A Black Woman from Hackney tells it as it is

I didn't want to listen to the news...(see previous post)
But sometimes you see and hear something that makes a little more sense


  1. Me too ~ I also adopted the ostrich pose.
    It's good to hear that someone is brave enough to tell the looters what plonkers they are.

    If when they are drawing their last breaths on this planet, they look back on what they have acheived and all it amounts to is a few riots and causing trouble, I wonder how proud they will feel.

  2. Brave lady! Thanks for sharing this video.

  3. Nice to hear someone making a stand.

  4. Much truth is spoken from the heart

  5. I can hardly watch the news these past few days. That woman is fabulous... our next Prime Minister?
    Thanks for it.

  6. Anonymous12:17 pm

    I couldn't make out everything she was saying but she was certainly brave.

  7. Did I spot 'FUCK CAMEROON' written on the wall? Fank gudniss fer edukashun!

  8. Perhaps someone does not like central west Africa?

  9. I maybe understood half of what she was saying, but she sure meant it!

  10. Sounds like I do when shouting at 'Question Time' on the tv...

    Or TS at ANYTIME...

  11. And my kids think I'm a little crazed when I go off at them. I'll bet this womans kids sat down and got quiet at the supper table when she said so. I know I would.

    Good for her

  12. In my many years of experience teaching boys in from the West Indies - many of them only first or second generation - I always found that the one person they listened to, respected and obeyed was Mum.

    Like you I cannot bear to listen to the news - I so see both sides. Disenchanted black youth in their 20's with no job and no future and just making it all so much worse for themselves. I cry to think of so many tradgedies.

  13. She is very brave indeed!

  14. Anonymous3:48 pm

    Brave woman! I read several reports of attacks on individuals -- no one going to mess with her!

  15. As a Tottenham lad, I remember the riots of the mid 1980s. Whilst I cannot condone the acts of those involved, there was certainly a very anti-police feel to the riots, and it could be argued that many involved felt disaffected. The undertone was certainly very political.

    Talking to people on the ground, it seems that what happened in Tottenham on Saturday was hijacked by those simply seeking trouble. This then turned into a looting spree (possibly not related to the initial trouble) in nearby Wood green. Since then escalations have tended to be fuelled by opportunistic theft.

    I was actually quite surprised (pleasantly) by the words of Dianne Abbot MP, who I previously haven't had much time for. She echoed the lady in the film, albeit in a more reserved lunch-time television way.

    The two who have sickened me are Ken Livingstone and Darcus Howe, both of whom have exploited this situation for their own ends.

    As someone who grew up on the streets that are now burning, and indeed lived there many times since until Mrs IG insisted we move to the rurals, I do have a lot of sympathy for those affected by the looters.

    I'd like to see the army on the streets, because the people whom live and work there don't deserve to be shit on by the thugs.

    I was going to write a post about this myself, but I doubt many would understand the rage I feel when I see my ex-neighbours being forced out of their work place and homes because of thieving scum.

  16. here here
    the woman said it all too.....band together for a legitimate beef... but dont sh*t on your back door with people working hard to make a living!

  17. Brilliant John...she is pure brilliance...a shining star...and she sounded way more British than she did West Indian!

  18. Occasionally I lift my head away from my work and catch the news.

    What riot?!

    I'd like to say I'm shocked and surprised by this behavior by the 'youth' but I'm not.

    Hearing some of this scum talking to the cameras, demanding 'respect' from the police and society, I felt physically sick.

    Like most of you, I was brought up to believe you had to EARN respect.

    They can all fuck off. Hopefully the plod will lock and load tonight...

  19. Brilliant. Thanks for finding that, John.

  20. John, the news of the last couple of nights as shocked me beyond as it probably has all of us! I agree with everybody else's comments here - we need a few more brave common sense people like that lady to speak up. Thanks for posting that video!

  21. Good for her. I hope someone listened to her ... other than us.

  22. Anonymous5:09 am

    I'm truly sorry for the violence that has been sweeping the streets over there the last few nights. It brings back dreadful flashbacks of the Rodney King riots in Los Angeles back in the early '90's...so horrifying and frightening to watch. The flagrant, pointless destruction always seems to hit hardest against those who are already so vulnerable.
    This woman...and indeed all the innocent victims of this rage...have my deepest respect.

  23. With you all the way with your video posting of this brave lady. True, True Grit, if ever I saw. Very much relate to ‘Not The Idiot Gardeners’ comment above as well.

    I’ve been sensing something like this would happen for years. Just surprised it hasn’t kicked off before now. Mindless, ignorant thugs they clearly are, but they’re an unfortunate bye product of my generation and many of our parental failings nevertheless, and whether I like it or not, I can’t help feeling a sense of shared blame for some of the cause and effect issues that have permitted this kind of subversive thug culture to fester in our shadows.

    We live in all too deceivingly dangerous and uncomfortable times right now, and for an almost overwhelming number of serious reasons and social challenges that are affecting most of us in one way or another. While all the ‘blame game’ debates and pontificating will inevitably occupy the pages of the media sites and the bloggasphere, for many weeks to come, we should be wary and alert for any signs at all, of the emergence of a far more sinister, organised and well funded culture of right wing opportunists and divisive nihilists, as well as similarly deranged idealists in our midst.

    With the help of mobile phones, social media sites and the WWW at large, they could potentially fan the embers of all this, from one corner of Europe to the other, and whilst god forbid that should be allowed to happen, we won’t be spending time deporting these Twitter thugs and thuglet’s off to Afghanistan to serve out their penance, cos we’ll be far more seriously engaged in the business of mobilising most of our armed forces personnel, all the way back home here, to come to our rescue.

    PS- Love the pic of ‘No 21’. Epic even! Can I have a copy John Boyo?? Oh nearly forgot…”Pleeeeze.”

  24. bish! or is that bosh or even bash?
    of course help yourself to the photo!

    as for the riots....perhaps the violence will galvanise the local communities involved to take a hard look at what the need is...
    peer pressure can be powerful when directed for good....
    the good people like this woman, has a voice, they need to let the young people know what that voice is..
    I dare any youth involved in the troubles NOT to be moved by this woman's sense


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