
If Alfred Hitchcock was alive today he would have made the movie Searching 
Filmed totally from the perspective of a laptop screen, smartphones and go pros it is the old man-facing -a-nightmare-situation- alone story where widower David Kim ( John Cho) has to troll through his sixteen year old daughter's internet life in over to piece together just why she disappeared suddenly one night.
It's a clever premise with dad bouncing from Facebook to on line banking, to blogs to vlogs like a thing demented the movie keeps most of the audience guessing even though these are some elephant sized holes in the reality of the piece.
Cho plays the Cary Grant lead role very well. Michelle La is suitably enigmatic as the lost daughter Margot and Debra Messing rather surprisingly pops up as a caring police officer assigned to the case.
A good satisfying early evening movie


  1. Sounds good, I quite fancied this one when I saw a trailer last week.

  2. I love all things Alfred Hitchcock so I may have to see this movie. It sounds interesting and we all know how social media can take over a young person's life these days. I can see John Cho in this role and I bet he does well with it. Thanks for the review on a movie I knew very little about.

  3. Barbara Anne11:31 pm

    Ahhhhh ... Cary Grant!

    DH and I have wondered why so many movies these days seem to be re-makes of old movies. Where is the fine art of originality?

  4. Thanks for the review. I'll have a look.

  5. Sounds interesting, there a few things I should go see.

  6. I might have missed this one without reading your review. Thanks!! It sounds like a film I would enjoy.

  7. I'll put this on my "to see" list.

  8. Thanks for the review . . .
    Is it just me . . . seems like less movies of late . . .
    Maybe because I am watching Netflix more than going to the movie theater.

  9. Hasn't come here yet but I want to see it. (Will it actually ever come? A mystifyingly large number of new films don't - including, amazingly, even to nearby Brighton).

  10. adrienne from worcester7:42 am

    I haven't seen the trailer for this but its sounds like something I'd enjoy. I'll keep my eyes peeled for a local showing.

  11. I saw the trailer at a bad movie that I went to last week. It looked intriguing and I put it on my list of movies to possibly see. All the best movies will be coming out in the next few months and there are quite a few that I am looking forward to seeing.

  12. Thank you for the great and very helpful information and thanks for your lovely comments.Very useful and I like this very much.


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