A Happier New Year

I had today's blog all written in my head this morning.
It was a meandering, reflective piece about my 2018 and what I could have done better in a marriage that I didn't realise was on it's uppers.
But what's the point?
What ifs help no one!
What's done is done..
Yet..many worries have not yet been resolved in the divorce, and my future remains uncertain
Uncertainty can be exhausting

This morning George got reviewed at the vets and was started on some steroids . We stopped at the supermarket at Denbigh before home and I treated him to a cooked chicken breast.
The vet receptionist gave me one of those " You AGAIN?"  expressions when we arrived. I gave her the buiscuit tin Mrs Trellis had given me a few days ago. It was fat club weigh in half an hour later and I just knew I have put on several pounds over Christmas.

Yes, this morning is a snapshot of an ordinary morning of an ordinary day.
Boring, mundane and probably like one that most of us experience after Christmas....only today is New Year's Eve......and I rather dislike New Year's Eve as there is a pressure for it to be albeit in part....interesting
Since the late 1980s when a dear friend died just before the celebrations started, I always have disliked the day.

And so, only after I've painted a picture of a morning of feeling slightly sorry for myself,  it was then when I rembered that a family friend had just lost her husband a few days ago. I had already written her a sympathy card which I'd put in Bluebell's glove box so with George still smacking his lips free of Chicken fat, I stopped at the friend's house to deliver it.

The new widow was filling her bird feeders in the garden when I arrived and her entire posture sagged in sadness when I approached.
All I could do was hug her long and hard as she cried.
And cried she did, as my croc wearing feet grew damp and cold on the wet grass.

There is nothing like witnessing real raw grief to get you to realise that your own problems can be coped with and even when you still think your life couldn't be more miserable and painful, my grief over a broken marriage cannot quite be compared with the finite end only a death brings in a long term relationship .

When We got home George retired to his armchair with Winnie as his organic hot water bottle whilst I made butter squash soup. I've been invited to a village drinks party tonight which is nice as I now could go as my pre planned Samaritans shift 00.00 to 02.00 am shift has had to be cancelled, but I think I shall stay at home alone. Robert Cameron , who invited me , told me with some feeling that I was "spending too much time alone .....which is not good ...you need to be with people who love you"  
But as right as he may be , tonight I feel is not the night to start the change in things.

" Tomorrow, I 'll start changing things a bit" 
Tomorrow is when I can start training for the marathon

"......... after all tomorrow is another day" 

Hey ho my dearhearts
Let us all have a better 2019 eh? 


  1. I have no words but send you a huge hug.xxx

  2. Looking back you can always see clearly, the things you did not notice at the time when it was important. Don't beat yourself up, life goes on, even if you hibernate for a while, happiness goes round in circles, without the dark how could you enjoy the light. Enjoy your night in, going out is over rated. Happy New Year to you and your animal family, xxx

  3. I too am hoping that the next year is better. I have had a really rotten year. Lots of crying and self-pity. Let's promise, John, to try to look at what we should be grateful for instead of feeling shitty about what will not change. xoxox

  4. Hindsight is a wonderful thing, isn't it John? My philosophy is that if something didn't work out, then it wasn't meant to be. I always feel better, regardless of what's going on, on 1 January - it's the start of a fresh new year. As you say, let's hope it's a better one for all of us. Enjoy your evening, John xx

    1. I slightly disagree , some things need to be worked on , but that takes two

  5. Happy New Year John! It’s a trying time for you right now. Be gentle to yourself. Gabs

  6. Margaret B3:01 pm

    I feel for you John in that coping with uncertainty is unsettling and tiring, but no doubt all will be resolved in due course and often the reality is not as bad as our anxiety drives us to believe. I will be alone tonight and tomorrow now that my travels round the country to be with my kids and their families at Christmas have come to an end, but I'm OK with that. I don't make New Year resolutions but I am going to try harder to practice gratitude and thankfulness next year. May we all be healthy and happy.

