A Chatty Post

I'll start with another video sent to me by a choir relative who loves carpets
This time it's us singing Tebe Poem which is  Russian Slavonic hymn which I think we in the bass section actually performed exceptionally well given our small numbers..
After hearing it again, I was rather moved

I had an appointment with the bank today but that got rained Off because of work flu so instead we delivered the outlying village Christmas Cards and gifts  then the dogs and I went for a walk down the old railway line.
With William gone George has been elevated in the pecking order and now has teamed up with Winnie, with whom he now sleeps with on the blue arm chair in the living room every night.
Both potter along nicely together when out which is odd as for the past 5 years they have allbut ignored each other.....pack dynamics eh? Who would have thought it .

Old Scottie and Old Bulldog side by side

I've treated myself to a return ticket to London for Saturday . I know it will be busy and I know I shall be tired after working a night shift tomorrow night but I'm going down to spend the day with Nu. She and her hubby Jimbo had very kindly invited me for Christmas with the dogs but I think it best if I go down for the day on Saturday which will be absolutely lovely.....tiring but lovely ......thank goodness I'm not in work until the 29th after that.

Pat the animal helper called round with my usual Christmas Barabrith which was wrapped in silver foil crowned by a red bow and yesterday I had lunch with an old ITU friend Naomi who bought me some chalet Christmas lights which are incredibly sweet...I've had several gifts of decorations this year.......

I'll leave you with a final carpet based video of the Choir's version of soul Wind from Tuesday night..followed by a fallorn looking Father Christmas on a bench

A dapper middle aged guy watched me photograph him with mild interest
" he looks like I feel" he said with feeling
 " I hate Fucking Christmas"


  1. I couldn't for the life of me figure out what a carpet-based video was until I watched the second video! LOL!

    I think you basses did very well. Bass anchors music and gives it depth. It's one reason I've always loved bass guitar. (Hearing, not playing, mind you.)

    Is Mary well enough to go for walks?

  2. I can pick out your voice amongst the bass section, especially at the start of Soul Wind! You have a lovely clear and 'carrying' voice!
    It'll do you a power of good seeing Nu on Saturday, have a laugh together, and a damn good bitching session!
    I'm sitting with a large mug of coffee, recovering from my trip to Waitrose
    this morning, hell on wheels sums it up rather well! The freezers are both bursting at the seams, the fridge is groaning under the weight of food in there, and the pantry shelves are full....but....I hopefully don't need to leave the house again until the madness is over, unless it's for fun! X

    1. Several people say that they can hear me strange I cant

  3. The world is divided by those who love Christmas (99%) and those who don't (1%). Stick with the one's who do.

  4. Nothing like a good run of "dum-dum"s to show of a bass section. Sounds like you have a nice balance of holiday running around and some planned solitude. Who knows how the solitude will feel, but your village is always a short stroll away. Which reminds me, have you been up on the hilltops much lately? Seems like a good way to blow away the cobwebs, and/or your hat, depending on the weather.

  5. Loved the choir videos, thank you so much for sharing.
    Those chalet lights are so pretty!
    That forlorn Santa looks as if he is taking a moment to rest and reflect to me, guess I don't hate Christmas like that guy does. :)

  6. Your choir is getting better and better, and I don't detect any 'wobblers' as opposed to 'warblers' which is a plus.

    Btw: With all those 'dum dums' how about 'The Little Drummer Boy' for next year? Just a thought.

  7. John, have a wonderful time with Nu and Jimbo. You deserve it.
    it warms my heart to see George and Winnie together, they are both feeling the loss of William.
    I love the chalet lights, I would keep them up somewhere year round.
    You are in my thoughts daily, wishing you well.
    Joyce in Indiana

  8. Adorable photo of Winnie and George and the choir sounds very festive. Will the choir continue throughout the year or is it only for the holidays?

    Wishing you and your family, both four legged and two, happy holidays.

    Lenalee in Maryland

  9. Barbara Anne3:30 pm

    Lovely music and it's heartwarming to see George and Winnie together.

