Sometimes a Bitch just needs a good slap

The kitchen is full of knitted toys
Another kind donation to the craft stall.
The whole house looks like some sad hoarder has moved in.
Constance and William seem obsessed with the new influx of small fluffy animals, and the excitement they generated caused the two dogs to "bicker" over who could get closer!
Constance is 25kilos and thinks she is the boss....William is 12 kilos and KNOWS he is any altercation between the two is heavily weighted in the bulldog's favour (albeit physically)......but male testosterone does count for something and it was amusing to watch the benign William finally assert himself with the overly confident Constance, who backed down with a bruised and rather astonished expression after William's lightening like put down.
The fight was over in a second.
William, smiling broadly to himself, was left sniffing the knitted animals in peace
Constance retired to her cushion and in a flounce worthy of Scarlett O'Hara flung her head under the sofa
She is still sulking there an hour later


  1. That is a lovely commentary of your dogs. Very amusing.

  2. I could not have got away with a title like that, John. Fingers would have been hitting the 'report abuse' button like a type-writer.

  3. You can certainly get into the minds of your dogs very well John. Good luck for Sunday - i shall be thinking of you.

  4. It's fascinating how dogs all have their own, very individual personalities. Very unusual for a female to sulk, of course!

  5. this gals face needs some good slap!
    just made the mistake of looking in the mirror

  6. "in a flounce worthy of Scarlett O'Hara flung her head under the sofa", - love it! Have a lovely weekend.

  7. no!
    just cos you change the blog title, I'm not gonna change my comment!

  8. Anonymous9:36 am

    aw bless

  9. Anonymous9:36 am

    aw bless

  10. Scarlett never looked like a bulldog!!!!!

  11. Mark my words, Constance isn't sulking, she's plotting her revenge.

  12. I'd be scared if I was William and y you too--Keep one eye on her and the other on the toys!

    I'm off for a few days John, so I'll wish you good luck this weekend!! I know the event will be success, and I hope your weather cooperates!!

  13. LOL Good for William for standing his ground! Maybe next time Constance will think twice about pushing her weight around with him. I can just imagine Constance's face..hehehe.
    Maura :)

  14. Here, the little one rules too, but no bitches to contend with. Unless you count the cat... she's small, feisty and slap-happy and blocks the bigger (stinky) dog in the stairs. Who needs TV, eh!

  15. Sometimes girls just got to be girls - with a flounce thrown in for good measure. Watch sweet Williams back - this ain't over dear.

  16. An entertaining, and almost human, reaction to material belongings.

  17. It'll do her good, in the long run.

  18. Anonymous12:46 pm

    Take care John, she's not sulking, she's THINKING.
    Your big day is getting perilously closer....what sayeth the weather man.

  19. I find the lives of animals to be very much like soap operas! Full or drama and just plain silliness!

  20. Maybe she needed that, so she doesn't become a big bully. (Note the little play on words there)


  21. That is so dog!
    Well done William!

  22. Good grief, what sort of people might you attract with that title? Oh crap, I'm here, aren't I? (Purely coincidental, I assure you.)Love your posts. Hope you have perfect weather for your show this weekend.

  23. Will buyers of the cute knitted toys be informed that their new purchases have been sniffed and slobbered over by your molycoddled pack of hounds? If you were in England it would certainly be against H&S regulations but I guess that in Wales anything goes. I hope the day goes well by the way and the weather forecast suggests that you were so right to go for this weekend instead of last. Well done!

  24. William finally found something worth fighting for.

  25. Anonymous4:43 am

    I've been thinking about you all week...good luck this weekend!
    ps Bravo, William. Bravo.

  26. ..."The whole house looks like some sad hoarder has moved in."

    Looks like???


    Have a great weekend!

  27. Good for William. Good luck for the weekend John, I hope everything goes really well. XXX

  28. Anonymous5:37 pm

    Good for William! I can just picture the exchange. My smallest cat (ironically named Scarlett) is the one to quickly bitch-slap the rest of the house in line. It is funny to watch the others give her a wiiiiiide berth, especially when she gets "that look" in her eye. Good luck with the open! xoxo

    Katie in MN

  29. Hi John
    Hope tonight's shift isn't too shitty.
    Good luck with tomorrow,


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes