Show Preparation

Villager Stan reviewing the flowers in our 2009 show

Tomorrow the flower show committee meet early doors to set the Memorial Hall up for Saturday's Show and to collect and collate the entries.
There is a phenomenal amount to do, but traditionally as we are all under the mindful supervision of Show Secretary Sylvia "The Cleavage" Evans, who documents every step, most "i's" will be dotted and most "T's" crossed.
Today I need to  drive to Mold to collect notice boards on which we will display the school's junior entries (Mold ! What an unfortunate name for a town, I always thought)
I need to wash and iron all the Show's tablecloths for the tea tables (I used them all for my open day.)
I have to bake three cakes to be eaten by Show Visitors as well as collecting several of the entries from people that cannot get to the show "set up" on Saturday.
and I have not forgotten that it is my responsibility to sort out the cut flowers for the tables, pick up the milk for the teas and finally sort my own entries out .

Yes there is a great deal to do.....
Thursday is usually a day I look after my brother. This week he has been admitted to our local hospice for a week's respite care,so I have the morning free to catch up with the necessary flower show jobs. This afternoon William and I will call in to see him to drop off some dvds.
I was going to take Constance but I dont think his hospital issue ripple mattress is quite up to a 25 kilo bulldog's need for comfort and joy.
William with his gentle nature is much more suited for hospital visiting.

One more hen down with a bad chest....The rest seem ok for the moment


  1. I hope you're not thinking of having a rest this month!

  2. With all this rioting crap going on, thank God for Mr Gray and his tablecloths.

    Careful you don't burn yourself out young man...

  3. I could do with a couple of rioters
    under sylvia's stony gaze they could be put to good use

  4. Yeah, and then make them clean out the chicken coops with a tooth-brush.

  5. John - there is never a dull moment on your blog - you are always dashing here and there and doing various jobs. Is there ever a day when you have nothing to do? Well, daft question of course as there are always hens etc. to feed and muck out, dogs to walk etc. I really think your village might fold if ever you left - you must be an inspiration.

  6. weaver
    I am too good to be true...
    I get on my own nerves sometimes!

  7. Hmm presumably Mold didn't quite hav the same meaning when the the town was named? Or is it Welsh?
    We end up with som wonderful names down this way taken from various Aboriginal languages. One of my favourites is Coolongalook.

  8. Al
    Mold is the English name of the town
    the welsh name is the strange sounding
    Yr Wyddgrug

  9. Anonymous11:14 am

    Your brother must enjoy the visits from your dogs. Good luck with your entries.

  10. Yes. "Mold" is an unfortunate name for a place - especially as the town burghers missed out the letter "u"! Let's hope that hoodies from Mold don't trash the Trelawnyd flower show! Nowarraahmeaninnit?

  11. Three cakes?!??! I want more info on the cakes! What KIND of cakes?

    It sounds like you will be busy and will need some energy... why not make a forth cake just for you? You deserve it.

    :) enjoy your show prep.

  12. geesh I am wore out from reading the post.

  13. Cake? Did someone mention cake?
    Have a fab time.
    Jane x

  14. Hope the hen gets well soon, John.
    And I wish you luck with the show. Much success to you!

  15. Considering you only work one day a week you bloody hell should be doing all this stuff AND taking the dogs to see your brother. I mean, really. There are 24 hours in the day, you should be using all of them. Tell us, when is the last time those windows got washed? Hmmm? And those poor little hens - when is the last time they got a manicure? [I bet their polish is chipped to hell]

  16. Three cakes... you know how to get my attention all right. Make sure there's chocolate in at least one otherwise you could have a riot on your hands. Bugger, I was trying to keep this a riot free comment :)

  17. Wow..Good luck with "The Cleavage". Can't wait to hear about your show. You are one busy guy. I bet your dogs give your brother (and others) much comfort.

  18. How lovely you are able to take William to a hospital for a visit. Only regulation "visitor" dogs allowed over here. Hope it stays with just 2 chickens, John.
    I thought of you the other morning and that the flower show was "coming up fast!" Sending good mojo your way to get all the items checked off!

  19. Have a great 'show' John!

  20. Sending get well wishes to poorly chooks & (((hugs))) to you, you big hearted superman xx

  21. Oh, John, you do wear me out with all your chores - is it that you work best under pressure?

  22. Mold! Are the people from there called Moldys? We have towns close to us named Point Blank, Pumpkin and Cut and Shoot!

  23. Hello John! I'm catching up on your blog because I've missed your last few posts and I think I need a nap now--do you know if you're coming or going?? ;-))

    I hope your hens are okay and Phyllis Diller is on the mend too!

  24. Oh John, this reminds me how excited I used to get taking my entries to the local show and dragging mam in as soon as the judges had exited to see whether I'd got a card and what colour it was. I also remember the secrecy and rivalry between the local carrot, onion and goosegob growers. It all got a bit heated at times! I hope you manage to get all the creases out of your tablecloths in time.

  25. John hope the show goes brilliantly. You amaze me all the work you lot put in. Sylvia the Cleavage should be an MP - she sounds as though she'd sort out the rabble rousers and reduce them to quivering wrecks in no time!

  26. A town named Mold is almost as bad as a street named Tapeworm Lane. (It's in Pennsylvania, USA.)


  27. After reding this, I need a nap.

  28. John, i do hope you're able to get everything done that needs doing.

    Does Mold refer to its old folk as Moldie Oldies??

    William makes me smile each time i see his picture, i'm sure it'll do your brother a world of good to see his smiling face.

    thinking good thoughts for the show.


  29. Is there no end to your talents? Cake making, flower arranging, ironing. You're a proper little domestic God!


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