  7. Here’s for a great 2019, J.
    It can only get better. You know why I know? Cause I can see the future. Kidding! Can’t see shit cause I need glasses to read street signs. What I know is that the only way is up.
    And I’m still waiting for those pics, love.

    1. Send me your email lol

    2. Ok. Here it goes: gospamyomama at hotmail dot com 😎
      For real.

  8. Hugs to you too and here's hoping for a better 2019 x

  9. Here here John, lets hope 2019 will live up to everyones hopes and dreams. Lots of love xxx

  10. After an awful year for you, I truly wish you and all readers here a very happy and healthy new year. Had my own 'bumps in the road' but survived: friends and a positive attitude helped me, and you have both too. xx

  11. I'm not keen on New Year celebrations either. All that forced happiness. You will be okay John, too many people love you for you not to be. Onwards and upwards.

  12. We too are looking forward to a better year having lost three close family members this year. I hope you have a much better year and would like to wish you, your animal family and your readers A Happy New Year.

  13. NYE is overrated. I am staying at home. 2019 will be better for all (I hope).

  14. I always stay home on New Year's Eve, so you are not alone. I could walk over to the community center for the party (the condo community has a private bar and restaurant) but that would involve putting trousers on, unlikely to happen.

    Over the past few years I have learned to avoid, would have, could have, should have. I can't control the past. The past has brought me to where I am, still alive, still part of the adventure.

    Happy New Year, may 2019 be a year of new beginnings and new adventures for you and your pack.

    1. I've been invited to the pub in the village , but like you will chill out

  15. We can all say could a, should a, woulda....but you know what you gave it your all and now it's time to move on. I myself like a quite new years eve, and start the year on a calm note. You are in a village of lovely people who enjoy you, as I do my friend, and i feel good things are up for you. Good tidings dear for the New Year and I will give you a cheer tonight.

  16. Another wonderful post! You are right when you say that it can always be worse. I hope your 2019 will be filled with happiness and a certainty that things will indeed get better.

  17. A hug would be pretty good in this part of the woods too...awfully hard to summon up any hope that next year will be better..xx

    1. Aaahh Libby, I'm so sorry. Sending you a virtual hug from France! Anna

  18. Yes let us indeed have a better 2019!

  19. Pretty low bar to set, John, though any improvement of the past year will be very good. Take care. I plan to be well asleep before the midnight hour strikes.

  20. I dislike New Year's Eve - too much expectation and pressure based on an arbitrary date. But I do wish you many good things for 2019, and hope that friendships will sustain you and that you will find peace. Keep sharing your journey.

    1. I will share as long as people like you read this rubbish

  21. As a fairly new widow myself, I want to thank you for visiting your newly widowed friend and just holding her while she cried. I know she will be hearing all kinds of words of sympathy and advice from people who mean well, but what you did was more powerful and will be long remembered by her, I can guarantee you. Here's to a better, more hopeful New Year for us all.

  22. to you and yours, all good wishes for a comfortable and gentle New Year ... good thoughts to you from the piney woods of deep east Texas-

  23. Here's to a much better 12 months ahead for all of us, JayGee (Global Heating permitting!). 2018 was a stinker of a year for many, but it was the pits especially for you, so let's but hope that for you, at least, the only way is up.
    As I retire tonight (somewhere between 8 & 9), prepared to be woken up by the firecrackers, I'll be thinking of you with your ever-faithful 'family' around you. Very best wishes to you - and we'll 'see' you again next year!

    1. Raymondo
      Thank you for your friendship xx

    2. Yours too, JayGee. It's probably more significant than you can know.

  24. Wishing you a much better 2019 with health, happiness, love and laughter. x

  25. Here's to all the potential which 2019 brings! Onward and upwards!

  26. 2018 has NOT been kind to many people. For my family, it's been a bit like a roller coaster ride. On a rickety roller coaster. Where some got badly sick and one fell off. I don't know what 2019 will bring, but I hope we'll at least be on solid ground again. I hope that for you, too, John. Sometimes just having solid ground beneath you feet can be a welcome change.

