Cafe Culture

The delicate clematis that borders Meg's grave is in bloom and it and the few Hardy tulips that survived the rabbit raids of winter have given the front garden a little lift of colour.
I went to the Community Association's coffee morning yesterday.
If I hadn't gone I wouldn't have spoken to anyone until my Sams shift yesterday afternoon.
Mrs Trellis was upset at her table  as her greyhound Blue was at the vets under observation. He had gashed himself on some barbed wire. She's a big believer in homeopathic medication.
But Homeopathic meds don't help rusty wire injuries
I took some old DVDs in to the swaps table and chatted to Ian and Nick from the association.
They are resurrecting the Flower Show this year with my guidance

I went to my favourite cafe for lunch. The cafe is called The Glass Lounge and its single, round faced waitress/barista reminds me of Helen Hunt in As Good As It Gets.
I sit at my usual table ( very much like Mr Udall) and so read because the service is usually very pedestrian to say the least.
Now I like this.
I like the fact the waitress is unhurried. There is absolutely no sense of urgency about her and although everything seems to get done, you can be waiting an age for anything to happen.
Like I said, I enjoy this. I enjoy watching others get impatient
I enjoy their unheeded glances when their flat whites are late
And I like the fact that when she eventually comes to my table she doesn't indulge in small talk
She won't be rushed, and I so like that .
I people watched for the two hours I was there.
A gay couple at the next table hated the service but said nothing. They didn't speak to each other either, preferring to play with their phones.
Beyond them was a lady with a disabled husband, both of them were reading the papers and beyond them a man with a dog. The barista brought over a bowl of water which I thought was nice.
when I had my first meeting with my divorce mediator, it was in this cafe.
The barista brought me over a bottle of water when things looked fraught which was kind.

I wanted to weed the garden this afternoon but I'm on nights again. This in and out isbuggering up my body clock
Hey ho


  1. People watching can be fun. I find my self being less rushed, more patient as time go by. It is kind of nice, my parents never did develop patience.

  2. Is that clematis 'Blue Bird'? I had one but when the arch blew over it finished the clematis off and sadly, I've never found it again.
    I'm on nights tonight and a jumbled up week it is too. There's no hope for me, my body clock is permanently screwed up. Hope your night shift is not too bad.

  3. I love the fact that cafes and pubs accept our dogs as well, always a nice gesture when they bring water for our creatures. And for those in dire straits with mediators! X

    1. It increases footfall so it makes sense

  4. What a lovely cafe! Perhaps they should call it The Lovely Cafe For Patient People And Thirsty Dogs.

  5. I love watching people get impatient with slow supermarket or bank queues. I feel like saying for goodness sake just chill.

    1. Becareful saying that some readers may think you are a psychopath lol

  6. I like the sound of that cafe. Beautiful clematis.

  7. If I were in that cafe drumming my fingers and wondering why the hell the waitress was taking so long, I would look across at you and shout, "What the **** are you looking at beardie!"

  8. Barbara Anne1:58 pm

    "Go placidly in the world, remembering what peace there may be in silence ..." What odd things come to mind before having my coffee.

    The Glass Cafe is my kind of place, no hurry, nice food, and interesting folks to muse about.

    Hope the nights will be placid, too.


  9. We do our jobs and we either let it get to us or we accept it with peace or resignation or complete necessity, in order to be OK. I like the idea of being ok with whatever it is I must spend a good part of my life doing in order to enjoy whatever it is I choose to do outside of work.

    1. "Oi, John's body clock, it is as it is. Accept it!"

  10. I watched As Good As It Gets on my flight back from Sri Lanka only because I hate flying and watched 3 films one after another. I don't like Jack Nicholson and I believe he only has one act (a bit like Hugh Grant) but I enjoyed the film and thought he was good. I like people watching too although more and more I don't bother because I find I am enough!

  11. Slow service is fine if you've got that time to sit and watch the world go by. But if you're working and out getting lunch in your lunch hour that's the café to avoid.

  12. Waiting can be a very enjoyable time. I am glad you know how to do that and I love the observations.

    1. Her slowness has taught me to be also slows down my thoughts

  13. Yes John, I agree - living alone it is important to speak to people throughout the day otherwise a whole day can pass when the only conversation is with one's dogs. That looks a nice cafe and sitting there people watching is an interesting occupation.

