" They Do A Lovely Sausage"

villager Nev Lancelote took this photo of the village this morning
with recent forestry work you can clearly see the Neolithic burial mound on the top of the Gop

Half asleep I asked my " hey google" thingamy what the time was.
She remained stubbornly quiet.
The power was off again and on the coldest day of the year too!!!!
Outside two dozen or so bearded bears prepared to get all manly with the electric cables so me and Winnie went out into the snow to see when the power would be back on. ( but really all we were doing was having a good butchers at the butch fest!!!)
It was my fault, I hadn't read the original letter properly, the one informing me that there would be two power cuts not one. The foreman  was very apologetic which was silly as it was my problem and not his and was sweet enough to accompany me to old Trevor's house to see if the 96 year old was ok as he had just been discharged from hospital .
Trevor was, if fact, on his was out when We arrived " I'm off to Sainsbury's for breakfast " he told us chirpily " they do a lovely sausage !"
I should have known better. Only yesterday I had caught him walking the mile and a half to the shop and back at dusk when it was -3 and very icy .
They breed them tough in Trelawnyd.
I drove to McDonalds at Caerwys for emergency hot coffee and saw several villagers including animal helper Pat catching the bus into town.
Marks and Spencer's cafe will be crowded I thought to myself.
The spirit that won the war, 

Get on and cope......
postcard HQ - the pile on the right is the reply pile
I shall try to reply to every one with a return address
but they will be sent in dribs and drabs

love the sausage detail


  1. I think I've worked out the answer to the Sudoku one but I'm going to keep it to myself. Sorry!

  2. I love the one of the choir!
    Keep warm.

  3. Barbara Anne4:53 pm

    The top William Morris wins as prettiest today but I love the sweet cocker spaniel in the last photo.

    I really am enjoying these postcards!

    Hope the bungalow is warm.


  4. Enjoy your coffee. Enjoy the butch. I'm learning to print your address on some new labels to mail off that first card I got for the 4th time.

  5. Fame for Otis :)

  6. Frankly I'm disappointed John; if it'd been the true 'Spirit of the Blitz', you'd have picked up the other villagers and have thwarted a Nazi espionage plot and formed a crochet group whilst en route.
    A little more cheery Blighty pluck in the way of 'Went the Day Well' next time you're in sub zero temperatures with no power please. ;-)) xx

    1. I did that this morning

    2. And made broth for the villagers and dished it out with a ladle

  7. At least you've got a bed for the time being.

  8. Just the word sausage is enough to bring a smirk to any old girls lips. Add it into the mix of bearded workmen and you have yourself hours of endless what ifs.

  9. I love your comment that said "the spirit that won the war." We are using some of that spirit in the Midwest! It was -47 degrees (fahrenheit) in Chicago yesterday where I was visiting my daughter! We were colder than Antartica!

  10. You will need a huge bank loan if you are planning on replying to each one... The cost of stamps is crazy... maybe you should just email a thank you and spend the money on some logs for the wood burner.

  11. Anonymous5:31 pm

    Oh 'eck not sure 'driving past' neighbours waiting at bus stop is a good move.
    But, 'yer cannie 'pile 'em in' anymore due to regulations, health and safety, so you are okay, probs! to just drive on in Bluebell, wiv' a cheerie wave (or other) hand jesture.hehe!
    Love Tess xx

    1. We were going in opposite directions

    2. Anonymous6:27 pm

      Phew! saved then x

  12. We are enjoying a massive power outage in my community right now, and it's -21!
    Love the choir card. It's so nice to see how the posters are picking cards that are personal to YOU. There wasn't much to chose from available in my area. :(

  13. Yes, that choir one is perfect!
    -3C? I wish!! I know.....it's all relative.

  14. Keep safe in your weather...as we say to other cyclists, "stay between the hedges and rubber side down"! That goes for walkers as well.
    You have a lovely array of cards

  15. Oooh ... I love the Pug one :-)

  16. Anonymous6:34 pm

    John , my postcard is the last one , the puppy spaniel . Please save your pennies and do not send me a reply . Your blog is a wonderful read , and to see my postcard on your blog has made my day . Take care , keep warm , keep strong , xx

  17. -3 is shorts weather here. We are expecting -38C on Sunday night... time to find the real winter coats in the back of the closet. You are keeping the post offices of the world in business this month.

  18. Not the best time of the year for a power outage but no doubt it is fixed by now. I'm enjoying seeing the selection of post cards we used to have a Marks and Spencer here on Vancouver island in the 70's I used to love their mince meat tarts.
    Stay warm John.

  19. I am a coward where ice is concerned = the old residents of your village make me ashamed. I try not to be a wimp but I always expect the worst I am ashamed to say .