  27. Heidi3:56 pm

    Your blog is never boring John. The snippets of everyday life, both good and bad are the stuff of life.
    Every best wish for the New Year John, mostly that your dreams will come true. You've had the grief of a marriage breakdown to contend with, that can't all be suddenly swept away by turning a page on the calendar but I hope that you gradually come to accept it, feel happier and are able to move forward. Easier said than done I know.
    My own New Year looks grim with a diagnosis of Alzheimers for my husband, it truly is what they say "The Long Goodbye" and one day at a time is the only way to cope.
    So no resolutions or plans for me but all best wishes for you and your readers.
    Sent with love.

  28. "It's just another new years eve, another night like all the rest. It's just another new years eve, let's make it the best"
    Words from a Barry manilow song. I love this song.
    Hope next year is filled with all you need, dear John.
    Health, wealth and happiness to you! Xx

  29. We certainly shall...and diet too. LOL

  30. Best wishes for easier days in 2019. Take of yourself and do what feels right for you. All the best to you and the gang,John.

  31. New Year's Eve is amateur night, always wise to stay in. Here's to a better year ahead. xo

    1. My ex, a bar owner, always used to say that. Amateurs! I will go to sleep when I'm tired and the world will still be spinning when I wake up. The only difference is that I will have to get used to writing 2019 on checks and tv commercials will be pushing diet aids and gym memberships. Best wishes to everyone.

  32. I can't wait for the new year to begin this year has been very up and down. It ends today with the birth this morning of my first great grandchild (no I'm not really old enough but to quote you 'hey ho'). Then him at just 4 hours old being rushed from one hospital to another with a suspected stroke. It wasn't ... phew. The specialist is pretty certain it's a trapped facial nerve.

    Talk about rollercoaster emotions. I'll be glad when today is over.

    Wishing you and all the furries all the very best for the coming New Year. May it be fuller for all of us than this year was of fun, laughter and frivolity.

  33. Hear hear to those last two lines John.
    And am not sure I agree over the death of one's partner. The farmer died loving me and I loving him. He was the love of my life and died that way. Divorce is a breakdown of trust and the ending of a relationchip - much harder to bear. You are doing fine - so head up for the new year dear one. xx

    1. Anonymous7:59 pm

      I hadn’t thought of it that way WofG - wise words I think.

  34. I meant to add, I know exactly what you mean about real raw grief putting everything into perspective. It's truly humbling isn't it.

    I hope your friend finds strength in the love of those around her. Wishing her a peaceful New Year 🌹

  35. I wish you'll have a better year John.

  36. Wishing you new beginnings and all that's good in 2019! Sheila Xxx

  37. A Happy New Year to you JG much love xx

  38. Looking forward to staying in myself tonight and avoiding all the kefluffle and fuss of New Years Eve. Here's all my very best wishes to you John for your nice quiet evening ahead and a lovely New Year too. X

  39. I always try to look forward, not backwards. Loss of love, no matter the cause, is the greatest hurt in life. New beginnings are not easy, but new possibilities are there to explore and give us hope for better tomorrows. I hope 2019 is full of hope for you, dear John.

  40. John, I'm not so sure that a death of a partner is worse than a parting of the ways - at least you don't feel rejected (speaking from experience here). That rejection and the 'what ifs' can haunt you for ever, whereas the finality of death is, despite the loss and hurt, at least a 'normal' progression of life.
    I truly wish you a better future in 2019 with a firmer footing in your cosy home and the wherewithal to enjoy it.
    For now - a loving (((((((HUG))))))) xx

    1. I think you are right...on reflection I are right x

  41. I hope the new year treats you and all your readers well. x

  42. Just reading all the comments and I apologise for repeating the message which Weaver has already said. But it's no less true!

    1. Anonymous8:18 pm

      I agree, don’t apologies, you had the same thought but expressed it in a different way...and both posts made me cry!

