
I've never lost anyone I love primarily to cancer
I know I will
This video blew me away


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. No more comments will be allowed...just this one

    2. This will judge you

    3. That speaks volumes!

  2. Do u know , I shall leave your comment undeleted as it will speak for itself
    You are such an odious and mean spirited character

    1. Not much for the reading comprehension either, is she?

    2. I thought she'd gone; sadly not.

  3. I don't think I know anyone outside of the blogosphere who hasn't lost someone to cancer. To one of the many cancers. A cruel illness and cruel treatment.

  4. Dammit! I thought you finally took us seriously about a go fund me type thingy.

    1. I'm still considering it.... let me have my next solicitor meeting x

    2. Go fund me takes a good size percentage, PayPal or bank transfer would give you more for your dollar

    3. If I get to dire straits pay pal it is x

  5. My Dad died of lung cancer... the last few weeks were surreal... and that's putting it kindly.

  6. I must admit I did not watch the video as I have trouble watching anything about cancer. I lost several aunts and uncles to cancer but when it slowly took my Mother at 66 and one of my brothers at 65 I could no longer deal with it. I stood by them as they dealt with the diagnosis, the treatment and everything else involved with dying from cancer and all I can say is that it is just plain evil.

  7. I have lost way too many dear ones to cancer, starting with one of my best friends in 1995. As we speak, I have four good friends who have it. One caught it quite early and will probably be fine. The other three? I do not have great hopes.

  8. So many family members, but especially my mother. May I die as nobly as she.

  9. My father at 67, and my dear sister at 58 (just last year) . It is a horrible disease.

  10. cancer took my gay uncle at age 38 in 1968. june 21, 2019 will be 30 years since I beat cancer. it's a fucking hideous disease!

  11. I have outlived four girlfriends so far. I hate cancer and it just doesn't care.

  12. Cancer is horrible.
    I would say most of us has lost somebody to cancer. Or know somebody who's lost somebody to it. It brings me to tears when I hear of kids with cancer, TBH.


  13. What a very sad tale. Somewhere along the line, it'll probably affect all of us. Still no cure.

  14. Couldn't watch the clip. Feeling very raw as it approaches 1 year.

  15. I can't watch these videos either. Both my parents died of cancers, both over 50 years ago. I was way too young to cope then, and I've never got over it. Too painful.

  16. As a cance patient myself, stage 4 terminal RCC I found this very hard to watch. Not because of my own impending end, though I have survived three years with the amazing treatment available today but the fear of losing other friends and loved ones. It is so very hard losing loved ones but as they say none of us gets out of here alive.

  17. My lovely dad was sent home with a stage 4 unknown primary, with a box if panadol from the hospice. He died after a painful and stressful 6 weeks. I miss him dearly.

  18. My father's last afternoon was like a scene from a horror film. I remember as if it was yesterday. It was 50 years ago.

  19. I had breast cancer in 1999, caught early, hormone receptor positive, so good result. Lost a cousin to it, then my mom had the same, but it had metastasized. HRP means she's still with us. Mom lost her last husband to a very aggressive brain cancer. Mother-in-law now has metastasized kidney cancer, undergoing chemo treatment and is on borrowed time. Friends, too, have dealt with it, some surviving and some not. Don't wish to sound morbid, but it eventually touches us all, I think. Medicine keeps advancing. Thankfully.

  20. Hi John, as you know my brother in Conwy died from cancer in January. Start to finish it was 4 weeks. I had to watch him going from having hope to the realization that there was none in the space of about 30 minutes and THAT was horrendous. The staff at Bangor Hospital were wonderful and I wrote to them to thank them for their kindness after his death. I give to ECSA (English Speaking Cancer Association) over here and actually organized a team boat in their dragonboat race a few years ago. Collectively we raised over 100,000 pounds! But it's a bastard disease! I suppose years ago people died from heart attacks or whatever at age 40-50. But since medical science has improved and those people now have a chance cancer is rearing it's ugly head more frequently it seems. Anna

  21. Three friends have died of cancer in the last 6 months. The last one was a week ago today. All of them had so much to give to their families, friends and the world.
    Fuck cancer.


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