
The weather turned again in the middle of the night and by dawn I could hear hail lashing against the cottage windows.
I had banked up the fire last night but the air felt cold and Mary, who had been shorn of her coat only yesterday, shivered and crept closer in bed, curling up under my chin.

I got up around 8 am
The village was deserted and wet and cold when we faced the day
I did see Polish Monika snug in her fur parka
She is the new caretaker of the village Hall and was going to open up
We chatted for a while...…... she's a sweet girl.
I feel brighter today despite the weather and as we passed Mrs Trellis' neat little bungalow and saw her head bowed over the keys of her piano, I thought it was a day for a mooch around a  musky bookshop

I'm now off to find one


  1. I hope you find a musky bookshop to mooch in! Enjoy your day and get well wishes for feeling better soon. x

    1. Im sat in a bookshop which only smells of new books which will do nicely

  2. This maybe more information that strictly needed, but ever since I can remember I have always felt as though I am going to shit myself after 10 minutes spent in a musty bookshop. I recently found out that old paper gives off a gas which produces exactly that effect on humans.

    1. A version of Pavlovs dogs that we were never taught in school

    2. H.I. occasionally rings a bell after dinner, just for the amusement of watching me shit myself. I had a strict nanny, but not as strict as Rees-Mogg's.

    3. Rees moggs strangled cats for fun

  3. Old books contain the wisdom of time, waiting to be released.

  4. I am in a library right now. It is very calming.

  5. Mrs Trellis is multi-talented. She's a hell of a woman isn't she? She could have easily been a concert pianist or even a film star. Was she wearing her bobble hat?

  6. Enjoy your book shop doings. We have a new shop near us called "Magazine Heaven" it is amazing! I never knew how many subjects had mags about them. My last purchases were about architecture, American quilting and crochet. I could spend the mortgage in there! x

  7. Would love to be in one of those old timey bookshops - as long as it's heated! Turned very cold here again and rained all of yesterday - we're on the third day of replacing the heating/cooling system in our 'cottage' and it's been freezing in side and out. Fingers crossed all will be completed by noon today and it will warm up. Next week much hotter so I'm sure we'll find out then how well the air conditioning works too.
    Winnie would like our 3 workmen, young, very tall and handsome! If I was younger I would too, haha!!!!!
    Hope you're feeling much better John.

  8. Of all the places I could choose to die in a bookshop or library would be very high on the list. I buy most of my books - nearly always second-hand - in stalls placed outside charity shops, and haven't been inside a library in getting on for 20 years. Strange that! :-)

    1. When I worked at the county library we did have someone die there, but in the restroom sitting on the toilet. Probably not how you are thinking.

    2. You're right, doing on Elvis in a public library was not quite what I had in mind. :-)

  9. That DOES sound like a fine activity for a chilly day! I love the image of Mrs. Trellis bent over her piano keys.

  10. I recommend City Lights in San Francisco, just off Columbus in North Beach. Lawrence Ferlinghetti turned 100 this year, the last of the 'beats'. My youngest bought a copy of 'Howl' when she was 10 and did a book report on it in the 5th grade.

  11. I enjoy your descriptions of your fellow villagers - I can picture the scenes clearly. Hope you enjoyed your bookshop.

  12. In my neck of the woods quite a few decommissioned BT red phone boxes have been repurposed as book depositories. A great idea, people who have finished with books can drop them off and people in need (well want) of books can select what they want.

    A long distance move necessitated quite a cull in my book department. It was nice to do a bit of restocking.

  13. Fewer and fewer bookshops where I live these days, musky or not. I miss them.

  14. At this moment I am reading Diary of a Bookshop Owner. When through, I will listen again.

  15. Anonymous3:43 pm

    There was one once in Liskeard Cornwall , about 15 years ago, owned by quite a young man but kitted out like Paddington Bear's Mr Grubber's bookshop.
    I always wanted to snuggle in a chair, order a hot chocolate to sip whilst perusing some vintage copy of a Hardy novel, whenever l visited it.
    It shut down, probably some god awful nail bar or similar now!
    Hope you find that little gem on your travels
    Tess xx

  16. Oh, nothing could be finer...

  17. Joan (Devon)3:51 pm

    I love old musky bookshops, Waterstones and the like just aren't the same.

  18. I’m selling good used books in the library today.

  19. Love a bookshop, old/new, doesn't matter :)
    Do you have a favourite kind of book to read?

  20. Massive hail showers here in the south... keep warm xx

  21. Hail/rain/snow here until mid-afternoon. Now unbroken evening sunshine but very cold.
    Wish I lived near enough to a bookshop to pop off and look round. Not the same looking at Amazon.

  22. Barbara Anne8:56 pm

    As I tried to post earlier (the robot thing wouldn't appear), am so glad you're feeling better and felt like going to the bookshop.

    Bookshops are a beloved and blissful place for me. I also like stationery, fabric, and hardware stores.


  23. I love book shop...
    have a great day

  24. I'm curious, is "musky " bookshop one of those malapropisms you wrote about recently? Musky for Musty? ''As adjectives the difference between musky and musty. is that musky is having the scent of musk [sweet/rotten/ sexy] while musty is having a stale odor.''

  25. Waterstone's cafe is my favourite place in Llandudno ... or any town come to think of it 🙂

  26. Oh, what a lovely was to spend a dreary day.

  27. Hope you found and enjoyed that bookshop. We had a prediction of hail for tomorrow. Unheard of. It’s no longer predicted.


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