
Not much to report today
Another case as last night's shift fucking up blog entries
I need another job or to be adopted by a gay aging millionaire with a heart condition and no living relatives


  1. Wonderful,have just looked them up and found more on Spotify, thank you for sharing.
    Wish I could conjure you up the rich gay millionaire, you deserve one.

    1. Any reading can apply here

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. I'd rather shag a millionaire

    4. You might be disappointed. Millionaires are not what they used to be. Inflation.

    5. As long as they survive 24 hours after the marriage I don't care

  2. We'll keep our eyes open for you, John, here in Nova Scotia.

  3. The engagement and enjoyment was evident in every one of those South African faces and how wonderful to see young people of different races singing together in what was once an inherently racist nation.

  4. So you can be bought for a peanut after all.


    1. I'll leave this little waspish comment for all to see, again you make a fool of yourself by trying to validate to yourself that I am such a nasty character

    2. Good thing to leave the odd comment up.

      I do wonder why U bothers.

      Hope Albert is completely recovered

    3. He remains stiff....but came for a walk with me tonight

    4. If we are totally, completely honest Ursula, how many of us would not marry an aging millionaire for a day? Although there is one hetro aging toff in the UK who keeps advertising for a breeder - perhaps not!

  5. I am learning that ecumenical choirs are a larger tradition in British culture than I ever knew. Most choirs I know are church-based.

    Perhaps if you entered private nursing, you could hunt down that gay millionaire. My brother-in-law has moved in with us, and is working a night shift, as well as odd jobs on the weekends. How does he do it all? He's in his thirties, that's how!

  6. Oh yes as a fellow shift worker I know the feeling. Get yourself some happy endorphins down the gym is my advice (and possibly find a very fit millionaire!)

  7. that song just made my day! if you find and extra one of those gay old millionaires can you send him my way?

  8. Thankyou for sharing..a wonderful joyful performance from the International Eisteddfod in Llangollen I presume?

  9. Thanks for the post. I love this song.

  10. You and me BOTH John (Not a gay guy... perhaps) But I always say that I need to be kept by a aging millionaire with NO relatives at all. Maybe a Bi-sexual and we can share him?
    Ruth in Oxnard CA>

  11. 24 hours, in most US states they just need to live through the I-Do's. There was a case in Tennessee where the groom died on the way out of the church, and the court ruled in favor of the widow. The last time I checked there was still one US state where you can be married by proxy, you can sign a document allowing someone else to say I-do without you needing to be in the state.

  12. A travelling companion/private nurse position would be perfect for you except for your lovely family of fur babies. Thanks for the uplifting music!
    Joan in Michigan

  13. Never let your job get in the way of blogging!!

    Wait, I think that's backwards ...

  14. Beautiful music, thank you.

  15. Barbara Anne11:51 pm

    Chillingly wonderful as my chill bumps prove! Ta for sharing this amazing song and equally amazing choral group.

    As for the available and open-hearted millionaire, he'd be all the richer for finding you and the fur babies. May you and someone who deserves you find each other in this wide world.


  16. An awesome choir - loved this African song but also opened the next video to hear the John Legend song too - what a beautiful group of gorgeous young people.

    Thanks for sharing this John.

  17. I'd adopt you in a flash, near-qualifying in a number of ways related to your demands - high blood pressure, a sister approaching 81, brother late 70s (+ another bro 70) with self at 72 - so may not be long before I might get to be sole survivor. All I need is the call from Camelot. ;-)

  18. John, please open a PAtreon account. Then people could give a small monthly or one off donation to you in appreciation of your work and our combined vested interest in Winnie and the others. Even if it only adds up to a few quid a month it would help xoxo

    Oh, a gay aging millionaire with a heart condition and no living relatives. Yes, the solution to our problems. I sometimes wonder what would be to Anna Nicole Smith our lives.
    Then I think about the sex and decide that I'd rather have him willing and able. I would miss a good shagging.


    1. That's what chauffeurs and pool boys are for!

  20. Don’t tell Jerry but I also fantasize about that aging millionaire with no relations.

  21. Years ago there was an ad in the local classifieds from a young woman seeking a rich man in his 80s...the clincher was the line ‘terminally ill okay.’ What a hoot!


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