Pecked in the eye

I can blame Christina Perri's mournful song "Jar Of Hearts" on the "agricultural" accident I have just suffered at the hands of a frightened turkey and a considerable lack of concentration.
During a dreadful rainstorm at dusk I was locking up the animals, whilst listening to some popular tunes on my digital radio.
This rather sad song came on , and I was immediately struck by it and by the voice of Christina much so that I was not looking at what I was doing and I lowered Boris into his house for the night without noticing that the other stag turkey Bingley was already inside sheltering from the rain.
Poor Boris, he was not expecting to be plonked right next door to his Nemesis and he panicked, lashing out at me with his sharp beak, as he did so.
He caught me a good one right in the corner of my right eye, and did so with so much force, he knocked me back onto my arse.
God I was lucky, apart from a nasty pain in my eye and a large bloodshot bruise on my eyeball, there was no more damage!.....I could have easily lost my eye.
Its very easy to forget just how powerful these domesticated animals can be....
Whatever next?
only a month or so ago, I was literally goosed in the goolies by Winnie....
Perhaps next week I will be poked up the rear end by a bolshie guinea fowl?


  1. Ouch - that sounds painful.John, good job he didn't take your eye out.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. One eye. One day of work a week. Sound about right to me.
    Eventually I'll get over it. Seriously??? Only 1 day a week???
    [glad your eye is ok]

  4. ok let me try that again, I can type really.

    I bet your a sight for sore eyes... okay I couldn't help it John that was just to easy to pass up ...

    But really I am glad your eye will get well! The dangers on a farm, never ending it seems.

  5. Glad you've still got your eye. O_O

    Her CD is on our in-store playlist, has been for two months. We're required to play the CD for however long our corporate office wants us to.

    I've wanted to stab my own eyes out many times after hearing that song. But it's the same with any song I'm forced to listen to about 100 times at the very least. ;)

  6. whine!!!
    STOP whining
    Yes I work one 13 hour shift a week
    and am a house husband the rest of the time
    I have been a full time nurse for over 24 years and when I was a manager I worked over 50 hours a week plus
    now I dont...and dont have the salary to prove it!

    get over it!

  7. kyna
    Its the first time I have heard the song....
    god I am such a NON modern person!

  8. I was about to make a joke about an 'eyeful of pecker', but stopped myself.

  9. my pecker has been the only part of me that has been NOT prodded or poked by an irate animal

  10. Ouch, ouch and ouch! Hope you heal quickly! These animals keep us hopping don't they?

  11. That was a close call.
    Thank goodness indeed that you were not more seriously hurt.

    Heal quickly, John. ♥

  12. you said: "my pecker has been the only part of me that has been NOT prodded or poked by an irate animal"
    So many jokes, so little space....
    But now you gone and done it, you put it out to the Universe so you had better get yourself a padded codpiece !
    I am such a non-modern person too. If it weren't for you, I wouldn't see any movies!
    I am glad you are all right John, but just fyi, you can get yourself an eyepatch and join in "Talk like a pirate day" next month!

  13. just call me Gabrielle meggs

  14. Christina Perri! Beautiful! THe lady and the song!

    ...what you said happened to you???

  15. Glad you're all right, John!

    At some point, i'd like to cut back on the hours i work. For now, i'm glad to have my job and that it provides a comfortable living for me, but i must say, that i'd love dearly to have more time to do things about the house.


  16. So... what happened to Boris? Did he managed to leap out of his house and away from the evil Bingley? Or did they thrash it out in the confines of a turkey coop?

  17. Anonymous11:03 pm

    Thank goodness he didn't take your eye out. The dangers of poultry farming.

  18. Ouch! I'm glad it wasn't worse.

  19. A case of "The eyes have it!" (Oh deary me!)

  20. That sounds awful, and thank God the damage wasn't worse!

  21. I know that hurt! Beware the quiet ones.

  22. Good that you are OK! Now, pay attention!

  23. Should we call you Tippi?
    Jane x

  24. She's good.. thanks for the introduction. And as for the poked in the rear closing... I'll leave well enough alone. Hope your eye gets better.

  25. That will teach you to do one thing at a time, I hope, John!! We do tend to forget that they are capable of such things. I used to feed our calves and when they got older and out in the field they would see me and come chasing over -nearly knocking me to the ground with their size and weight. Suggest you wear body armour (and maybe head armour as well!)

  26. I suggest you get some of that Robocop riot armour that the police were wearing!

  27. Lucky John, very lucky.

    Reminds me of one time I was fencing.
    Strained up a post tied off the wire and cut the roll off, forgetting to hold the loose end which flicked right up my nostril!
    Stung like a bitch! and bled so much I had to head for home.
    An inch either way and it would have been an eye.

  28. Goosed in the goolies??? I am still laughing at that....what I mean to say is, the phrase, not your pain.
    Considering the dreadful week I've had, I believe I may be getting a bit punchy, because I can't quit laughing.
    Sorry about your eye, and glad you still have it. Turkeys can be fickle birds.

  29. People underestimate the damage a turkey can do. In 4-H the kids were taught safety measures when handling turkeys. Even so you'd see a broken nose from a wing slap, scratches from toenails, etc. Never heard of a peck in the eye, though. You're an innovator! If it makes you feel any better, you'd look quite dashing in a pirate eye patch.

  30. Well, that nasty pecker! And you'd better not tempt fate by bragging about the areas that haven't been prodded or poked this year ...


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