  14. Love that clematis.....i never can keep one going. It seems our harsh winters always get the best of them. Sweet looking cafe. And so happy to hear that the flower show is coming back...good mentorship John. Hope your shift goes well. Mardy 🇨🇦

    1. I hope so too, I've just slept three hours before getting ready for it

  15. I hope you can soon be assigned one single shift.
    I have a cousin only a year out of school. The hospital she works at won't hire extra folks. If someone doesn't come in, the staff has to work double shifts.

  16. And the flowers are beautiful..

  17. Sometimes just getting out and having a coffee away from home can be rewarding. After a really tough week here with workmen in the house, I'm ready today to get out and have a barista make me a nice cappuccino perhaps while I people watch!

  18. I hope you don't have to work nights indefinitely. My wish is that you are able to find a day job that pays well that you enjoy. x

  19. By now you are probably on your night shift. I hope it was a kind one. I saw this on instagram and think this is the new way you and Mary should get up and down the village...

  20. I’m not an impatient person .... I have no problem if things take a while and love to sit at a table and observe what’s going on .... not critically .... I just find the whole coffee/eating ritual very pleasant.
    Your garden always looks so pretty whatever time of year .... your Montana will be out in all its glory soon. XXXX

  21. I see the difference between Cafe Culture and Cafe Society. I like Cafe Culture ... and I like your patience and taking pleasure in the wait (and observation).

  22. That's a very pretty, light and bright café. Is that right in your village? I always picture your village as very small and quaint.

  23. Nice story telling John lovely to sit in a nice relaxed cafe and people watch and imagine what their lives are like, especially this one because the large glass window allows for a nice outside view as well.
    Glad that the flowers show is still on and I'm sure your input is much appreciated.

  24. I hope you enjoy working on the flower show. Get some rest, dear man!

  25. People are in such a hurry. I hate seeing people walking around the town / supermarket with their coffees !
    Cafes have been my therapy recently after I left my job, that and lovely walks.
    People watching is great !

  26. I thought the Glass Lounge had closed down! Have they reopened it? I hope so, I loved their bacon butties! X

    1. It is an illusion that it is closed. If you watch long enough you will see that the girl moves.

    2. Hey Rachel, The staff in there were slow, but not quite 'that' slow!

  27. I like your chatty posts, it reminds me that life goes on whatever happens. Thank you, sent with love from me to you.

  28. OMG people watching in a cute little Cafe? Yes, please. The gay couple on their phones is a staple.


  29. I have to admit that slow service drives me up the wall. I don't expect to be served instantly but I do expect not to be hanging around twiddling my thumbs for 20 minutes. The slowest service I ever had was in a vegetarian restaurant in St Ives. Jenny and I were waiting well over an hour for our main course. This seemed to be the standard routine but oddly enough nobody else seemed bothered.

    1. In Russia service is very slow and a party of people say 4 or 6 people will all be served at different times so the first could get their meal after 30 minutes and others could wait over an hour by which time the first have already finished. This is taken as totally normal and no apologies offered or, it seems, expected. Anybody still waiting asking where their meal is is taken as totally mad and why would they be asking. Russians themselves, of course, do not ask.

    2. I think that's what's now got a whole new intellectual seal of approval as "slow food".

  30. I could 'people watch' to the point of distraction. I find most people very interesting.I have learned to be aware of no eye contact due to some unwanted acknowledgment and chatter.
    My Nana's mantra was'Patience is a virtue'.

  31. We have that same clematis in our garden and it is my favourite. It's so pretty and delicate looking.

  32. Sometimes at the Van I just down tools no matter what I'm doing shout over to Suky 'coffee and cake' and she gets all excited ... she knows the meaning and the way ... and leads me the five minute doggy walk round the corner and we are in the local garden centre/gift shop/ restaurant that serves brilliant filter coffee with complimentary little squares of flapjack. It's a break from the day and a people watching delight.

    I love the un-hurriedness of some people and am trying my best to emulate it.

  33. Sometimes unhurried service is a joy, and sometimes it's annoying. It all depends on the hurriedness of the customer, I guess!


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