The Games We Play

Every few months I send my nephew a DVD through the post.
I pretend the DVD is an unwanted gift from a friend who gets them for nothing.

My nephew is a robust fifteen year old who often sees the world in a concrete way and I don't want to be seen to be buying his affection or attention, especially as he lives so far away.
Hence the minor  subterfuge.

By " passing on" a film, we open up a perfunctory chat on what's app about film review, films loved, films hated and films to come.

It's a mutual beneficial communication

Today I sent him Stan & Ollie, which is perhaps an odd choice for a teenager to choose, but reviewing some of  stand up slap stick moments online, it's easy to realise their appeal by an all age audience.
I am sure he will enjoy it.

I've slept too long into the afternoon after night shifts, so have dragged myself into a sunny day after opening my back door to a cloud full of butterflies that suddenly seem to love the flowering buddliea I planted by the kitchen wall.

My troll, ( the particularly vitriolic one of two days ago) will be apoplectic today when I tell them I am off out with my family tonight and am having supper and then seeing an out door theatrical performance of A Midsommers Night Dream 
How lucky am I!

Hey ho


  1. Enjoy your dinner and outdoor theater, John! You and your family will enjoy spending time together. (Love the subterfuge with the nephew.)

    1. I am blessed with a family I actually like

  2. Enjoy John. Glad things are on the up x

  3. Laurel and Hardy irritate me and make me laugh in equal measure! Enjoy your evening - sounds wonderful! When you get a chance can we see some pictures of the flowers around the cottage? A cloud full of butterflies around the buddleia sounds delightful. :)

    1. I left the back door and two courting cabbage whites danced around the kitchen for an age

  4. Walking through butterflies, that's a blessing you can't buy or prearrange.

    1. It was a brief but rather sweet moment

  5. Lots of butterflies on my tomorrow post and I'm left wondering what an apoplectic troll looks like!!

  6. i am scared to death of butterflies. i don't know what it is about me but they attack me. this has happened all my life. maybe i smell like a flower to them though i sort of doubt that. they are ugly bugs with nice clothes. glad you like them though!

  7. How very fucking dare you have a life, and rubbing salt in the wounds that life has beauty.

    Love you Ho x

  8. Finding things to enjoy regardless of whatever else is going on - now that's a skill, and something your troll didn't seem to understand. Have a great time!

    1. My troll has an IQ smaller than their shoe size

  9. Anonymous4:44 pm

    I planted milkweed and have monarch butterflies in my yard. Love to watch them dancing in flight. My mom when alive, was very frugal and never wanted me to spend money on her. Very independent. I would always buy her what she wanted ... but would always tell her everything was “on sale” ... or free. Lol. Enjoy time with your family! No trolls allowed!

  10. That's a great way to keep in touch with your nephew, who knows how that relationship will matter in years to come. Theater in an evening's open air, good for you!!! Enjoying your own life sets such a good example, John, no doubt some readers could use ideas about how to cope when life has not been all sunshine and roses. Stay well and smiling,-Mary

    1. Keep on walking foot in front of the other x

  11. I think the troll probably is the arsehole in his own family and is jealous when someone else is close to their own. Go and have lots of fun.It's nice to know you are loved, and the subterfuge with your nephew is just wonderful. You are a good guy.

    Joyce in Indiana

  12. oh sounds like a lovely outing. Glad you are getting out and about.

  13. Re-gifting is a polite way of disposing of odd gifts that someone gave you.

  14. How special to open your door to see so much beauty right away. We have not seen that many butterflies this year.

  15. Such a nice connection with your nephew. Only one or two butterflies seen in my garden this year but on a walk along a stream today I stopped to watch three beautiful iridescent Damselflies.
    Such a great play to see out of doors.... Enjoy !

    1. Shoshana2:44 am

      I must confess I read that as damn selfies and can't stop aughing/

  16. I feel even happier for the butterfly fest knowing that you will continue to enjoy the delights of all you've planted in your lovely garden.

    1. It's a mess at the moment, before I start work at the hospice I intend to get it ship shape x

  17. Well, tha cat's out of the bag now, if your nephew knows you have a blog! Excellent forecast tonight...have a good one.

  18. Our buddeliea was covered with peacock and red admiral butterflies this afternoon, I can't rememeber seeing so many before. Enjoy Puck and Bottom.

  19. I miss having a butterfly bush/ Bet the cottage looks lovely with all its flowers. This morning I went foraging for blackberries and saw Peacock butterflies and small copper butterflies in the wildlife area the city has created alongside the river. It was nice to see so many. Butterflies signify freedom John. Maybe Mother nature is putting on a fabulous display for you to give you pleasure and peace. Enjoy your Shakespearian evening. I will have to get to our local Shakesperian production at Tolethorpe again soon. I first saw the Players when I was 16 in the grounds of the George Hotel in Stamford. It was a Midsummer Night's Dream performed on a night such as tonight. Hope you have had a lovely time. Pattypan xx

    1. Thank you.
      I'm not a fan of Shakespear but this performance with its bawdy ways and youthful actors made it work

  20. Barbara Anne7:12 pm

    Oh, your description of the "cloud of butterflies" near your back door paints a lovely word picture.

    Who doesn't enjoy Stan and Ollie? These days, I appreciate them in small doses but I'm always up for Monty Python.

    Hope the play tonight is a joy.


    1. I adore my buddliea , I have 5 in the garden

  21. I'm sure your nephew will enjoy Stan & Ollie, you are broadening his horizons:)

    1. It was his choice Ann. He gave me a long list to choose from x

  22. I was taught when I did night shifts that the best thing to do was finish the shift and then do what you normally do, shopping, go for a walk etc. Then have a good meal, a glass of wine or two if you want and then go to bed, get 6 hours sleep and wake up and go to work. That way you do not oversleep, spend all day in bed, get grumpy etc.

  23. I love the nephew story, very cute.

  24. I guess nephew doen't read your blog? What a perfect evening plan, have fun! [I remember seeing Shakespeare in the Park performances in NYC's Central Park, when I first lived in the city, that long ago summer...what fun it was! And a picnic and wine, no wonder I fell in love with now-ex. But--good times.]

    1. No he doesn't . It would bore him. As it turned out , the evening was rather enjoyable

  25. Passing on he movies is a great way to both have an interest in common and give him a few to other things different to video games and the such. A little bit of cultural awareness does not hurt.
    And butterflies! Love them! A friend created a little bug/butterfly house in his garden and I’ve been thinking I should do the same in my balcony 😎


    1. My nephew has autism so sees things in a particular way

  26. Hey Ho...and yes, lucky beyond reach.

  27. Sounds like a fun way to stimulate conversation.

  28. Did your nephew already have an interest in films or did you plant the seed? What a great thing to have in common to talk about.

  29. I used to love Laurel & Hardy when I was growing up (and no, I'm not that old) so maybe he'll enjoy it. My nephew sees the world in a very concrete way, too.

  30. I love your new troll approach! I sent this dvd to my brother. He knows I pay for all the dvds I send but he doesn’t care. I have slowed down though. He expects me to send several a year but hasn’t “had time” to watch half of what I’ve sent him. Apparently he has a life, too. Don’t tell the troll


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes