Great Call

My new Christmas decs remind me of a Ukrainian village 

My last phonecall at Samaraitans was from a guy in prison
Many prisoners get free access to call us if they need to.
The prisioner called himself The Samaritan Angel and he was cheerful and clearly enjoying himself
" I've rang 35 Samaritans already tonight" he quipped
" And I just wanted to tell you all that I love the work you do, am grateful for it and want you to have a lovely Christmas " 
"Thank you mate!" I told him genuiningly amused and moved by his good nature
" Respect to you !" The Angel laughed and he was gone to ring another Samaritan sitting in some phone booth somewhere in the Uk.


  1. The small touching things make the season and keep the true meaning, don't you think?

    1. I'm learning that....the genuine offer of a catch up on Christmas Day by six villagers, the gift left on the doorstep, the nice phone message.....the offer of a small sherry,
      I'm somewhat humbled this year

    2. oh my....this reply from you shows you are truly making progress! You are learning what true caring is all about. I had to learn this the hard way too....

  2. Spreading Christmas cheer within the confines of prison regulations!

    1. I like to the the officers earwigging were moved too

  3. John, some days you must feel like no progress has been made. But believe me, I have witnessed a tremendous of moving along on your part. Merry Christmas.

    1. Really.....? I do hope so....sometimes I feel I've not moved forward at all...I feel I'm up and down emotionally and nothing feels truly resolved. The choir concert day was the only day since Easter that I have not shed a tear

    2. You are noticing and appreciating light moments. It’s a shift from the heavyness of prostrate grief. It’s wonderful to observe. Best wishes to you during this season of darkness.
      And your village all lit up is wonderful.

  4. Lovely. I am on shift on Christmas Night and hope that in the pain and grief there is a similar call.

  5. The Samaritan Angel is a wise man. I'm glad you received his call. I knew I loved those lights - that is truly warm and lovely.

  6. Good things come from the strangest source sometimes. It's nice that he appreciates the work done by the Samaritans, so much so that he made a project of it.

    I love those little houses all lit up. I've never seen anything like them before.

  7. Sweet....Merry Christmas to you!

  8. Love them! An Ukrainian village? Adorbs.

  9. Anonymous3:51 am

    Somehow this just made my Christmas a whole lot better. Ranee (MN) USA

  10. Laughing in the face of adversity. I hope the villain has a good Christmas too.

  11. Here and there light seeps in where only dark rested. Appreciate it when you come across it.

  12. Barbara Anne5:22 am

    Your wee village lights are delightful as they shine in the dark!

    Grace and kindness are free ... pass it on ...


  13. I like that. I like the Ukrainian village lights too.

  14. How lovely! It's always nice to be appreciated :-)

  15. John Thank you for being you! Love and Hugs
    from Sue's MUM Did she give you her address? Please look after yourself XXXX

  16. Love it! You couldn't have guessed at what that call would be. So odd and yet it is appreciation which is always welcome. Love the lights too. loved the videos of the choir too. Happy Christmas. X

    1. And a merry Christmas to you too carol

  17. Those lights are lovely. Things like that don’t work as well ‘down under’ where it’s still light at 9pm. And our Christmas tree is a pohutokawa... gorgeous red flowers all along the coast during summer. No snow, no cold, the carols just don’t work! BTW... your choir made such a joyful noise, and it was so obvious that you were all having a great time. That’s been a real find for you, hasn’t it! Happy Christmas John.

  18. How weird and wonderful !
    Love the little village x

  19. A real light in the darkness 😊

  20. Love the village lights

  21. I wonder why that fellow is in jail. Sounds like he was filled to the brim with Christmas spirit.

    1. Perhaps, who knows....I was a nice gesture drunk or not

  22. Tbat's nice. It probably made him feel good to do something good for others. x

    1. He was a man on a mission, and after three hours of sadness and distress it was a real tonic

  23. The Christmas decs are rather wonderful. But where is Santa and his reindeer and the sack full of presents?

  24. I can't help wondering what he was in for.

    1. P.S. You have really gone to town with your decorations. You bought a town.

    2. That's the gays for you

  25. What a sweet thing to do. Sometimes just being nice to one another is the best gift ever.

  26. How nice it must have been to get that call. Your village and decorations look lovely. All the best ,John.

  27. What a nice thing for him to do ... slightly abusing the prison phone calls system, but in the nicest way possible.

    I wish my son got some calls like that instead of the horrors he has to deal with ... maybe he does I'll ask him next time we speak.

    LOVE the new Ukrainian Village ....less muddy than your old one ;-)

    1. Abusing both systems really.....but what could you say?

  28. There are a lot of lovely people out there - even in prison apparently!

  29. A nice Christmassy story even if it is abusing the system.
    Love that village.

  30. I like this a lot. Gave me a smile.

  31. Sounds like a great guy.

  32. John, this post and the comments really gave me a smile today. Thanks for that!

  33. Loved this post. Happy Christmas. Love from Molly x

  34. Hello John so glad you and all your samaritan colleagues are appreciated by those who need you so much be they in prison or not x may I send you lots of love and good wishes as you rebuild your life it's not easy but you bless others as you continue along the way and you will be rewarded for that by the kindness of friends neighbours and strangers as you have shared with us. I hope you find Christmas peaceful with your furry pack and that you move into the new year with hope and solace x

  35. Very cute, unfortunately my dogs would be wondering if it was edible.

  36. Anonymous11:46 am

    I had to catch up. and like people do who've been away for whatever reason ... sheer laziness on my part. and people like me always say things that aren't in the least helpful.
    but I come away still full of admiration for You. your humanity. soul. wit and humour. and sheer strength. you add nicely to the choir too! and I love how you love your animals and the village. Merry Christmas John. xo

  37. I really appreciate your professional approach.These are pieces of very useful information that will be of great use for me in future.



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