Dolly the Pit Bull

my sister sent me this video this morning
....suffice to say................I am still sniffling


  1. I hoped you would post this-saw it on Kim`s facebook page x
    She`s been on my mind on and off all day ! x

  2. A definite sniffle, but in a happy ending way!

  3. Oh John, it breaks my heart to think of someone/thing being cruel to another creature. Dolly's story just makes me ill. I am constantly amazed by animals and children's ability to survive horrendous cruelty and yet come through it with the ability to love and feel joy again! I don't think that I could be so strong...

    God bless Dolly and all of the others out there who have similar stories to tell. Especially those who have not found their happy endings yet.

  4. Oh no! How on earth could those 'people' do that to her. At least a happy ending.

  5. Sniffle? I'm bawling my eyes out. Poor Terry - I'm afraid we're going to have another round of "why is it again I don't have a dog?"
    You have the best posts John :-)

  6. Sadly, I've witnessed more cases of this abuse than I care to remember.
    Most of the pits that end up in shelters are loving and sweet natured dogs, whose lives have been dramtically changed by their owners.
    I'm happy to see Dolly found her forever home in the end....

  7. I nearly didn't make it to the end of the video - the other comments made me have another look.
    The human capacity for cruelty to animals makes me speechless. I'm still angry.

  8. I am always touched and inspired by people who truly make a difference and the stories that end where 'she lived happily ever after!!!'

  9. All those breeds of Bull-Terriers are such gentle things, but you wouldn't want to cross them. Shame they are being used as weapons by nasty drug-dealers, because they are safer with small children than most elderly Labradors. Pit-Fighting is the lowest of the low.

  10. Sorry John but I can't watch this or anything about cruelty to animals or children. My sister is the big animal lover in our family who famously told us that she prefers horses to humans. While still fond of horses, she now breeds (occasionally not as a profession) from her beautiful pedigree rotweiler who was a disaster at Crufts for disobedience in preferring to eat the biscuit before commanded.

    I'm not soppy about animals or children but abhor cruelty in any form anywhere.

  11. Oh John...this made me cry. Such a sweet dog to have had that happen to her and yet she came out of it still loving people. I've always been afraid of Pit Bulls but Dolly has made me realize that they aren't all mean. Thanks for sharing this with us...I'm going to show hubby as I know he'll like this video too.
    Maura X

  12. I hope God has a very special place for all those assholes (yes...I mean assholes) who treat animals that way. (and as far as I'm concerned that includes the likes of Michael Vick - I don't care how well he can play football.
    Sniffling! I can't stop sobbing...

  13. This has definitely made my day.
    Thanks you!

  14. although constance was not ill treated in any way, her life pre wales was a little limited.
    this vidio reminds me so much of her...
    I miss her dreadfully

  15. Oh my gosh :O(...I couldn't even watch all of that video... Karma wields a sharp sword, may she do so with those that did this. I see others saying there was a happy ending, I will take their word for it as I can't watch it through to see.

  16. The video is worth watching to the end as their are so many good and happy images of Dolly in her new home

  17. Difficult to watch, but glad I did...thanks for posting!

  18. Omg! Not just sniffling now, but fully howling! What an absolute sweetie she is. I wasn't sure I would be able to watch it right through when I saw what it was about, but I stuck in there.
    Did you know that when you cry, toxins are flushed out with your tears?! Think I've had a nice clean out now! :)

  19. Dog owner/lovers are a breed apart - glad this story had a happy ending!

  20. I will never,ever be able to understand the meanness in people who take pleasure in the torture of animals like that.I am so glad Dolly found a happy place.

  21. Sobbing like a little girl. Glad this story had a happy ending :)

  22. Some people are so damn disgusting.
    I'm so glad we chose to adopt our Mickey from a shelter. There are so many dogs in need.

  23. Part of my college course was to watch undercover video of illegal dog fighting. How Dolly was ever able to trust again is nothing short of a miracle. Me and hubby are in tears.
    Jane x

  24. This is a wonderful breed of dogs. I had them for years. Never a more loyal companion.

    I am a true believer there all no bad dogs, only bad owners.

    I also love happy endings!

  25. Thanks for posting this video. I wouldn't have watched it otherwise. It bought back all the pain and the good times I've had with my dogs. Happy and sad.

  26. It just amazes me that someone could look into those eyes and still treat her so cruelly.

    Glad Dolly found a loving home. She deserves it.

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. 85% of the dogs in Northern California shelters are pit bull or part pit bull.

  29. We humans can be such bastards, but thank goodness that the majority of us are kind, decent, animal-loving people, like Dolly's carers.

  30. Awww... Who sang that song???

  31. I hope they arrested the people that used her as a bait dog. I'm glad she's in a better home with someone who loves her.

  32. I think my post got lost in cyber-space earlier. That poor, sweet dog.... Awww...

    Who sang this song? It sounded a little like someone I'm familiar with, but I'm not sure.

  33. Dolly's rescuers have their own website. They do good work.

  34. What a sweet dog! Now she is happy and her life will be respected.

  35. Anonymous5:17 am

    The two extreme portraits of humanity in this video left me crying (for both sadness and joy) and thoughtful, too. Animals can be such mirrors...the close-ups of Dolly's injured face were like looking directly into one of the darkest aspects of human nature. It was sobering.
    Y'know, I think we're all very lucky to innately understand what extraordinary friends, companions, and teachers these animals are for us. So many people really can't. Life would be so lonely without their love and joy to heal us.
    I'm so grateful Dolly wound up with people who will protect her from ever, ever being brutalized like that again.

  36. I can barely watch that sort of thing, I'm crying now and cant' stop. I just can't trust any human that is that cruel to animals. There is something truly missing in the heart and soul of anyone that can inflict that amount of pain on a dog.

  37. Just caught up with this - me and Clare filling up a tad ya bugger.

  38. Anonymous6:22 am

    I already cried my eyes out on this one so I guess I've caught up now. Nighty night then John...


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