New Year Clean Bitch

Doing extra night shifts tonight and tomorrow night
Vet's bills need paying


  1. Snap. Our Jack Russell Missy, was bathed last night Happy New Year John hope its better for everyone xx

  2. Well, it’s back to the grind, no? And that doggie is cute! 😊


  3. Just wanted to wish you a Happy New Year.

  4. Happy new year to you John c

  5. Happy New Year⭐️⭐️

  6. Happy 2018 John. I hope that the shifts go smoothly without drama! x

  7. You've got to do what you've gotta do ... unfortunately . But at least you've got a nice clean doggie 😃

  8. Margaret B2:12 pm

    Happy New Year! I've just been for a long walk, enlivened by the many dogs I met on the way. Clean jeans are now ruined, but a small price to pay for the lift in my spirits patting lovely dogs. At the risk of being presumptious John, have you ever considered setting up a go fund me page to help with the vet bills? I can no longer have a dog in my retirement flat but I have derived such pleasure from the photos of your pets and the stories of what they get up to. As pets age, they of course cost us more at the vet and I am sure there are many readers like myself who would be happy to contribute a few pounds now and then as I feel that your lovely animal family, that you are kind enough to share with us, provide lots of people with surrogate pets. Sorry if I'm sticking my oar in.

    1. Yes, I have also been thinking a Go Fund Me page would be entirely appropriate for this special man and his pets at this point in their lives. I don't know how it all works - does anyone out there know how to go about it? Jocelyn

    2. John, which veterinary establishment do you take your pets to? We could send money there on your account and there would be no fees taken out.
      Or...we could send it through Paypal and you could use it to pay your vet bills.

    3. A lovely thought but no.... its my job to sort them out . Its just been a hard few weeks as every one but albert has had to be seen by the vet....mary's op was covered 70% by insurance
      Winnie has more or less recovered from her stroke and ive paid for williams bills already. Just George's to go xxxxx

    4. I see you have firmly closed this idea John but can I just say, go fund mes take about ten percent in fees. Direct payments are always better.

  9. We've just bathed one of our dogs after she had a New Year Day roll in smelly stuff!!

    Wishing you a healthy and peaceful year ahead xx

  10. May 2019 be a better year, John. No way to go around the bad, best is to just go through it. Rely on your friends, those who love you. We aren't meant to go it alone. Whether you wanted to or not, you've been an inspiration to others. We don't regret the past, nor wish to shut the door on it, if it can be helpful to someone else. Much love to you, from Illinois.

  11. Sophie is due for one as well.....maybe today as we aren't going anywhere in the snow storm.
    Happy New Year, John.

  12. Here's to a happier 2019 John. Hope all your residents behave themselves for you tonight.

  13. a clean mary is a happy mary. how is her ear doing, john?

    1. Still playing her up at times shesgoing back to the vets after the holidays

  14. Just discovered your blog. Here's to a happier 2019, and hoping it will be kinder to you. Take care, John.

  15. Happy New Year !
    It is snowing at my home in the Catalina Mountains ! I am taking this as a good sign for better time ahead ! Snow on the cactus in Tucson

    cheers, parsnip

  16. Maybe The John Gray Fan Club could crowd fund your vet bills? I wouldn't volunteer to set it up but I would donate a fiver.

  17. Happy New Year dear one. Just how long will she stay clean in this muddy weather!

  18. Barbara Anne3:23 pm

    How cute is soapy Mary? Hope she had a nice dry by the fire.

    Wishing you well with those shifts since needs must.

    May the new year bring you tranquility and joy.


  19. New year, new beginnings, and a clean page - may it be a really happy one for you John.

  20. You could always try getting a red light, pimping yourself out and then there would be no need for night shifts.

    Take it as easy on yourself as you can dear man. X

  21. You'll make it, John. We all will. xxoo

  22. Wishing you a more hopeful and peaceful 2019 with fewer vets bills in your life !

  23. Isn't she good in the bath! Happy New Year!

  24. Bless that little soapy face! Happy New Year, John!

  25. Someone had a good scrub! Happy New Year to you and all the animals!

  26. Good wishes to you and your fur family. Yours has been a challenging year. Onward into 2019!!!

  27. Adding my New Year's good wishes, for you, your multitude, and pretty much everybody else in the world and indeed on other worlds (apart from the nasty people/creatures/things).

  28. I have a car needs washing if you are free!

  29. It's a metaphor. Wash away the old year. The new one will smell better :)

  30. Happy New Year John! Bathing Murphy is a totally and complete adventure. 1. he hates it. 2. he is 100 lbs.

  31. Happy New Year! I like Jenny-O's metaphorical interpretation. :)

  32. Happy New Year! I know your doggies get more than an annual bath but it looks a bit like she's getting a rare treat. It just needs to be in a tin tub in front of the fire!

    You must sometimes wonder if it would have been a wiser move to have studied vet nursing...

  33. Make hay while the sunshine’s.

  34. Sweet photo of Mary she doesn't seem to mind a bath.

  35. You have my sympathy, John, over the vet bills. We never anticipate them and can't avoid them if we love our pets. xx


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