Good Mornin'

I'm boring the tits off myself with negative posts , so god knows what you lot feel...
A friend said this today
"If there is a lesson to be learnt here, it is that most feelings of hopeless melancholy serve no useful purpose other than to ruin your evening"

He's right so Have a bit of Gene and Donald and the fabulous Debbie


  1. Good afternoon,
    I'll just skip the negative things ;-)
    By the way, why shouldn't you be allowed to be negative?
    I like Gene, Donald and Debbie.
    Cheer up!

  2. Donald? You mean Donald Trump? Now this clip proves conclusively that he dyes his hair but he must have also had a personality transplant.

    1. Trump probably dances worse than Theresa may

    2. Surely that's impossible!

  3. Replies
    1. I didn't know just how good debbie Reynolds was...this reminded me

    2. I was thinking the same thing John. She was underestimated!

  4. Replies
    1. So do i , I prefer Judy garlands " get happy" ....but this suited the moment

    2. Another good ‘un xx

  5. Yeah. Bring back the dog shit.

    1. Oh I've had that overnight further comments except I shall always wear slippers from now on

    2. Heidi3:43 pm

      Same here John, a 4am visit to the bathroom resulting in dog poo squelching through the toes is not nice! A Jack Russell with dementia, though thankfully he went on the solid bathroom floor and not the bedroom carpet.

  6. Not boring because you need to say these things somewhere. But Singing in the Rain is a great film so thanks for this. 😊

    1. Kelly made everything look easy he moves like a panther

    2. His athletic dancing was a wonder to behold. And he had the best butt in the business.

  7. I will be singing and dancing the rest of the day . . .
    Not sure how I will handle dancing on steps though . . .

  8. I can't press play .... once I hear that tune it sticks in my head for days. Even now without pressing play it is there ... lurking in the background!!

  9. Your posts about what you are going through are not boring. Write what you want. You always tend to write about a mix of topics and moods and things even out. And if you need to process this big life changing thing you are going through with a post then do it. We all read it and support you.

  10. I think there's too much pressure (that perhaps we place on ourselves) to always be cheerful. Just be you. That's all.......

  11. I saw Debbie on stage back in the aughts - an-evening-with-Debbie-Reynolds type thing. She introduced herself to the audience thus: “For those of you over fifty, I was in Singing in the Rain. For those of you under fifty, I’m Princess Leia’s mother”. It brought the house down.

    1. Welcome Phil lucky bugger

  12. Brilliant, I wonder how long it too for them to perfect that, thanks, I loved it.

  13. If not melancholy now, when? Good lord, you're slogging through a life-altering event. It' got it right.

  14. They make the staircase sequence look SO effortless! I've always loved that song too, but it's ruined for me now ever since Viagra used it in a commercial a few years ago.

  15. I watched/listened to Last Night of the Proms last night. I felt it really uplifting. Today I am listening to Classic FM. I am going to stop watching celebrity crap stuff and focus on what brings me joy. x

  16. ah well, this too shall pass.

  17. It is a Good Morning or Ohayogozaimmasu
    Granddaughter was here for a month. Ohayo is what I usually said.

    cheers, parsnip and badger

  18. ...and yet another film I haven't seen!

  19. My brother often sends me this very clip in the mornings when we talk on the Google. Your post caused me to smile. I'd kill for the pleated skirt or that gas kitchen range, either would put me away for life.

  20. I watched a cute movie last night that made me laugh...Calendar Girls. Give it a try...

  21. I haven't been able to check my favourite Blogs, yours first every day John am helping my elderly mum in her home post hip break and I can only grab wifi sometimes as she has none.
    Up or down, We are all here for you . I hope you got the envelope I sent xxxx

  22. Don't underestimate the healing power of allowing yourself to feel what you feel, nor the comfort that your sad posts may bring to others who may be reading and not commenting, as it may help them to feel less alone.

    That said, a good tap dance and happy song serve their purpose, too :)

  23. It's far from the most complicated dance step in that scene, but I always look forward to them knocking that couch over. I just wish it came at the beginning instead of the end of that number.

  24. I love the classics! Thank you, and Good Morning!

  25. I grew up with this film ( and so many others) I LOVE it . As good as Gene and Debbie are, it’s Donald O’Connor that I love. When he dances with the dummy .... brilliant. XXXX

  26. I detect a bit more cheer in your posts by the day John.

  27. Barbara Anne7:28 pm

    Ta for the cheery smile, Donald, Debbie, and Gene!


  28. Fun way to get the day started, positive thinking is easier said then done we just have to work our way through the happy and sad.
    Hope you have a good week ahead John.

  29. Joan (Devon)7:39 pm

    I love musicals and brought my daughter up watching these old musicals with me which included Calamity Jane, Seven Brides For Seven Brothers as well as Singing In The Rain plus others. At age seven years she knew all the words to all the songs and even surprised one of her teachers with a word perfect Take Me Back To The Black Hills. I brought her up well, lol.

  30. I really enjoyed watching that video. The three of them are really talented and it put a smile on my face. Thanks for sharing it.

  31. No, you're never does get down sometimes...but there is always something positive in everything, however bad!

  32. I'd forgotten how good all 3 of them were. Nice reminder. All the best,John.

    1. PS- I saw "A Star is Born" with Last Gaga and Bradley Cooper at TIFF and I loved it.

  33. I love 'Postcards from the Edge', based on Carrie Fisher's life with her mother.

  34. Now if that doesn't pull anyone out of the doldrums....nothing will!
    Unbeatable trio here!

  35. Not bored at all John. Post whatever you want/need.

  36. Enjoy this number -- quite a challenge for Debbie Reynolds when she was young I heard her discuss on a talk show once.

    Musicals were my entertainment growing up as had a few years of tap, piano with requisite recitals. Regretted having to give it all up much to young so indulged my "ham" vicariously as was into theatre for awhile. So you keep singin' in the choir -- sing those doldrums away and keep writing. Mood variations are okay, even on your blog.

  37. Feel free to vent, to say what you are thinking and feeling, we understand.

    This was good, I needed that. Most of Saturday I had comedians playing on You-Tube, I really needed that.

  38. Ha! This is one of the videos I watch, when I can manage, to get myself smiling. Sometimes it works. It did today. Thanks!

  39. Charming video. Amazing really that they aren't huffing and puffing and out of breath.


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