Congratulations Eric

Sain Trelawnyd CD Coverj

Sporadic blog writer Eric ( won my sister's on line MND fundraising competition of "Name The Pig" with MARGIE ( a tribute to his Grandmother!)
Now the prize for the competition is a Welsh Love Spoon AND (be still my beating heart)  a CD of the Trelawnyd Male Voice yesterday I went onto the official Choir website and ordered the cd in readiness for sending..
I ordered the cd when I was up at my brother's house  , so I was fairly surprised when I returned home to find the choir's secretary outside the cottage with the cd in his hand.
Personal delivery, I THAT is good service!
We chatted about the choir and interestingly he told me that he had read by blog entries detailing my quandary about joining the choir!
"You really should come and join us" he said kindly " we have a wonderful time!"
I talked about my fears of embarrassment  and his wife ( who was sat in their car chirped up that she thought I would benefit from going to sit in with the choir practice as an observer.
I agreed, and the secretary promised to contact me by email before the next rehearsal, which was very kind of him.
Anyhow a little later in the day, as I was walking the dogs  down Chapel Street , I spotted a man I did not know standing near auntie Glad's house., he called out a hello and when I stopped asked me if I had enjoyed the Choir's summer concert which took place on the 16th of July.
The conversation then took a bit of a deja vu turn, when he said he had read my blog and that he knew that I was thinking of joining the choir! (bloody hell twice.... in one afternoon how odd was that?!!!!)
Like the secretary ,he waxed on lyrically about how much fun he had being a part of the choir and laughed long and loudly when I said I was worried about how well I can sing!
"90 % of the choir wouldn't sing on their own" he reassured me with a smile..... "come along to the rehearsals" he said...and I have agreed that I will....
I walked on , amused at how fate can throw you a curved ball when you are not looking and the man went off to check up of how Auntie Glad was doing.......(Gladys has been the unofficial mascot of the choir for many years now and is held in high esteem by most of the long standing members)

Despite my lack of confidence and life long fear of embarrassing myself in public...I am rapidly coming to the conclusion that my path and that of the choir will be joining at some stage


  1. I hope the choir knows what it's letting itself in for...
    I can see a diva in the making. Once you get a taste of show business John, we'll all be but just a distant memory.
    Look forward to hearing more.

  2. Will you have to wear a choirboy uniform? I've got 6d on you joining in, when you go to just 'watch'.

  3. I do hope you join the choir, it'll be great fun.
    If you asked anyone who knows me they'd say I can't sing for toffee, but I'm in a choir!

  4. Do it! It's really adictive. Feeling the vibration of all the voices uniting together in one big single voice...

    I personnally didn't like it because, having studied music, it was part of the curiculum and was boring as hell, but amateur and semi-professional choirs are usually more fun...

    And believe me, even well-trained musicians sing awefully, but once blended with the group, it's magic!

  5. I would say this is a sign you should at least visit the choir and then go from there.

    Someone's trying to tell you something!

  6. Give it a try, you never know, you may enjoy it!

  7. Didn't know you were so famous, did you?

    By all means, join the choir! A good choirmaster can train you to sing works you never would've dreamed possible, and blending your voice with others to "make a joyful noise" is incredibly uplifting. Go for it!

  8. Yes! This is something you should do! Or at least try it and see if you like it.

  9. I believe you would do well in a choir, I have heard your voice.

    Nice to be well known, huh? You're famous already! May as well write a book - it would be a smash!

  10. Anonymous1:12 pm

    All the road signs are certainly pointing in that direction. You can't fight fate.

  11. Sounds like a conspiracy to me. A concerted effort (forgive the pun) to enlist you in the ranks. Next stop the eisteddfod?

  12. WOOHOO John...good for you!!! Well that was quite the day you had with two wonderful surprises (meeting readers of your blog) and two encouraging invites to join the choir. 'Deja vu' is right! I agree with Sharon...I've heard your voice too and I think you would sound wonderful ;) I hope you go for it'll have a blast! Hope your day has been a good one so far.
    Maura :)

  13. Sounds like Kismet was speaking pretty loudly :O), she is giving you a nudge :O).

  14. If you need a soprano, John, I may be available soon...

  15. Oh Chris!!!
    You know, that is just lovely John, to be so warmly invited!
    Don't worry about embarrassing yourself..just make sure both balls are securely tucked in!
    (taking the mickey, reference that story of yours)

  16. It's so much fun to sing and to sing with a group.

    My money's on you'll go, you'll join, and you'll love it!


  17. The Universe is yelling at you John!

  18. People that I know in choirs or choral groups are very happy people. Singing does that to you.

  19. Anonymous5:25 pm

    Fate is calling. Don't dodge. She's relentless.
    I love what you did with the updating blog list on the right! How do you do that? I'll have to look into it...
    ps. Sing! Sing!


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