
In a few weeks time I am off to Sheffield, my adopted home town.
I've been gone well over a decade now but am still in touch with most of my friends and ex colleagues there, so it is with the lightest of hearts I am due to catch up with my old Spinal Injury fiends at a formal " reunion" dinner at the Dam House, avenue near Walkley, a suburb where I bought my first house back in the 1980s.
One of the friends on the guest list is a blowsy, garrulous and sweet natured middle aged nurse called Ruth.
I've know Ruth a year after she completed her nurse training and we were firm friends from the get go.
Like me, Ruth has a penchant for storytelling.
She does her storytelling best surrounded by drinking buddies in the pub and this story was sparked by an episode of the tv show The Inbetweeners which was apparently responsible for the holiday " craze" of logging 
click here for what " logging " is all about

Now Ruth can deliver a story with all of the skill of Victoria Wood and would often set the scene of this one by underlining that much known and much accepted teenage right of passage of the " a gauche Brit's first holiday abroad"
She hadn't prepared herself for the cheap booze.
She hadn't prepared herself for the spicy food
She hadn't prepared herself for adhering to the 1970s  rule of not drinking the water! 
And she certainly didn't prepare herself for the terrors of wearing an all in one white bathing suit.

Couple all this with a maiden trip on an extra long water shute
And you have recipe for disaster.
I remember her words as if I was listening to her tale for the first time back in 1990....this is how I remember her story

" I was halfway down when I got the sensation that all was not well but I hit the water arse first, rather proud that I had made it in one piece and stood up in the thigh length shallows. Then a woman nearby pointed and shrieked. Then another and another joined in whilst an older lady grabbed a towel from her lounger and started to wade towards me...the wet shit stain went all the way up the back of my white one piece bathing suit. I looked like a negative of a badger as the large brown sieved stain, emanated slowly outwards in a rough circle around me......as the screaming started"

I hope at the reunion , we hear this and all the other funny stories of our salad days.

The post cards entries today are particularly wonderful .......enjoy...big thanks to L  too

and the reverse


  1. that's a pub night i would like to join!

  2. I thought the costume was going to be see-through when wet. White ones are. As I learned to my cost in a hotel leisure pool. I like the Welsh Terrier card. xx

  3. What a varied collection today

  4. Anonymous4:40 pm


  5. Traveller4:57 pm

    I love the postcard of the boat, the one a few above the postcard of Stowmarket

  6. OMG, that story! I laughed so hard! But what a terrible experience for her!

    1. This was just one of MANY of her stores

  7. My daughters refer to a certain water slide they were on once as "the enema."
    What a beautiful visit to look forward to! Lots and lots of laughter.

    1. Yes, I'm meeting up with a psychologist friend of mine before hand who I havent seen for fourteen years

  8. Love the cards - especially the caber tosser. I'm a sucker for kilts. Have a wonderful time - you deserve the best.

    1. Amen in a kilt is a joy forever

    2. Anonymous7:12 pm

      Amen in a kilt? On the knees, head bowed and just a glimpse of buttock as the skirt lifts

  9. Aww ... the Welsh terrier one melted my heart.

    We may have a new furry baby soon ... I have my fingers firmly crossed :-)

    1. No ... something completely different, I'll keep it under my hat for now. I just have to wait to see how many pups are born, three are spoken for already but there's a chance there are four in there. I have my fingers firmly crossed :-)

  10. The stuff of nightmares, but bloody funny. Great postcards so far and I'm very frustrated that all I've sourced are mediocre.... might just make one!

    1. Some of the best have been homemadejacqui xxx

  11. You are going to have a grand time. Hope you bring some stories back to share. Yes, really entertaining cards.

  12. Another scotch egg card I see, and well done too!

  13. Scotch egg card is great, have a good trip.

  14. Enjoy the trip John. Time you had a break away. Agree today's cards are fabtastic, So far, knowing you tastes, I guess the Scotch egg card wins.

  15. I think the anticipation of a good visit is as important as the actual event!

  16. That's quite a story John a fun time to look forward to should be a wonderful. I read the Welsh Terrier one and must admit I grew up with a Lakeland and Airdale. Lovely cards today John.

    1. I've always wanted an Airedale

    2. I struggled for ages to 'paint' a needle felted portrait of an Airedale for a commission... once I mastered it I was chuffed to bits with the end result

  17. I had a friend who had a similar shitty story about a water skiing incident. If that ever happened to me, I would NEVER tell... But it's never, never happened to me.

    1. Really, it's never happened to me. If it had, I wouldn't even have commented on this post!

  18. These are a good batch of cards!

  19. Barbara Anne8:22 pm

    Ah, the Blue Ridge Parkway isn't far from me!

    Love the Welsh terrier card. We'll soon be getting a dog as our 15 year old petite tabby cat died Tuesday. I'd love another tricolor Bassett like our Daisy ...

    As for "logging" - ewwwwwwwww! Ruth's story is too funny in retrospect. Not so much at the time, no doubt.

    Have a marvelous time in Sheffield and enjoy the happy anticipation between now and then.


  20. Poor Ruth ... I feel her shame. I did a similar but not quite so embarrassing thing when I had a race with my husband on our honeymoon in the hotel swimming pool. At the end of the race, I threw my arms up on the air shouting ‘ I won, I won’, not realising that my bikini top had fallen off when I dived in !!! It was before everyone went topless.
    I feel that Rachel will like the scotch egg and dog postcard? XXXX

    1. Happy birthday dearheart

    2. Thanks so much John....... they are coming round a bit fast for my liking now !!! XXXX

    3. I think the scotch egg is really cool.

  21. Now there is a definition of logging I hadn't expected.
    Poor Ruth, even if it is a great story.
    Love your cards.

  22. The card are beautiful, it will be difficult to choose, in this bunch, I love the woman in the swing with a yellow dress enjoyed your reunion, 🌸🌸🌸

  23. There is almost a holiday theme showing there!

  24. The postcards are super cool! How many do you have now? You’re gonna need more than a cuppa to go over them all!


  25. The root of all good stories is humiliation.

  26. I love that first card.

  27. Oh my word John... I couldn't stop laughing whilst trying to read this out to him indoors... Poor Ruth but hey she was the one telling it... not much embarrassment there! Good for her... I also have a story that makes me cringe but is ever so flipping funny in retrospect.

    Cards are fab... love quite a few of them... I can't believe all I have is a choice of 4!!!

    Jo in Auckland

  28. Anonymous10:55 am

    Seems my boring card arrived. It was a last minute decision
    at the Post Office. R borrowed a pen from the waitress where we brunched and wrote and addressed it for me. Still, I am glad I sent you a post card.

  29. Oh my. That is...quite a story.

    Scotch egg and a dog wins!

  30. I had never heard of logging. There is a scene in "Caddyshack" a classic movie here, in which an O Henry bar is dropped in the pool and mistaken for a turd. Too funny, especially when Bill Murray picks it up, sniffs it and takes a bite.

    I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time catching up with friends and listening to new stories.


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