The Day After

Our Christmas Lunch was somewhat French in nature.
Seafood starters, a " digestive" champagne sorbet between courses and a turkey lunch with gravy to die for.
I ended the day watching a shit monster movie with my nephew.
It's interesting joining in with another family's Christmas traditions for everyone has their own particular way of doing things. 
I didn't get up until ten this morning, which is unheard of. I'm enjoying the blow up mattress and I am sure I look a little like the Queen Mary negotiating a rather turpid mid Atlantic swell when rolling over to get comfortable.
I'm curbing the impulse of throwing myself Scarlett O'Hara-esque onto myside when the Prof is reclining on the other!
Later today, after a walk, we shall be eating bubble and squeak with cold meat and tomorrow after a trip to the Turner Museum in Margate we shall be having tea" at the Prof's Uncle and Aunt's home. They have an impressive winter wonderland village set out in their front room.
It's the size of Trelawnyd apparently! 


  1. "Enjoying" the blow up mattress! You mean like a pvc Japanese sex doll?

    1. Snort! I always enjoy your comments.

  2. Sounds like a nice get away, glad the turkey was good, it was a good year for gravy - mine turned out well for once.

  3. Glad you had a fab time. We are currently waiting for the family to arrive for a second Christmas day (greedy or what), with Robbie and Elvis blasting out of the loudspeakers. TG for detached houses. ๐Ÿ˜ฑ ๐ŸŽ†๐ŸŽ‡๐ŸŽ†

  4. I've been finding myself considering beginning my own winter wonderland collection. Your turkey/gravy dinner is Jerry's idea of heaven!

  5. Joy. Christmas with family is wonderful. We will pay our respects to mom and dad today..Wendy has asked to visit the national cemetery. Not morbid, it is a beautiful drive d and a time to remember.

  6. I miss gravy!!! We stopped making the elaborate multi-course holiday dinners when the hubby and I moved away from family. We keep things simple and yesterday was Chili & homemade bread in front of the fire with cheezy movies all day long. Was heaven!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Happy Boxing Day...enjoy that bubble and squeak.

  9. Having spent Christmas alone with the cats, I am envious .. 'especially for the food .. not the airbed so much. I have 2 of them and they are both awful. One leaks air slowly so you wake in the middle of the night flat on the floor ..
    I am having chinese food for dinner tonight, apparently the restaurant here did not see A Christmas Story ... and Scarlett was the queen of flouncing ..

  10. Take pictures of that village John. Inquiring minds want to know.

  11. Glad to hear you are enjoying yourself John. Here we are still cleaning up the aftermath of Christmas then we will relax a little before our visitors head home and we get ready to start a new year... Hugs! deb

  12. Everything you are doing sounds like great fun but visiting the Turner Museum is the frosting on the cake for me. So envious.
    Enjoy your mornings off.

    cheers, parsnip

  13. Just had leftovers meal & family back at their pub digs for another night... several more meals to do x

  14. I've not been to the Turner, but have seen photos of the outside. Very modern. Interesting. I've always found contemporary art to be more compelling than looking at yet another Roman fight scene of which the Lovre has so many.

    Will you be passing by Kent? Artist 'Richard Friend' lives there; he has a unique painting style which is lovely.

  15. It sounds like a delightful, rather old fashioned Christmas visit. (Tho I can also envision you and Prof celebrating alone, with champagne, in front of your own fire as snow falls on Trelawnyd...). I'd love a recipe for champagne sorbet!
    Now I must go look up ''Bubble and Squeak". Merry Christmas.

  16. It IS interesting joining another family's Christmas. My son's longtime girlfriend is Hispanic, we spent Christmas Eve with her family. There were 3 younger kids, 2 teenagers, a grandpa, and 8 other adults. Presents aren't opened until midnight, so we spent the long evening playing games together and having a great time. Not quiet games - noisy, rowdy, fun games with everyone together participating. By midnight I thought the kids would be ragged, but they weren't. They opened their gifts (just a few simple ones and one thing from their "want" list) with enthusiasm and hugged and thanked the gift giver without prompting. Best Christmas ever.

  17. Glad to hear that you are having fun... And sleeping in.

  18. If you don't show us a photo of the winter wonderland village, I might have to rethink our acquaintanceship!!!!

  19. Have a wonderful Christmas break! I so enjoy your blog.

  20. Enjoy it all.
    PS I have eaten too much.

  21. Gosh, I didn't know Wales was so "pret a porter". My fault I thought you were all Shakin' Stevens and Mary Hopkins


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