" Do you know that you have a turkey on your head?"

"No, I don't, but if you hum it , I'll play it......"

The cashier at the supermarket caught my eye
Unfortunately he' s not the one I've got a teenage crush on !
I studiously ignored his hat
But he still said wearily " Don't ask!"
" Chin up & tits out!" I told him in my best supportive voice
And he beebed through gifts for Chic Eleanor, Sailor John and Mandy , Mrs Trellis and others
Without further ado
I've cried off the hospice Christmas meal at the posh Empire Hotel in Llandudno tonight as I still don't feel 100%

I'm going to spend the first night as sole owner/ occupier of Bwthyn y Llan In front of my fire 


  1. I am so happy that your cottage is now just yours. Congratulations and one thing less to worry about. x

  2. Grand. Just grand. I shall raise a glass of grouse to you tonight. All the best. X

  3. Not a bad way to close out the year. It was a confluence of emotions for me....pride of ownership, fear of the weight, ache of doing it alone. But now, 4 years in....it's all good. It all has worked itself out.

    I hope it works that way for you too....or even better.

    Happy Holidays John Gray (wonderful man, teller of stories, fabulous nurse, owned by dogs, friend to many, scotch egg lover, sweat pants wearing, owner of one adorable cottage).

  4. Stay in with the dogs, have a drink, and watch something silly on TV; it'll do you the world of good!

  5. Anonymous3:55 pm

    John! I have been remiss in following your adventures, but wanted to pop in to say...hearty congratulations on the realty milestone; I sure hope your digestive system gets back in order in time for a large holiday feast; and I didn't realize you had a Christmas card contest going, but one is winging its way to you anyway, totally unsolicited and probably late. Ha! I hope this last bit of good news is a turning point for a positive 2020. Hugs, Alison, aka Flartus, aka Miss Chef's Wife

  6. A good plan, owner of all you survey... spoil yourself.


  7. Watch for chillblains 😉

    1. Mavis-I recall my dad used to rub my mum's x

    2. I think the advent of central heating pretty much made chillblains an archaic affliction. They're only really seen in the aged folk who sit in front of their fires.

    3. My mum said hers were caused by wearing stiletto heel shoes all year and sling backs-she also had bunions-looked a bit like Marina in "last of the summer wine" x

    4. Have you taken after her in any way? 😝

    5. Sadly no,she was always trying to get me glammed up a bit.I do think she enjoyed my preparations during the 70s disco era-she liked that x

    6. Anyone would. All that big hair, glitter and flares. I was a child in the 70s and remember being awestruck at my mother's preparations before going out looking like a star. Fond memories x

    7. "... aged folk who sit in front of their fires"

      Yup, that sounds like John

  8. Enjoy your evening in front of the fireplace, Lord of the Manor!

  9. Barbara Anne4:04 pm

    Oh, the header and that next line - bad joke, brain hurt!

    Sorry you had to miss the posh Christmas dinner, but if not feeling good, it was a wise decision. Besides, your get to survey your very own kingdom from the best seat in the house ... unless Albert or one (or more) of the dogs is/are in that chair!.

    I'd never seen a turkey hat before today.


  10. So,pleased that you have got your own fireplace settled.xxx

  11. I'm having a rather difficult time lately keeping up with my blog reading and did not know you were sick. Get well soon.

  12. Oh that sparks off the hackneyed jokes.
    Excuse me, did you know you've got a turkey on your head -- response: Urgh!
    Excuse me, did you know you've got a turkey on your head -- I'm sorry I can't hear you because I've got a turkey on my head.

  13. Anonymous4:25 pm

    You've come through that dark tunnel and out into the sun! What a year - may 2020 be that full of blessings! Merry Christmas to all, and good health, too.

  14. I sincerely hope that you bought something suitably tasteful for Mrs Trellis and that you pushed the boat out to purchase her gift.

  15. Have a nice evening by the fire, put on a bit of telly and put your feet up (don't ask where!) x

  16. You have had such a tough time, I know is such an understatement !, however please take some time out to celebrate that you now own your home. thank you for your continual blogging despite everything you have been through xxx

  17. Relax, enjoy, rest and heal. Other wise you might find yourself infested with turkeys on your head.

  18. Anonymous5:20 pm

    God, your evening sounds purrrfect. I am envious. Just remarked in another blog that I wish I could be in a pub across the pond with the fire going and a dog at my feet, and here you are planning on being home with fire & pets. Have a good weekend.

  19. "sometimes on the way to a dream- you get lost and find a better one"(a new sign I bought recently) x

  20. Heidi5:34 pm

    Really glad to hear your good news John, I hope you bought yourself something scrumptious for this evening too. Have a lovely relaxing evening, you deserve it.

  21. That poor cashier was required to wear the turkey headgear? I feel for him.
    Enjoy your night as Lord of the Manor - and get better (completely) soon.

  22. Relax and enjoy your evening in...Works 'do's can be jolly but stressful.
    That turkey hat takes the biscuit!

  23. Sounds like an idyllic evening John, I love the quote from flis above.

  24. Off for a early night xxx

  25. I missed yesterdays post so congratulations on owning your own home! There are some strange sights in supermarkets these days, you have to wonder who thinks them up! Hope you feel back to normal again soon. x

  26. Yorkshire Liz8:45 pm

    I know the definition of a perfect milestone evening when I see it. Perfection. Allow a little time to remember what smug feels like. Just for a little while before that early night.

    Now so you need is Scotch egg and an egg nog....

  27. Ah, and now he's a housing baron. Enjoy it, John.

  28. Anonymous9:56 pm

    It is a form of humiliation forced onto low paid workers.

  29. Congrats to you for hanging in 'til the cottage became yours. You'll always have a place to keep your hat even if it takes forever to pay for it. Cheers!

  30. in front of the fire, in your home, with those that adore you. not a bad outcome. feel better soon!

  31. Congratulations! I'm very happy things worked out for you. Hope you are feeling better soon.

  32. All of those "firsts" are tough but once you have done it you are stronger for it and the next year will be so much better/easier.
    My husband died, that Christmas was hard, I moved from NY to Florida , where my mom lived...and my mother died.
    I am considering moving back to NY and hope no more loved ones will die
    You have your home and the pups..Wishing you all a Merry Christmas 💕

  33. I like the turkey hat. Hope you enjoyed the evening by the fire and that you’re feeling much better

  34. Poor man having to wear a turkey hat! Fantastic that you can sit by YOUR fireplace, and have your dogs gathered around. Sounds just about perfect to me. Hope your tum feels 100% before Christmas. Congrats John. xx

    Jo in Auckland

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