89. Brilliant news, very well done and hope you feel better soon! Still reading and enjoying your blog and I wish you a peaceful and healthy Christmas x

  90. What wonderful news! Im so happy for you, the girls and Albert.Have a wonderful holiday season and may your home be filled with all the happiness you deserve. :)

  91. Smiles and happy hugs all around! Now you can relax into the season of lights and not worry about your animal family. I understand that worry. Best always,

  92. Lovely John. I'm so glad.

  93. Yessss! Onward and upward and only the best that life can offer you in 2020!

  94. A bit late catching up with this excellent news!��


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