
I will rehash my previous slightly ironic condemnation of the sultan of Brunei's decision to push forward the new stoning Law for any man who indulges in gay sex ( and for any straight couple taking part in an adulterous relationship!

Aparantly Brunei  is also known as an abode of Peace! 
In your face your face


  1. Some chick I used to wait on was part of a harem controlled by the Sultan's brother in the mid 90s. She wrote a book about her experience. It's called, 'Some Girls: My Life in a Harem'. It's an interesting read. The Sultan and his ilk are hypocritical scumbags.

  2. He does seem to like dressing in the clothes that Freddie Mercury would have dismissed as too camp. I perhaps wouldn't tell him that to his face though, deeply evil man.

  3. To see any part of the world going frigging backwards is very, very disturbing.

  4. I suppose it makes a change from beheading (Saudi Arabia); hung from a crane (Iran); firing squad (Hamas/Gaza); burning/buried alive/chucked from the top of a building (Isis) etc. Islamist = fascist.

  5. I mean, I have two versions - one from your abandoned post about some sort of holiday.

  6. dancing bears, oh my!

  7. Lisa R8:03 pm

    Which one was you?? Xx

    1. I wish I was all of them , I can't dance .. I have no sense of rhythm

    2. Lisa R9:28 pm

      Everyone can dance. It's all about finding your own rhythm. If you can move you can dance. Xx

    3. Lisa R9:48 pm

      Lol. I refuse to accept that answer!! Bet I could get you grooving. I love dancing. Makes me feel alive and unstoppable. Xx

  8. Anonymous8:10 pm

    Well at least the backlash will be having some financial affect. Hope it is more than, like you or l losing 5p, to the little dictator.
    Some of those costumes look a bit tight, might be some nasty chaffing after the dancing!
    Tess x

  9. Love the dancing bears,

  10. I for one have the deepest respect for you and everything you are xxxxxxx

  11. We've been experiencing the wrath of Muslim parent power in parts of Birmingham schools protesting about the introduction of books about same sex marriage. They couch it in terms of introducing the idea of same sex marriage to five year olds is making them aware of sex too early and will somehow make them gay. I keep thinking of the children who are brought up in loving same sex families and for whom life is perfectly normal being traumatised by the ferocity of the protests. I have just started writing my second novel and have deliberately introduced a same sex couple into my village to see where the story takes them.

  12. Barbara Anne4:08 am

    Tolerance is NOT enough as it can turn to intolerance.

    We're all equal and precious and a pox on those who refuse to see we're all WE. "They" are possibly from outer space.


  13. And any man with enough money will fly out of Brunei at the weekend to indulge in whatever fantasies they can muster. The same happens in Saudi.

  14. So sad that many people are quick to equate this with all "Muslims." It's ignorance and hate, not Islam.

  15. Is it wrong that I'm slightly turned on by those dancing guys?

  16. Yeah -- it's barbaric. Extremists of any variety, any religion, are dangerous. I was so glad to see George Clooney and Elton John take a stand against the sultan's hotels, but as one of the richest men on the planet I'm not sure he cares much. Here's hoping he does.

  17. Love the dancing pro wrasslers!
    Remind me never to visit Brunei.

  18. What a disgusting little man the whole world needs to come out and condemn him what century does he live in.

  19. I was just wondering if those men lost weight doing that dance.
    We all are condemning him.


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