  43. This comment has been removed by the author.

  44. Hear hear. You've had a hell of a year and I'm sure all of us in blogland want much better for you in 2019. I love the picture of the Winnie "hot water bottle." Olga serves the same purpose, but Winnie seems more...all-encompassing!

  45. Wishing you and your family a much happier new year. Maybe you could get one of those puppies you told us about! On Amazon I have been reading snippets from the book 'The Secret' about attracting good things into your life by doing good things and I think if nothing else this year, although you've had some bad times, you've certainly shown us how your good deeds in the village has attracted good people into your life. My husband is the least 'spiritual' person in the world and when I told him about some of the stuff I've been reading about he said, 'its simple, shit happens'! Wishing you less shit (of all kinds) next year. Take care. xx

    1. Your hubby is pragmatic and correct x

  46. Sorry to hear that "many worries have not yet been resolved in the divorce, and my future remains uncertain". Uncertainty is the one thing I hate myself, it's exhausting as you say.

    I think that's quite right, you need to be with people who love you. But only when you're ready to do so.

  47. Dear John, life does not always pan on the way we want so bxxxxxks to that. All the very best for 2019. Love to fur babies. X

  48. Uncertainty is crap and at the moment it is all around us. We can but hope that 2019 is happy and healthy for us all.

  49. Jesus, how I did I not realize it was new years eve? Than you, we are supposed to be at a party tonight. My father came to find me at a party 2 eves ago today to tell me my grandpa had died. It's kinda ruined things.
    I hope next year is a better one for you. You've had more than your share.

  50. Wishing you a better year in 2019 John. You’re a good man, and deserve to find happiness again, and for there to be an end to the uncertainty.
    I received news at 11pm on Christmas Eve that means 2019 will be another year of living in fear for me. I crave peace of mind, but despite it proving elusive, I still keep hoping.
    Wishing you a quiet night with your furry family.

    1. Really really? How awful ? Can you tell me more? Email jgsheffield@hotmail.com
      Can I help

    2. Thank you for being so kind John. There’s nothing anyone can do to help, but the offer of a listening ear is very much appreciated.

  51. Having gone through treatment for breast cancer, I'm hoping for better health this coming year. I wish you healing for your heart and a year full of surprising joy. God bless xx

  52. Here's to a stellar 2019!

  53. Hoping 2019 will bring much brighter, happier times for you xx

  54. Big hug from me. Hope next year sees you feeling better and “ moving on”. Lots of love dear John. And cuddles for the animals. Xx

  55. The New Year has arrived here. She found her way without my help. Too many of my friends have gone through heartbreak in the last year (and several in the last fortnight). Here's to healthier, happier times ahead.

  56. Anonymous6:26 pm

    John, I wish you great happiness, peace of mind and security in 2019. Sorry my present to you and the furry ones arrived just before Christmas, I posted it late in the expectation that it would arrive for the New Year - if I'd wanted it to get there at Christmas, it definitely wouldn't! Anyway, I'm happy you got it whenever. Like many on here, I will be in my bed, hopefully asleep at midnight, I have always found it to be the loneliest night of the year, whether I was with people or not, can't explain that, just my own feelings, so gave up all 'that nonsense' years ago! Happy New Year to you and all your blog readers, lots of love, Terry in Reigate

    1. Terry,
      Your lovely lovely gift meant so much to me thank you dearheart

  57. I don't like New Year either and always stay in with the dogs especially now there are fire works always going off. I wouldn't say it would be the best night to go out to share even with people who love you. As you say uncertainty isn't good, I've always got through painful times in my past by re-afirming to myself that it won't go on forever, at some stage it will get better and it did. Truely hoping 2019 is a good year for us all xx

    1. I want to like it..perhaps in my next life I will

  58. Do what you have to do, John, you will come out of this fog. Your lovely fur babies are keeping you going, they love you unconditionally. I hope 2019 is better for you. Love to you from me and my fur babies. xxx

  59. Sending you love, John, and thanks for sharing your heart with us...

    1. Thank you all in trying to heal mine

  60. Barbara Anne7:01 pm

    I, too, appreciate your writing skills and for sharing yourself and your furry family with us. Will you be getting one of Mary's nieces or nephews to join your pack?

