Cut Off

I posted a somewhat stressed blog entry last night after I lost my wallet
After cancelling all of my cards and worrying about my Grandmother's wedding ring which I foolishly tucked into a compartment for safety, Mary found said wallet which had fallen behind the living room draught excluder.
Ok , just a minor stressor after all that but it was an on line sharing last night that was pulled because a persistent troll who has been asked politely ( and impolitely) to stop commenting here, felt that they wanted to comment of the whole shebang
The commentator , I think has failed to grasp that I just don't want any of her comments here, no matter how they are phrased and under whatever pseudonym they have picked for that day.
If that seems unfair , I don't care.
I don't have to give a reason

Anyhow back to today......Two adorable looking bearded workmen were knocking on the door at 8.45  this morning.
They arrived all big booted and manly to turn off my electricity
I went all girly for a few moments and Winnie went hysterical
It looked as though a tribute band for the Village People had just walked through the back door.

They were replacing the electricity cables to the cottages on our lane and have done so quickly and professionally watched from the bedroom window by Mary and Albert and from the living room window by Winnie .

I had already stoked the fire so the cottage was warm, but without power the place was totally silent which proved to be rather nice and calm, especially after yesterday's hysteria of wallet searching.
I sat at the kitchen table with a flask of coffee and answered the first two dozen of the postcard entries who had return addresses written on them and I will post these a bit later before I go to bed.
I'm on nights again tonight.

The sexy cable men returned a few minutes ago to " reattach me" and one used the loo with Winnie in tow ( she entered the bathroom with him and he locked the door on both of them which amused me)
The other workman played with Mary in the kitchen when he was waiting and noted my pile of paperwork on the table
" are you working from home today?" he asked , making small talk
I agreed, resisting the urge to say " Just answering my fan mail !" 

37 postcards delivered today....I haven't got time to post them until tomorrow 


  1. Hardhats and toolbelts -- pretty erotic way to start your morning!

    1. And rigger boots, I love a muscular man in rigger boots.

    2. Ooh me too 😍😍

  2. Maybe you were just dreaming this, John.

  3. Your wallet found, new and safer electricity in your cottage, your job to keep you going, your precious pets to warm you, heart body and soul, postcards arriving from all over the world, and Trump is here, not there! Hang in there John!! Spring is coming...

  4. Whoo, hoo! Adorable, sexy workmen are a very nice distraction from obnoxious, wannabe cyber stalkers! Ah, Winnie! I've gotten to the point where I'll ask my bichonpoo,"Why can't you be more like Winnie?". The little bitch just rolls her eyes and says "I'm cute in my own way. Stop comparing me and let me finish my all day nap!" This is all in my head, mind you. I don't suppose it makes me any less nuts.

  5. Well, next time some men come to ‘reattach’ you, please ask them for some selfies. Tell them you have blog readers who are really into men who seem to have been part of The Village People 😇.

    P.S. glad you found your wallet!


  6. That's a good day for Winnie and you. Wallet found, electricity and workmen. Yahoo.

  7. Well, thank goodness the wallet turned up, though a shame it didn't before you cancelled all the cards. And a day with hunky workmen is never a bad day!

  8. Winnie is so predictable! She certainly has her type, doesn't she?

  9. Ha ha, your posts are always entertaining!

  10. I was seriously concerned after reading the little extract that pops up to tell us that you've done a new blog entry - this being a most disturbing one at that - only to find that you'd scrubbed it. Your wallet experience, especially re the credit cards.....well 'maddening', doesn't begin to cover it. Was also worried that dear little Mary might have had something to do with the wallet's loss, but with relief I see that she was actually your saviour, bless her little heart. Now that we know what else was going on at the time with you it makes sense. But I'm truly sorry about the inconvenience you were caused.
    As well as relieved for you we're ever so happy for Winnie that she got the satisfaction for which she lives. May her contentedness rub off on you - though I've no doubt she's waiting and slavering for the next 'excitement' instalment.

    Btw: I'm thinking about trying to search out an adequately saucy postcard for you. There's bound to be more scope of finding something appropriate in Brighton but, at the mo, no plans for going there. But, and with no promise, we'll see.

