
We sang another African song tonight. It was an old one most of the Choir knew well.
I just La la-Ed my way through it.
I knocked my fellow veteran bass Peter's water bottle over during the wonderfully moving "Flame" by Susie Prater and I caught one one the tenor ladies ( Tena ladies!) looking at the ever widening puddle at his feet  with very big eyes.


  1. She could have offered one of her incontipads and saved herself eyestrain.

  2. Barbara Anne10:31 pm

    Wonderful song and a truly joyful (and melodic) noise.

    Better to knock the water bottle over on the floor than in his lap. ;)


  3. I hate it when that happens.

  4. The choir seems to have grown - marvelous!
    John, that's you bending down (to pick up the water bottle I suspect) at the conclusion of the song, correct?

  5. I enjoyed that! You all sound wonderful and it does appear your group has gotten larger than the last time we saw a video.

  6. I too was at choir last night , on the back row of the altos . We had a good sing and giggle , told off for talking ; its like being back at school, but so much fun ! x


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