

Dear Ursula,

We need to have a little chat you and I
It will be the very last chat we will indeed have.
This chat does not need or indeed elicit a response . It is for you to read and no doubt rant about on your own blog which lies in a somewhat quieter part of the internet.
It for everyone to read too....for I've found just writing something pithy in my comment box invariable fails to get through to you.
Perhaps in the future others can explain my comments,
That's if they can be arsed.

You have been what my dear rancid old mother would call " a mixer"
From the get go, you have felt almost a divine right to argue the point almost on every blog you visit
You enjoy throwing written grenades into the blog mix. You enjoy being the devil' advocate and you enjoy the thrill of the arguement.
Now I understand some of where you are coming from. Indeed, there is no one better than me who understands the joy of prodding someone in the ribs, especially if they are pious, or pompous.
But, hell Ursula you take it to the limit.
Every point has to be examined, discussed or disagreed about, and a better solution suggested as if we are all really bothered.
You've thrown your baby out with the bath water !
By over egging the pudding.
You just cannot rein yourself in like any normal person can do...you have no off button
You just don't know what's best for everyone

You have insulted me and my friends on the web, then you have waited a while for the dust to settle before reappearing like a long lost old buddy.
But you are not my buddy, I really do think that you are no one's buddy

I have enough buds of my own
And so...publicly and for the last time you have been told the truth as I see it.
If you return to bleat, to defend, to argue or to troll, I shall photoshop you, then delete you and finally I shall report you.
You have been warned
There, I have put an end to your silly ways here....with one letter... no threats of shoving  a scotch egg where the sun don't shine, no quips about " cheap shoes" ....just a final two words

Grow up.


John Gray


  1. Well done John. Goodbye Ursula.

  2. Well Done John, wonder if it will actually work?

  3. Good letter John.

  4. I have two final words for her, and they aren't "grow up". I'm so tired of her lectures. Well done John.

  5. I hate to say this but you've probably thrilled her.

    1. Well it's the last thrill she gets from GOING GENTLY

    2. She won't be missed, I expect.

    3. I'm sorry it's come to this

    4. A couple of times I've wondered if the two of you coordinate behind the scenes! ;)

  6. She seems to be a right stirrer, doesn't she? Has to get her oar in, with as many words as possible too. I have to say, sometimes I read her comments and think 'What on earth is she on about?'.

  7. Boundaries are good, you know. I'm glad you're clear about yours.

  8. Anonymous4:09 pm

    At last! John, you must be the most patient man on earth but we are all sick of her pickiness and general unpleasantness.Good riddance!
    Hope your waterworks are on the mend. Hugs from me.

  9. HALLELUJAH!!!!! Too much?

  10. Heidi4:20 pm

    Well said John. I hope you're soon better, UTI's are horrid.

  11. It needed saying.

    You gave the patience of a saint to have tolerated her for so long.

  12. I am delighted to learn that I had never heard of Ursula before your "kiss off" letter, John. I checked her blog and believe you are well off to be rid of her.

  13. Well said. I can't stand people who argue for the sake of arguing.

  14. Excellent, thanks.

  15. Lisa R5:15 pm

    She's also BORING. Well said John. Xx

  16. Love coming your way John.

  17. Thank you John . . .
    Well said!

  18. Good for you John.

  19. The moment you wrote "Ursula" I knew exactly who you were talking about! Indeed, a holier-than-thou person, alas, whose verbal shenanigans I've seen elsewhere. -Kate

    1. I thought exactly the same when I read 'Ursula' ;-)

  20. I don’t think Ursula is a woman. People like her like to hide. That said, can you just block her /it?

  21. badger and I send hugs from Tucson !

  22. This comment has been removed by the author.

  23. Ursula needs to find a hobby or take her medication! Seriously, why do people have to be so mean.
    We love you John!

  24. Well done,John,it will be nice to no longer see her comments.-Mary

  25. We are with you John!

  26. Good for you John,she and other one are so boring and egotistical. Enjoy your choir night it will help re balance you.
    Hugs Kathy x

  27. Anonymous7:05 pm

    Good for you John....but, don’t go to her blog and read her stuff. If you do, for heavens sake don’t comment.

    Hugs to Albert

  28. Well said. Best to you and I hope the infection clears quickly.

  29. Anonymous7:19 pm

    Fine, but why not just block someone whose comments are not welcome instead of making such a righteous song and dance about it?

    1. And you can piss off too...I've just about had it with people telling me what I should or couldn't do....if you don't like it don't read it

    2. Shut. Up. And leave our John alone, it's his blog.

    3. People who hide behind 'Anonymous' are cowards! This is John's blog, and he can do and say whatever he wants, no-one is holding a gun to your head forcing you to read it, moron!

  30. This is so childish but I can't help thinking of Ursula off the Little Mermaid! 😬X luv to you John from Geordieland X

    1. Ha! I said that to her once too. I don’t regret it.
      I hope you and William are back to feeling good soon, John.

  31. It's your blog and your right to do whatever you wish. I applaud you for doing what you think is right. Onwards with your life sweet man.