    Huge hugs to you, George, and the new widow. Bless your hearts and other parts.

    Yes, here's to a better in every way 2019!

  61. Wishing you a New Year filled with new hope, peace and many blessings. Thank you for sharing your little corner of Wales with us daily, I have come to love you and your fur babies as my own :)
    Bless you dear friend,

    1. You too dear jo Happy new year dearheart xxx

  62. Happy New Year, John. I wish you all that you wish yourself. xx

  63. Love coming your way. Xx

  64. Anonymous7:40 pm

    Weather expected to get very cold, windy and already snowing - not the best idea to be going out and about. Not a fan of New Years Eve. Have been out in the sub zero in younger days and only ever with friends - no romantic new beginnings ever started on the first of any year for me. I will sit relax in my chair with a glass of sparkling cider and a cat or two on my lap, with hubby dozing off in his chair while watching tv and be grateful we are in for the night, having had a nice bowl of homemade chicken vegetable soup to warm us up. I am very hopeful that 2019 will be a year full of hope, love and kindness and that we can all forget some of the sadness that we have all dealt with in some way, this past year. Best to you, John. Ranee (MN) USA

  65. Hoping 2019 will bring you peace and new beginnings.
    Your writings are a joy and I always look forward to you allowing us to join your journey. Thank you for sharing, big hugs to you and your fur babies. Sallyann x

  66. Wishing you and the furry family all the best for 2019! As time goes on things will get easier, no matter what the outcome. On a wonderful note we finally met DS2's partner of 34 years. They live on the west coast and whenever we would go to the west coast of the state ds would come down to meet us, never with his partner. We had spoken to him a few times on the phone but never in person. I'd had enough to drink at GD's wedding in October that I broached the subject of meeting his partner and invited them for Christmas. Ds works for an airline and usually works over Christmas. He made the arrangements and they both came and we had a terrific 3 days. He's a really nice man and we are just sorry it took this long to meet him but so happy that it finally happened!

  67. Hubby and I usually celebrate NYE with a nice dinner at home followed by falling asleep in our recliners and missing midnight. Tonight we've stepped it up a bit. We're invited to a friends house to play a few board games and ordering pizza. We'll probably be home before midnight, but may be able to see the ball drop in Times Square. John, for 2019 I wish for you good health (and that includes all your furry friends) and happiness and stability in your life. In fact, I'll wish that for ALL of us!

  68. Sending you my best wishes and love for a better 2019 xxx

  69. After reading all the above comments, there isn't much left to say that hasn't already been said. Well, maybe we could be the New Year "going on a diet" pals! :) Gotta get bikini ready by summer!

    Wishing you and all the Going Gently readers a Healthy and Happy New Year!

    Love & Hugs to you and the fur babies,

  70. John, sending you much love for the New Year. What you did for the widow...meaningful and powerful...Bless you.
    Joyce in Indiana

    1. Physical contact is what we all need , even if we don't know it

  71. Yes, let's have a better 2019! You are right when you said that the widow's loss is definitely more than your marriage loss but a divorce is still like a death. It is the death of what should have been. Still your village does love you and you are a valued member of it. That's something to celebrate dear heart. Hugs and good wishes from California.

  72. Wishing you everything wonderful John, thank you for writing such a wonderful, honest blog.

  73. Oh John Gray there is nothing about you and yours and what you do that is not interesting!
    Happy New Year, we all will be laughing and crying with you.