  11. I love the fact Winnie accompanies workmen to the toilet. We once had a tiny Jack Russell who hid in the electricians van and ended up going home with him! At least she's too big to get away with that

  12. I'm so glad you found your wallet. I can't imagine the panic that would ensue if I lost mine! I think it is funny that Winnie goes into the bathroom with the workman. We once had a cat that we nicknamed, "Nelly the bathroom cat" because she simply had to be in there with you. -Jenn

  13. We have guys here who come around on trash pickup day to collect piles of branches or, in my case, prunings from frozen perennials, that are left on the curb for them. There's one guy, I call him "Cutie Butt Boy", (in my mind, grant you) who is youngish, bearded, wears tight jeans with his shirt tucked in, has a neon orange vest on, and wears a hard hat. Your mention of the Village People made me laugh because that's just the moniker I thought of for him too. He makes my morning every time. I'm almost sorry when I don't have anything else to put out for him so he'll stop at my house.

  14. Barbara Anne4:23 pm

    What a relief to find your wallet - even if it was after you'd canceled your various cards.

    Hubba hubba, what eye candy hard hat workmen you and Winnie (plus the pack) entertained!

    37 cards? You may have hit the jackpot. :)

    Hope the night shift is serene tonight and that you sleep well before it and after you get home.


  15. There's nothing more attractive than a man with a tool belt. Glad you had a bit of relief after the wallet incident.

  16. Looks like more of the travelled cards are arriving now, those from far off lands. I look forward to seeing them in due course. Keep your pecker up xx

  17. So glad you found your wallet. My next card is in the post. I am loving seeing the cards as they come in.

  18. Losing one's wallet, stressing out, then finding it after cancelling all the cards etc. - been there, done that and I know the awful effect of all that stress - feel wrung out.
    Calm down John - have you tried meditating for just five minutes every day. And I am sure nobody expects an answer - we just all want you to know we are on your side. You give us all something to do and we have loved doing it.
    That bulldog has been in ecstasy all day by the sound of it. (you sound to have caught a bit of it yourself!)

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. It's an awful experience losing wallet or purse, the panic, but thankfully you are back on track. I did laugh when the workman bolted the bathroom door with him and Winnie inside. She is a character.

  21. I know the feeling of losing one's "life" (wallet or purse). It's sheer panic. So glad yours was found.

    The workman who used your facilities sounds quite comfortable around dogs - maybe he has his own who trot off to the loo with him :)

    Your writing is lovely and clear - are all nurses like that? My sister-in-law who is now retired from nursing has such a beautiful script; her charts must have been a joy to read.

  22. I hope that the cable man in the bathroom was not "reattaching" to Winnie. I understand that bestiality is pretty common in North Wales. I guess you get plenty of calls about it at The Samaritans.

    1. Really, YP???? Have you been drinking?

    2. Nope!!!! < Four exclamation marks to counter your four daft question marks.

  23. You, all girly and Winnie hysterical, I would have loved to have seen that! Don’t know out of the pair of you is the biggest Bakewell?


  24. I thought you said, 'two adorable looking bearded women' for a few seconds. I had a brief moment of excitement before reality sunk in once more.

  25. So very sorry about the troll. I'm glad you are here.

  26. I think that you should have said you were just answering your fan mail! I hope you don't have a crazy shift tonight. x

  27. The perfect day for every one of your household! I know what you meant but it could be read that the workmen were professionally watched by your critters, as I'm sure they do!

  28. We had a "black out" of power yesterday as the temp here went to 111.2 f .
    Goody.... we are both "back on" and you have sent that troll to troll hell !

  29. Glad that Mary helped to find your wallet a bit of a nuisance because no doubt you had to get your cards reissued after canceling them.
    I did not put my address on the cards I sent because
    I did not expect you to answer everyone of them John.
    Hope you have a lovely weekend, cheers Margo.

  30. Losing a wallet is panic inducing. I am so glad that you found it. My postcard will be coming in a bit. It took me forever to get around to buying an international stamp and it is taking the post office forever to deliver it. I am somewhat housebound after damaging my lower leg bones and ankle 4 months ago.

  31. You're lucky that they actually bother to tell you about the power; here they just cut it off, and you have to pray that it comes back on again before water starts seeping from the freezer!

  32. You could take a lesson from Winnie and follow him into the bathroom yourself next time. So glad about he wallet, but what a stresser!

  33. The first time I saw the man who was to become my husband, he was wearing jeans, a black 'muscle' t-shirt and a pair of rigger boots!
    I wonder what that says about me? 'Tart' perhaps? X

  34. SUPER glad your wallet was found. (we all would panic, if we lost ours!) Working on my postcard as well. I have the pic I want to put on it...damn the computers (or maybe my lack of skill...) trying to get said pic printed.
    Internet trolls - sigh - they are infinite and voracious. As Quentin Crisp wrote: "I'd rather be a polite invalid, than one who enjoys rude health." Apparently your troll is the latter. A pox on her, then!!! LOVE LOVE your blog, John! It is the highlight of my day!


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes