Nurse Humour

Nurse humour can be likened to perhaps gallows humour, as it often takes a side swipe at all those taboo subjects....such as death, dying, colostomy bags,incontinence and the whole plethora of bodily fluids and toilet parts we see,prod and hold each day of our working lives.
I remember my mother, on one of her many admissions to hospital, describing a "middle of the night" conversation she over heard between a harassed support worker and two over worked staff nurses....
It was four thirty in the morning and the former hissed loudly to the latter
"I can't believe it! ....." she gasped " I've just found another one dead!!!!"
There was a muffled gasp then all three collapsed into weary giggles!
Thus is the hysterical humour of nurses.
Diagram of an endotracheal tube that has been inserted into the airway
Intubation of a patient for ventilation with an endotracheal tube
It has been that sort of day shift today. 13 hours of admissions, seriously ill patients and no staff.
We were all dropping just a little, when the A&E staff ( ER staff to you Americans) brought another critically ill patient up to us.
As the slightly self important A&E staff nurse gave his hurried handover to my colleagues , he made a point of saying that the doctors very nearly intubated the patient in resus....but he actually said that the patient has nearly been incubated in resus....a simple mistake......and not a particularly funny comment
But to us,six nurses on was the best joke we has all heard since Noah did the "wide mouth frog joke"....we were laughing our heads off at it for an hour....
You have to be a nurse to truly appreciate the titters
Off to bed another 13 hour shift tomorrow night


  1. ANYthing that can make you laugh after a day like that is worth repeating!

    Thank you for doing what you do.

    You know, we say that to our service men and women but I think it really IS something that should be said to nurses. Perhaps I'll start next week...

  2. Oh I don't know - I thought it was pretty funny...!

  3. My Clare has the same outlook and humour with her job at the Mealor John, I think that you have too to keep sane (although this may not apply to you ;0))Hats off to you my man it's a job I could not do so I'll stick to being a grease monkey for now.
    John W

  4. Anonymous9:28 pm

    Have a good nights rest John. You deserve it.

  5. John
    That nursing or in my case, midwifery sense of humour is part of the job description/ person spec! It's the thing that helps you cope and keeps you sane ;-)
    A conversation yesterday with my colleagues was around having to call out patients names in outpatients ......... Probably explains why some folk wait longer than others - oops!

  6. Sleep well and have a wonderful Sunday!

  7. I hope you're sleeping by now, John!

  8. John, have you seen this?

  9. 13 hours shifts??? that's totally inhuman and dangerous!! We have the same problem over here... No wonder why nurses are so hard to find these days!

  10. I can hear you snoring from here!

  11. When I was 16, a friend was in a nasty car crash which meant a long hospital stay. Anne, being Anne, befriended all the nursing staff during her surgeries and rehab.
    I remember the nurses gathering in her room during one of my visits, talking about preparing a body of an elderly female patient for the mortuary.
    One of the (male) nurses was charged with dealing with the body cavities (please remember I was only 16!) and commented on the old dear, saying "my God...I can't imagine what it was like for her poor old husband! Must have been like chucking a chipolata up the high street!"
    Nurse humour - I've never forgotten it!

  12. I thought it was funny, and I know funny! :-D ...I just wish the cop that stopped me this week had a sense of humor, but he didn't...

  13. I've always held nurses in such high regard. You lot deserve every bit of humour you can get! Now, go and muck out those pigs.

  14. Anonymous5:49 am

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  15. I'm sure that every job has it's inside jokes. But working, as I do, in the mortuary world, I get where you're coming from. We have our funny things that happen, that others find absolutely repulsive.

    Don't forget to take care of yourself. Or you'll be no good to anyone else.

  16. I can just imagine you giggling away like the cast of St Trinians! Have a good rest.

  17. ah...I'm obviously in the wrong job, my sense of humour says I should've been a nurse!

  18. just catching up with all the goings on in your life. Constance and Molly are twins when it comes to bathing as Molly is also a dead weight when I have to haul her upstairs for a bath.

    The farting pig story was funny as well.

    As always a great start to my day reading your blog.

    Gill in Canada

  19. A warped sense of humor is required in certain jobs!
    I don't really need that sense of humor, but I have it anyway ;)

  20. Your mother's story, very funny (although a bit twisted... but I can appreciate that kind of release). Second joke, well, I think you have to be a nurse!

  21. Nursing can sometimes be a pretty grim job, so the urge to lighten the mood with some dubious humour is not at all surprising. In fact if I was the patient, I'd probably be laughing as well.

  22. I have a dear friend that was a cardiac ICU nurse for 20+ yrs., I sent her a link to this page, she will totally GET it.
    I must have been a nurse in a past life, because I am the queen of inappropriate laughter and thought this was hilarious.


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