  74. After a long relationship (even engaged) and then break up, I couldn't cope. So I went to a therapist who said break up in relationship is like divorce and like death of a spouse. It took me 3 yrs to get over it because I really, really thought he was 'the one.' We were compatible in everything...we liked to exercise, dance, stay in on new years with friends and play board games and we liked to travel. But found out he was a womanizer and had hidden other relationships on the side. OMG, I was devastated so we parted. Now, I can sing at the top of my lungs 'I can see clearly now the rain is gone
    I can see all obstacles in my way
    Gone are the dark clouds that had me blind
    It's gonna be a bright (bright)
    Bright (bright) sunshiny day' by song writer Johnny Nash. The world does right itself eventually and true happiness arrives when we learn to love ourselves and be alone, alone, alone and not feel lonely or sad.

  75. There's a Laughing Horse blogging award for you over at "Yorkshire Pudding".

  76. Thank you for sharing yourself with us all, I love reading your blog. All the very best for a better 2019. You are amazing. Xoxox

  77. John, I am sending heart felt wishes ,for joy and happiness. to you and your 'pack' in the coming year. You deserve it for all that you share and give to others. Take heart John.
    Kathy in south Wales, xxxxxx

  78. There's so much I want to say that I don't have the words. Just know I wish for you and your dear ones a much better and happier new year and I care. xxx

  79. Wishing you a happier new year john, loads of cuddles to your fur babes, and a virtual hug to you too x

  80. Anonymous9:23 pm

    Wishing you a happy, healthy new year with all good things.


  81. Don't beat yourself up for what could have been you can' tip toe around and change for another person you love and are loved for who you are and that right person will come along and love you just the way you are, you will know as soon as they see your pets and drool over them. Meanwhile have a happy New Year I know you can do it we will all be rooting for you give yourself a chance.
    Sorry I'm rambling I'm just an old lady but I mean well.

  82. Anonymous9:57 pm

    Wishing you and the fur babies a happy and peaceful New Year Meg

  83. It's 10 pm and I'm off to bed very soon..... thank you and again happy new year dearheart xx

  84. It's just on dinner time before the new year. A great meal and some wine and a movie is how I love to spend new year's eve. I hope 2019 is the best year yet for you, John. Love to you and the dogs.

  85. Sending wishes for a better New Year!

  86. Indeed it is time for a good one. Year, that is.

  87. Have a good year, John... I am so glad you didn't say "tomorrow is always another day..." the last thing we need is for you to turn into Scarlet.

  88. Excellent post. A tough 2018... I hope we both have a great 2019...better anyway! Happy New Year hug. Cheers Mardy 🇨🇦

  89. Tomorrow is the first day of the rest of your life! May it be wonderful!

  90. Happy New Year to you and the kids. I hope 2019 is more settled and happier for you.

    Julie Q

  91. Let's hope we all have more good than bad in the new year.

  92. Good riddance to a pesky 2018. Happy 2019 John, may this year bring you and your furbabies all good things.
    Thanks for a fabulous blog and thank you for not giving up. XX

    Jo in Auckland

  93. We can be thankful we don't live in Yemen.

  94. Happy New Year, John! So many of my loved ones and I are with you on wanting to close the door on 2018, firmly. It's already 2019 here and so far so good. I wish you all the best. xx

  95. Sending lots of love to you, John Gray. Here’s to a better 2019.

  96. Hopefully now you are sleeping soundly. If you dream, may it be a peaceful and light hearted one.-Mary

  97. Happy New Year to you and all your doggies (especially George , give him a special hug for me) .
    Oh .... and give yourself a big old hug from me too :) XXX

  98. John:

    I am so sorry you are experiencing the pain and heartache of divorce! You are a kind and gentle person, and I hope 2019 will be more kind and gentle for you.


