The trouble with summer


.........With taking the risk of sounding like Paul Merton in Just a Minute........
The Trouble with that jobs never seem to get done until the melencholey10pm dusk.
Its now 22.34pm and I have just sat down with a crisp white and a troupe of fading dogs.
We went to see a live broadcast of Le Ballet de L'Opera National De Paris which was impressive in parts, ( the more traditional parts rather than the newer....let's writhe on the floor...newer parts) and by the time I got home, walked the dogs, locked the birds up and placed the "Open Allotment" sign up on the main road, it was all but dark.......
By nature I am not an early to bed person, so I will retire around midnight...........I will be awake again before 7am......

sometimes the bad weather and short days of winter is of some small benefit

I can then catch up on my sleep!


  1. Give me the longer lovelier days of summer any day! I feel as if I get twice as much life out of them! Email directions for next weeks shindig. xxxxx

  2. will do diane=I heard you were looking forward to see janet more than me!!!!

  3. Anonymous10:29 pm

    The only trouble with summer is that it's not long enough...

  4. I hear you John. So much to do, but I am grateful for the longer days.

  5. me too....
    I just need a lie in

  6. Your bread is impressive in parts too, John.

  7. ...but you must take time to rest, no one could do with out you, if you were "under the weather".


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