More Bra Straps

Night shift spoils the weekend as having to have a few hours snatched sleep after work spoils the rhythm of the day. Ive just taken a walk and met up with Mrs M who will be awared the quote of the day after telling me about her shoulder injury
"I can pick up a heavy bag of potatoes but I cant do up my bra strap!"
You cant debate that comment on a bet and blustery Saturday can you?
All is not lost as I am off to Theatre Clwyd this evening to see the stand up comedian Hal Cruttenden which will be fun no doubt
I shall leave you with a few postcard entries to have a look at........make a cup of tea before you start 


keep the gay ones comming

isn't he lovely?

a prize in itself?

oh errrr

what can you say?


  1. Re the last pic....I thought of something to say but can't repeat it here...................

  2. I hope that beautifully-drawn card made the postman smile ...

  3. There are some fabulous postcards there, but the four horsemen of the apocalypse taking a cappuccino break cheered me up no end!

  4. I have been dealing with serious family matters, and may well miss the deadline for your competition, but I have every intention of sending you a card from my beautiful new location! Hooray for real mail that doesn't include payment due dates, eh?

    1. Just a reminded the closing date is not until Feb 16or so xxxxx
      Chin up dearheart

  5. Brilliant! I think you might have to make this an annual competition!

  6. The hand drawn card with postman and dog is TOPS. Also: Gay cards are fab.

  7. Tell Mrs. M to fasten it before putting it on.
    The cards are making me smile. X

  8. The CAUTION! Whores one made me laugh.
    These are all really great. Can't wait to see the others one you get.:)

  9. Please advise mrs. Trellis to fasten the bra first, then step into it, lift it with her good arm, slide the strap over her poor shoulder first and then over the good shoulder. It works! And wish her well from me.

  10. I have been reading but not commenting on any blogs for a sad break (for me) in my posting. I had to comment on you postcard competition. This is fabulous and this has cheered me up so much. I love sending and receiving postcards.
    The postcard with postman and George is fabulous !

    cheers, parsnip

    1. Understood gayle... we are all sending our love x

  11. Who are all these people from Suffolk sending you cards??

    1. My biggest number of followers come from that county !

  12. I like the "wish you were here" card. Disappointed my next card hasn't reached you yet. Perhaps my recent two will arrive together despite being posted on different days. Some great ones here.

  13. OK, who sent the one of the Blackfin Pub? It's my go to watering hole during the interminable wait twixt plane and ferry.

  14. Some fab cards here John. Love the hand drawn one and I love cock one lol !! Are you going to have a postcard wall?? xx

    1. Yes ..I think I will make a art wall in the memorial hall

  15. SO many good ones in this bunch! Love all the gay ones, of course, and the hand-drawn tribute to your postal carrier, and the sweet ones like "Hello Sunshine!"

  16. Traveller5:59 pm

    Thumbs up to the YP postcard....wish I could draw.

  17. Haven't been able to get to the post office or wherever you buy postcards from, but I enjoyed looking at these, especially the God-created phallic symbol. In the Middle East, no less!

    1. Now Kirk you have ages to come up with something.. make a card from a fav card. Xx

  18. I like all the cards today. They are a good mix. I particularly like the old British seaside one, coming down the slope and the Walls ice cream stall. Life as it used to be. Thanks John for showing them all. xx

    1. Each one has its merits , and many of the vintage ones have a power and humour all of their own x

  19. Loving all the cards, the hand drawn one from YP is amazing. Waiting with baited breath to see if someone has beaten me to it with the road sign one as I only posted mine yesterday, surely the PO have not delivered something the following morning? My posties are lovely, always a smile and cheery wave. I guess yours is wondering who all these nutty people sending cards are LOL. Alison in Shropshire.

    1. It's been a fantastic glimpse into a lot of lives !

  20. Dear, the first card has been my motto for years since my break up. The first two were for love, the next is for purely money and big cock henny! Hence my smile for the time.

    1. Oh I wished u lived closer I could do with you here to make me smile with your banter

  21. The first and last postcards are basically my life. Along with the one with the poodle. I think I’ll go and get some chocolate bomboms to go with this.


    1. Oh and the ones that says ‘caution! Whores’. I need that on a t shirt.

    2. Chocolate bomboms? You mad bitch x

  22. LOTS and lots and lots of entries.
    Doing up a brastrap (behind your back anyways) can be challenging for the lest flexible of us...

  23. All cards are beautiful, I like the yellow bear,"hello sunshin ", we need it in the UK ☺☺

  24. When you get over eighty doing your bra strap every morning is pretty difficult shoulder injury or not.

    The cards are all fantastic - I think I would just put them all in a big cardboard box and pull one out as the winner.

    1. I'm getting a few friends over on judging day x

  25. That is going to be an amazing collection.

    1. And as I've said before the written bits are just as interesting

  26. I LOVE the 'Amish Horse and Wagon' one.

    1. It's going to be a nightmare to judge..... and to reply to I've only replied to 24 so far

  27. The variety of cards just keep getting better! I love YP's card and I hope your postman took note of it. I have two enroute to you but no telling when they will arrive. How many cards have you received so far? I'm sure the final count will be quite high.

    1. The gay cards seem to have come in with the American bloggers lol

  28. We could have used that "Caution! Whores" sign in my first Boston neighborhood!

  29. Ha! Some of these are gems! I love YP's "Trelawnyd Postman" and the "Pouffe Parade" is pretty fabulous too. And of course the last one.

  30. Awesome selection love the postman one, surprised to see one from Comox where I live and frequent that pub at least once a month small world. Hope you enjoyed the show this evening John, it's still morning here.

  31. Barbara Anne9:24 pm

    YP's card is tops for creativity, art skills, and humor but I also love "Wish you were here" and the cat faces.

    My card must be on the slow boat ...


  32. tell mrs m she doesn't need a bra. YP has a great postcard! and who DOESN'T love cock?????

  33. Disappointed that you chose to keep and publish the camel one. I hate animal cruelty. That card has soured the fun of this competition.

    1. I had no idea it was cruel photo, I thought they were just being lifted for some sort of transport
      Can anyone explain the photo?

    2. Yes, they are being unloaded from the trucks. Camels are transported in open trucks with their heads out and unloaded by hoists, with padding under the belly. They are not hurt. I have seen it in Morocco.

    3. I hope that makes you happier Jan?

    4. I suspect it won't ☹️

    5. For Christ fucking sakes.

  34. It needed a really big tea

  35. This is so much fun, and we're not even the ones getting the postcards!! It must be even better to be you when the postman comes to the door :)

    1. It's even more fun Jenny , because he's so bad tempered

  36. The doggies must be going nuts with it all! Sigh, mine definitely got put onto the slow boat.

  37. I sent the card with the hoisted camels and mentioned that the camels are not hurt in the process. Camels are highly prized in the Middle East and are worth a lot of money. I was expecting a knee jerk reaction and it came. Thank you Rachael for your explanation. The ironic thing to me is that it came from someone who has almost the same name as me but who apparently makes a judgement based on emotion rather than thinking things through

    1. I agree with the explanation, yes camels are highly prized.
      I was puzzled by why you think someone with almost the same name as you should think in the same way as you do. Does that mean that for instance all men called Peter could have the same tendencies as Peter Sutcliffe, known as Jack the Ripper?

  38. I’m so enjoying seeing these cards. I hope your postman was able to enjoy YP’s. Now I see why people enjoy “Postcrossing” (the postcard exchange program).

  39. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  40. I have never seen such a diverse range of postcards. I bet you are glad you started this! :)

  41. Omg the handmade one is brilliant!!! 😊


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