  99. A new year, and a new John. All the very best to you for 2019. Cro x

  100. Best wishes for you and the furry family, John. Big hugs.

  101. Dearest John, I send you love and warm wishes from NZ. For very different reasons (greedy landlords, living in an earthquake zone) our lives have been turned upside down in the past two years and all financial security has been swept away. I've spent a lot of them, too much, feeling disempowered and resentful. An injury and frustration at my lack of progress in getting a job and in my performing life have landed on top of this clusterfuck and I've been sulking a lot.
    Last night (NYE here) I was sorely tempted to stay in, because the bar party I was not going to I had not been asked to perform at. But I also believe in the importance of rituals - their structure holds us together in a way that sometimes is a good thing - so I got my drag on in huge sparkling style, and limped into that bar on my sore knee. What happened was perfect. I was approached by so many people who have seen me perform telling me how much they love what I do, my look that night, was I performing, and I found myself being able to hear it and be totally ok with watching my darling friends who WERE performing with only a tinge of FOMO. And it was a nice kind of FOMO not the dark, fear based FOMO that has plagued me for months.
    It unexpectedly healed that place in me. Maybe not forever, as I am a classic middle child, but to be in that place, surrounded by people and love and appreciation, while not being through the exhausting performance process, was just what I needed. I didn't know that!
    This year I am going to be more receptive to these moments of light and love. As Leonard Cohen said, the crack are where the light gets in.
    Much love, Me xoxo

  102. Happy New Year dear John. I hope 2019 brings you a whole new, glorious lease on life. xxo

  103. Happy new year John x

  104. Best of 2019 to you, John. I wish you healing and much love. I have not commented before but have been lurking for several years. As many have noted before me, I wish you would write a book. The way you tell a story I can imagine myself being right in the midst of it. Best, Susan

  105. John , heres a weird thought, the very ordinariness of your life is far more exciting than mine and cheers my first cuppa on many a dour bleak morning. Keep plodding on chuck

  106. Happy New Year to you and yours John. Thank you for just being you and sharing the ups and downs of your life with us. I wish you nothing but the best in 2019. I'm so glad 2018 is behind us. It's been the crappest of years. Onwards and upwards.

  107. Anonymous10:16 am

    Happy NEW Year to John, George, Winnie, Mary, and best boy Albert.
    Get writing that book my friend, if you can put as much, (or more) heart, soul, passion and pathos, all mixed in then you will have a best seller on your hands. Your blog reminds me very much along the lines of Derek Tangye style of writing, and look how popular his books still are..
    Money worries would diminish
    Go on, be a devil and do it.
    Dare you!
    Love Tess xx
    P.S. creative writing course prob running locally to get you started, as if YOU need that.

  108. I too usually dislike New Year but this is the first one for 9 years that I haven't had the shadow of cancer hanging over the family (I got through it but my husband and brother didn't) and I'm determined to start the year on a positive note. The future will hold a lot of good for us all. Hugs xx

  109. Well, that's it, 2018 is over and done with!
    Start this year as you mean to go on John, hold your head high, and please, realise that you have done nothing wrong!
    You were a loyal, faithful husband, providing a loving, caring, comfortable home. If that wasn't enough, there was nothing you could do about it!
    May 2019 bring you strength and fortitude in the sure and certain knowledge that you are loved! X

  110. I think Robert Cameron might be right though I’m not keen on NYE . Hope 2019 brings better times and a degree of contentment.

  111. New Year's will be sad for me as it will be the first year without my husband, the love of my life. I cried last night and again this morning. Too much grief....it has to get better but will never be the same. I have friends and family who look closely after me but I just have to let the tears flow every now and again. I'm hoping for brighter days ahead for you as you well deserve. There are great things in store for you I just know it. You are too caring and loving to be alone for long. Happy New Year John!

  112. I think it must be a year ago now that I first started to worry about you John. The sad photo of you in the restaurant out to dinner with your man and his mother. I looked at you and thought there is something here that doesn’t seem quite right? I do hope that things will work out well for you in 2019 both financially and personally.


    1. I remember that photo...and you were very astute xx

  113. One day at a time, on and up. Happy new year.

  114. Much better, yes!

  115. I will continue to tell you, John, how much I wish for you. Thank you for, despite the heartaches, continuing to be witty, kind, loving, snarky, and an inspiration. When I grow up I hope I'm a lot more like you. Sending hugs from Spain.

  116. Anonymous8:34 pm

    You okay? X X


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