    1. That's just sensible, not wimpy

  20. Please don't reply to my postcards. Wait until my very determined package arrives on your doorstep. I mailed it the first day as a card before I had any postcards. It came back in a flash. I checked, added postage, and it came back again. The next time I went to the post office and had the clerk add a few more cents...off it went again. Back it came but this time no explanation. Starting anew, G and I learned how to use an address label program. I gathered everything to hand this morning, and I headed to the PO. No one there could figure out why the envelope didn't get to you. So in a whole new package, with a printed label in case it was my printing, I sent it off to you anew. Do let me know if it arrives. Hugs from rainy California.

  21. Two dozen workmen...individually and single then no big deal..but all together, then just like an army or any group of men there can be a bit of magic over them that makes me say 'oooh yes' MEN I like them........sorry John has this lowered the tone?? xxx

  22. Barbara Anne8:05 pm

    Oh, I'll add if my postcard finally arrives, please don't reply to it. Okay?

    As a former ER nurse, I applaud folks of all ages who are wary of ice. Broken bones are no fun. Weaver, say on!


  23. Minus three sounds cold. Ice sounds terrifying

  24. Love the postcards! I see some from America 😎😎😎
    And, John, baby, Don’t tease us with the bears, please. I’m partial to big burly men with tools.


  25. Heather C9:14 pm

    Had a chuckle at the bearded bears. After a cruise with my sister and our husband's, the same time as the Arno Bears, a bear paw print will never have the same meaning. :) great fun and some great guys.

  26. They do indeed breed them tough in your part of the world.
    Love your postcards. My heart melted at the photo of you and William which I noticed for the first time today. Definitely bitter-sweet.

    1. Yes theres a story in that later tomorrow

  27. The lady at the front of the choir postcard must be styled on Dot Cotton!

  28. In this weather you need to have a plucky spirit and you have. xx

  29. 'having a good butchers at the butch fest'... as a lesbian I was hoping for the other kind of butches! Lol.

  30. Ahhh... to do a love sausage. Those were the days.

  31. Any place that does a lovely sausage is just swell, in my book!

  32. We'll see how long it takes for the post cards I sent from this former British Colony to make it you. I sent them today, which was the first time I was able to get to a post office - I don't get to town often! You have a grand collection.

  33. Mine has finally made it! You wouldn't want to be sweating on a cheque coming from my post office, it would seem.

    I, too, am perfectly happy seeing it up there for everyone's delectation and don't really need a reply from you, so ignore my address. Save your pennies! xx

  34. Hey, I think I could actually solve that sudoku, LOL!

  35. Hmmmm...I mailed them on the same day.

    1. What is on the front of the card? Ill re check my pile

  36. Anonymous12:14 am

    Save the postage for doggie (and cat) treats! No response needed. Linda from Tualatin, Oregon.

  37. If Trevor is a good example they do indeed breed them tough in Trelawnyd.

  38. Enjoying all the different post cards !

  39. I love the choir card, including the organist in the background. I agree with others above that there is no need to respond to my card. Postage adds up quickly. I hear this Sunday’s episode of “Walking Dead” was filmed in the Georgia State Capitol building. It’s an impressive place, politicians aside. I can’t wait to see it.

  40. Oh, how I would love to go out to find a great postcard in my small town for your contest but the weather has kept me inside and except for work, I have not ventured out. The low temps and snow have kept me on my couch streaming a lot of garbage on Netflix. However, I secretly enjoyed a lot of that garbage.

    I hope your power problems will be over soon.

  41. Another great selection! The choir one really took my eye - the ladies on the right need to get their eyes back on the director! lol

  42. Sausages, I could not live without the idea of sausages. It’s February, the last month of winter, only 28 days it just gets better and better. 31 days without a drink and I only lost 4 pounds next month I might try giving up food and sticking to booze. They say liquid diets are a bit extreme but you never know.

  43. John, eat the scotch eggs to keep warm. the newspaper says so! https://www.msn.com/en-gb/health/nutrition/forget-the-woolly-jumper-nutritionist-reveals-the-food-that-will-keep-you-warm-during-the-cold-snap-including-cinnamon-buns-and-scotch-eggs/ar-BBSZIh1?li=BBoPWjQ&ocid=mailsignout

  44. https://www.blogger.com/comment.g?blogID=8320975515799225099&postID=8200425910079465073&page=0&token=1549018680502&isPopup=true

  45. The choir one is lovely and the poker playing animals made me laugh. Hope your power is back.

  46. If I was Trevor, I wouldn't be risking a trip to the shop when it's -3 and icy. I'd be hunkering down in my living room with a good book, a glass of wine and some baked beans on toast. That's what my 96 year old mum would have done. She was terrified of ice after numerous falls.

  47. I feel your pain John.My heating's off until the part comes on Tues.Good job we have the pooches to keep us warm ����

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