  32. Thank you.

    mary in maryland

  33. Barbara Anne7:36 pm

    You blog, your choice! Well said.

  34. I hope you are feeling better, dear John, in all ways.

  35. MaggieB8:47 pm

    Did you make it to choir practice, after all that? M x

    1. No I had to go to the out of hours clinic at the hospital to get antibiotics

    2. MaggieB10:42 pm

      Aaahhhh, I wondered where you were going to get antibiotics on the same day. M x

  36. Well done John.
    And sorry, it did make me smile to read about the comment of a scotch egg up the ass.
    Seams like a terrible waste of a scotch egg.

  37. Thank you!! So tired of her pseudo intellectual meanderings...

  38. What's that you said about over-egging "the pudding"? I must warn you that I will not be over-egged by anybody!

  39. Wasn't Ursula the wicked, six tentacled octopus in the Disney film The Little Mermaid? ��

  40. Bravo, John. Her need to hurt others is well-documented. I don't understand that need, but I am glad you will no longer acknowledge it. There's something dark there. She will not be missed.

  41. We in our blog area had trouble lover, HighRiser knows who I mean. He was barred, deleted and threatened but still came back. I didn't do anything like that, he tried to goad me and I told him his idiot comments would stay on my blog to show the internet what a moron he was. Sometimes he would sneak back in the middle of the night an delete the offending comment. I found the secret was never to engage him 'off blog' and it was a shame that he preferred to be a pest because his stories of old Melbourne were brilliant. He was homophobic to the nth degree so eventually Andrew barred him.

  42. Glenys1:54 am

    Hi John, I read and enjoy your blog every day but don't comment due to the time difference here in Australia. Most things I would say have already been said! Good on you for standing your ground against negativity and self righteousness. Hope you feel better soon. Glenys, Brisbane Australia

  43. John I uphold your right to post what you wish and cut ties where ever you wish.
    I'm disappointed at all the people who feel it's OK to comment negatively about Ursula here.
    It wasn't them who she interacted with.

    1. It's the 'pack mentality'. We none of us know Ursula so why oh why must people feel the need to take sides.

    2. Well, in my world, when someone insults a friend of mine, I reserve the right to call them out on it! Surely that's not 'pack mentality' but loyalty to a friend!

    3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    4. Kylie I respect your right to defend her but not here...it will only cause more trouble .
      She is a destructive force. I understand she is a friend of yours , but she causes bad feeling and discord without having the insight that this is not always the right course of action .
      I've given her at least three reprieves...no more

    5. I don't see anyone "taking sides" here. Part of the point of a blog is that we all interact with each other; otherwise, it's just a lecture. Ursula is consistently nasty to many people who simply want to discuss or respond to a point John has brought up.
      At one point I said to another commenter that I didn't understand why John welcomed someone who relentlessly insulted his readers. John answered me by saying everyone is welcome here. I admired his tolerance, but I quit reading for awhile.
      I'm with Col., especially since I was one of the people insulted by her. That's not "pack mentality" and I think you're being somewhat insensitive to suggest that. (Not to start an argument!)

  44. Well said John; I've suffered her bile for years. Luckily I've had no word from her for a while. She should find something better to do.

  45. Get well soon, John. And William, too.

  46. As you know, John, I've been pestered by this wretched woman for months and months. I applaud your post. As I've suggested before, all requests to behave like a normal human being fall on deaf ears and the only thing left is to cut her dead.

  47. You're too good for all that crap...good for you! You're a dear man.

  48. Dear John.. I've often wondered about blog etiquite where we are guests in the bloggers place and space yet have an opinion or a story we share at will.I hope sharing & posting experiences is not overstepping the considered bounds of blogland whatever they are.
    I am not commenting on the letter to Ursula but to say you have tried to deflect things when it has been awkward and there are a few people here who have been razed by Ursulas strong opinions at times. I hope her world fulfills her needs and intelligence.

  49. I decided to moderate all comments on my blog and simply don't publish ones that I find offensive. If this be censorship, make the most of it!

  50. Oh sigh, Dear John. The anonymous Trolls on the internet can wreak such havoc. My personal belief is that they have always been bullies, and bullies love to bully. I also know that a bully is FILLED with fear, but would never, ever, admit it, so ATTACK FIRST is their only weapon. YAY for you, standing up to the bully. I can tell you from experience that standing up to my life-long bully was life-changer for me. (and she is my SISTER!)
    I dearly LOVE your blog, so, a POX on Ursula. (oops, that was unkind....)

  51. Good. Thank you John. She will NOT be missed. Hoping you're feeling a bit better this morning. X

  52. Sending healing happy thoughts across the pond!!xoxoxox

  53. Your thread must be a whole lot longer than mine. Well done. Beverley

  54. Is she still lurking about? It's time you put an end to her nastiness. You been way too kind for way too long John. And life is way too short for crap like that. Good for you.

  55. Very informative post , Thanks for sharing this amazing post .
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I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes