Mrs Hopkins' slippers

Sorrel is upstairs, deep in her morning ablutions. The spare room feels somewhat like a sauna, as she is too frightened to even open one of her windows, just in case Albert drags another small dead body up there for her delectation. 
Her nerves are shot to ribbons.
When she goes to bed, she is effectively "under siege" in her room, and I was sure that she pushed a towel into the crack under the door last night...just in case a dead mouse would manage to limbo through......

So like I said, Sorrel is upstairs and Chris is pottering around the cottage getting ready for the day's events . I have noticed that he has suddenly taken charge of my famous "Mrs Hopkins' slippers"...the very slippers he slagged off with some gusto when I was presented with them last year.
How comfort takes over from snobbery when it suits
We are off to see Jane Eyre today.....


  1. The sort of slippers by which you wouldn't mind being given the slipper.

  2. Love the slippers too... I'll take comfort over style any day. Love reading your memories, John. You express yourself so well. You would think people would be kinder to strangers because most of us will be dependent on the good will of strangers at our most needful times in life.

  3. Those are fantastic slippers! I remember when you got them. My lady wants to try her hand at knitting some.

  4. Knit slippers are just the best! A friend knit a pair for me many years ago. I wore them till they were mostly holes LOL.

  5. Obviously the slippers are as great as they look. You may need to ask her for a pair for a Christmas pressie for a certain someone. ;)

  6. Not much choice but to "go gently" wearing those slippers.

  7. Off to see Jane Eyre? You'll be lucky - she was a fictional character, the figment of a writer's imagination!

  8. I would say comfort is number one.

  9. Anonymous12:02 pm

    You've got your own back on that one then. Good going. Now are those his feet or yours in the photo. You need a blackmail picture.

  10. Very becoming indeed but I am sure very comfortable as well.
    These are 'great' moments John to be sharing with the MIL....I really miss those times.

  11. Going to see Jane Eyre? If it is true to the book, you are going to need a heapload of tissues.
    Jane x

  12. Hi John,

    Thank you for visiting my blog. You write beautifully. I just watched Dolly's video. So sad she was used for dog fighting. We have a couple of was dumped in a park nearby about a year ago, the other one was a Welsh Terrier, dropped off at the pound. After many threats of taking him back...he's ours....for keeps.

    Cindy Bee

    I love the slippers!

  13. Does Chris know that you are posting pics of his feet in the slippers?
    Somebody is in twouble!

  14. In Mrs P's opinion, slippers should be furry, but I suppose you would have to be careful what you put your feet into with Albert around.

  15. Fab slippers. Does she do teacosies as well?

  16. I would quite like the pattern for those Nrs Hopkin's slippers John. Any chance?

  17. Super sexy!

    Looks like he's going to go arse over tit on that floor though...

  18. The older we get, the more we realize fashion isn't nearly as important as comfort. (Not that I ever gave a good diddle about fashion in the first place.) But those slippers are spiffy, John. Unique. And frankly, my dear, it looks like you're gonna have to get yourself another pair.

    There's an award for you on my blog today if you wanta come snatch it.

  19. Hobbitt slippers!

  20. Years back, I made fun of a guy for wearing those things (sorry Dion). He was single, for one, and his mom had made them for him. Now that I'm all growed up, I quite fancy a pair. That design is especially nice there...

  21. love dem slippers...sounds like part of a song...from somewhere in the recesses of my vacant mind...PS loving your green background!

  22. Some slippers seem ugly... until you put them on. ;-)

    Enjoy Jane!

  23. Wish I had a pair like that myself.
    Jane Eyre is a very good movie, I saw it last spring. No matter how many incarnations I have seen of this story, I love it each time.

  24. I caught and released a mouse from my bedroom this morning while the cat slept on.

  25. I think they're rather lovely slippers. And they look very warm.

  26. I love those slippers! I knit myself a pair that felted up quite nicely. I'm hoping they'll keep my tootsies warm this winter. I made Himself a pair, too. I thought he'd find them too girly perhaps, but after he tried on mine (before felting) he was oohing and aahing.

    Poor Sorrel and poor Albert! He's just trying to welcome her.


  27. Anonymous6:18 am

    They look a wee bit like elf shoes.
    VERY cozy.
    (Elf's know shit about fashion but are experts in comfort. Hence their market dominance in Christmas wear.)


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