Boxing Day

The dogs and I went to Colwyn Bay beach again this morning and walked along the Promenade. We shared a scotch egg ( a grateful gift from fellow blogger Sue ) and watched dog walkers and cyclists  for a long time in the weak sun before buying a coffee and a dry ham sandwich which we shared also in Bluebell .
Everyone seemed good's less lonely in a crowd
This afternoon I re watched Mission Impossible and drank big cups of tea with wafer thin slices of barabrith slapped liberally with butter
It's how the Welsh eat it.


  1. I watched Ghost Protocol last night. Love a little bit of spy action. I think Jason Bourne tonight.

    1. The latest is much better mave ...Henry Cavel as the baddie is one huge hunk of spunk

  2. I love Boxing Day as the Christmas madness has passed and the house is usually clean and tidy and I can sit all day and contemplate my naval if it so pleases me! I'm about to go out for a walk with my dog now, no ham sandwiches for us though - he's thoroughly full of turkey and I'm full of trifle! Have a nice relaxing rest of the day. x

    1. It's a walking kind of day I always think

    2. I don't think I've moved my backside off the sofa today. I always regret it in the end but it has been lovely just slobbing around. Anna

  3. I hope the butter's Welsh too, always seems more salty than all other butter. South Caernarfon Creameries make 'Dragon' Welsh butter, it's wonderful!
    My late aunt made the best Bara Brith in the world, ever! I have her recipe, and she wrote detailed instructions for me to follow, but mine's not even close to her standard!

  4. You are helping my vocabulary, must look up barabirth. Ok it is a spiced tea loaf or a mixed fruit bread

    cheers, parsnip

    1. But you have to cut it very thin with lots of butter

  5. Barbara Anne3:54 pm

    It sounds as if you and the family had a wonderful day together. Treats all around, too!

    I first heard of Bara Brith when Becca was on the GBBS and made it as she thought Mary Berry would expect her to.


    1. Yes.....pat the animal helper always gives me a gift of a loaf for Christmas

  6. Since we don't celebrate Boxing Day in the states, I'm using today to "de-Christmas' the place. We're lucky enough to spend our winter in sunny Florida, and because of some health issues with me we were two months late getting here. My decorations consist of Christmas lights on the short palm tree in our yard, a couple snowmen placed here and there inside, and my pride and Mama's ceramic Christmas tree circa 1968. If the house were to burn down, the three things I'd rescue are my hubby, our 14-year-old Maggie the Wonder Dog, and that tree.
    I googled scotch eggs some time ago, and would love to make some. Have you ever made them?

    1. No, but I have tasted homemade ones they taste sublime

    2. My daughter-in-law made some for my son for his Xmas dinner, said they weren't too hard. She's not a very ambitious or energetic cook (health problems, not attitude) so I believe her (but haven't enquired further.) Hope you give it a try!

  7. How nice to walk along a promenade. I had a long walk up to Morrison's to get my husband Lemsip and Buttercup syrup! Tea and barabrith sound like a lovely combination. Enjoy the rest of your day. x

    1. Yes I've just had a lemsip too... the colds this winter are lingering

    2. I hope you get rid of your cold soon. x

  8. I've eaten too much. I couldn't even look at a mince pie right now. Just give me a glass of water. With ice and lemon.

    1. I've been pretty good...I did have a lovely roast dinner last night hand delivered from some village friends!

  9. I love a good movie over Christmas. It was 'Love Actually' last night, and 'Out of Africa' tonight. I overeat at Christmas, and with the movies, cry a lot. Happy Christmas John.

  10. There should be a law against giffs.

    1. Lighten up and open your heart to them

    2. Embrace your inner gif

    3. You arse. Everyone goes to their dashboard for a bit of peace and quiet, then some git like you puts up images that spoil the whole layout. It's not as if you need the attention.

  11. Rather funny. Local grocery store makes something they call Breakfast Bread. I found a recipe that is very like it, only a bit better - again called Breakfast Bread. Turns out it's barabrith. Americans are Stoopid. But at least we can figure out when something is tasty, even if we've no clue what it is.

  12. Sounds like my kind of Boxing Day, John. If I was "home" I would be walking with my sister and her dog on a Pembrokeshire beach, blowing away the cobwebs. But here in Michigan it's a mug of tea, banana bread and butter, NCIS reruns and maybe a nap. Hugs, Joan

  13. I am a BIG fan of Boxing Day. The Christmas insanity is over, the house is clean(ish) and there are leftovers.
    And yours sounds blissful.

  14. I wish there was a beach near here to walk along. The banks of the River Humber somehow don't cut it for me.

    Off out now to see my friend. I think she wants someone to chat to.

  15. The Yorkists eat barabrith in thick wedges with huge chunks of Wensleydale cheese whilst wearing string vests, holey underpants and knotted handkerchiefs.

    1. Why (what is) a knotted handkerchief?

    2. What it says it is.

    3. Heidi8:14 pm

      We wear a knotted hanky on our heads to stop the sun from frying our brains. It's our traditional head attire especially to be worn at the seaside.

    4. Heidi8:19 pm

      Forgot to say the knots are at each corner of the hanky, it makes a superb sunhat!

    5. A knotted handkerchief on the bonce is also a chic fashion statement.

    6. Beautiful! Thank you! I love repurposing...

  16. Although I live hundreds of miles from the sea, it is my favorite place. I know this was a very melancholy Christmas for you John, for many reasons. And though you have \ had Scotch eggs with your dogs and a beautiful stroll and the love and good wishes and lovely presents and goodies from all of us who love you, it has surely been a hard, hard holiday season. You have our permission to feel sorry for yourself for a bit. It is so awful to lose a love. But I hope you also have the resolve and belief that a new and wonderful life awaits you in the new year! It WILL happen, John. You are much too good a man to not have the blessing of a wonderful life from now on until forever come to you soon. I think it is so and I am sure it will be.xoxo

  17. It was down the mines for us, or back to the shop anyway! I am making a robe for a friend and enjoying some sewing that doesn't involve fur or sequins. After, we hit the sofa for leftovers and Lewis. The accumulated dishes of Christmas prep and other meals have piled up and a lovely dance student I know is coming over this morning to deal with them for cash. My gammy knee is not interested in standing doing dishes, I'd rather save it for something more interesting!

  18. We don’t have Boxing Days here, but it sounds like we should. Yours sounds like total fun!


    1. Not total fun but relaxing its supposed to be a down day

  19. A walk along the beach two days in a row sounds wonderful! Perhaps you are starting a new tradition - time will tell. I'm sure the dogs loved it and shared their love with you in return. We had my oldest son and his family out yesterday and my other son will be out tonight. I love the holidays but I will be ready for the quiet of January!xx

  20. Butter on anything is always a good thing. It sounds like you had a nice, peaceful day. We all need that.

  21. "Slapped liberally with butter" is how I like everything! I love your choice of words :)

    A seaside walk in the off season is always refreshing. It's good to get out and breathe the fresh air.

  22. Sounds like a great day

  23. Happy Christmas John. I thought of you the other day when I found a knife on the road. Later, I found a similar one in a camping shop. It's called a Zombie Hunter.

  24. Ooh, Henry Cabello and buttered barabrith!

    1. Autocorrect hell! Henry Cavel, too! (I don't know who Henry Cabello is.)

  25. Boxing Day 2018 was the one year anniversary of rescuing our dog Sparky from the shelter. This morning I am sitting in a chair with three rescues crammed on and around me. It’s a lovely start to the day.


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