    What delightful gifts have found their way to your cottage! Hope they add joy to your surroundings.

    How wonderful that Nu and Jimbo have invited you and the furry family for a holiday visit. Now your heart will not be in two places while you're in London.


  10. I enjoyed both those videos but it wasn't until I watched the second one that I finally understood your carpet reference. LOL!

  11. Lovely singing, and great bass. If you don't mind, what is a Barabrith? Thank you. The tiny house lights are charming. Nothing like that here. Darn it.

    1. Barabrith is a traditional welsh fruit cake enriched with tea

  12. The last photo would make a great Christmas card! x

  13. George and Winnie together at last.
    I love the photo.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  14. I can hear you too. Humans are like dogs; pecking orders change and friendships elevate with age and demise sometimes. I like it.

    1. George is a diplomat and is enjoying his new status

  15. Your conductor is very good, and has made you all good, too. Have a good Christmas.

  16. Why are there always too many sopranos? Recruit more bass voices to your choir!

    Have a good time with Nu, John. Friends and family are vital.

  17. When you get a chance, listen to the Rachmaninoff version. All of his sacred music is astoundingly beautiful--and deeply moving to sing as well as to listen to.

  18. I love the chalet Christmas lights! Those are beautiful. Have a good time in London. :)

    1. Cheers Steveo if I had time I'd buy you both a sherry

  19. I love the sound your choir makes - it is a lovely idea to actually have a village choir - are any of the members from outside the village?
    Enjoy your trip to London.

    1. Yes most are from just a few miles I think though our conductor lives over 50 miles away

  20. I love the chalet Christmas lights too! Enjoy your visit with Nu. I hope you don't have any of the travel problems Rachel has dealt with! Wonderful picture of George and Winnie.

    1. Yes Gatwick is. Still closed, I heard it on the news on my way home tonight

  21. I absolutely adore your conductor.... the singing was spectacular... I love a good choir, but he brought tears to my eyes with his somewhat exaggerated movements. What a love. Chalet lights... very cute... never seen them before. New dog status for George, precious. Him and Winnie rubbing along like old pals. I never much liked Christmas as an adult after divorce with no money and two kids... but this year it feels different even though it is blinking hot here. Have a fabulous time with Nu and Jimbo, refresh and deep breathe. You are always in my thoughts but especially at this time of the year.

    Jo in Auckland

    1. He's a sweetie isn't he? And puts 110% in everytime

  22. Have a wonderful trip to London John...embrace your day and your friend xx

  23. Love the Xmas lights. Very cute. And the choir vids are really cool. Have never heard those renditions.

    1. We men should get mega brownie points for our singing

  24. I hope you enjoy your Christmas time in the city on Saturday.

    1. A nice lunch and a few hours gossip ..bliss

  25. Brilliant videos, n I love those lights ❤❤

  26. Find time to visit Bath in 2019.

  27. Video was nice. George and Winnie is sweet. Going to London is making me jealous. Have fun, please.
    Photographing the Lovely Santa and getting such a sad response from a stranger is awful. I hope his holiday is not all that bad. And I hope that you have a great time in London, John. Boy, I sure like big cities.

  28. Enjoy your outing to see friends in London. Just as the pack is adjusting, in time, so will your life.

  29. Well, that carpet DOES have an interesting design...

  30. Wonderful videos. Enjoy London and your besties. X

  31. Love your little lights! Have a great trip to London.

  32. Lovely to see George and William walking along side each other John, Nice that your taking a day trip to London nothing better than getting together with friends we have gotten to know Nu through many blog post and she is a constant that your flickr friends can't be someone to sit and talk with in person, never the less I want to wish you all the best now and in the New Year .

  33. Hi John, it is so nice to see George and Winnie walking together, have a great time in London....and a good restful time with your fur babies too.
    Not a great time of the year for a lot of people, but there are a whole lot of virtual hugs sent to you..lovely concert...wishing you a better new year..sue xx


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