Name The Pig- The Competition

12 and 21 eat my boots today...just a little bigger and asertive than they once were
Right it's competition time
(collective groan)
To keep the merry throng that comment on this blog happy (?) I have devised ( with my sister) for them to join in with our "NAME THE PIG....SAVE THE PIG" competition...
Anyone who wants to join in...PLEASE log on to Jan's Blog and follow her instructions
The Winner from the "On line" competitors will win a genuine pair of Welsh Love Spoons ( which I am sure Tom Stephenson will wax lyrically about)
They will also receive a signed certificate of the official "saving" and a photo and trotter mark of said pig
(oh be still my beating heart)
All donations will be sent directly to the Motor Neurone Association
hey ho


  1. Hope that wellie is steel capped x

  2. Anonymous8:02 pm

    What is it about pigs and rubber boots that they just HAVE to chibble on them? Shortage of latex in the diet perhaps?
    Off to enter now.

  3. 12 looks like a nice piggie too. Isn't he to be saved (other than as bacon in the freezer)? Tee hee xoxoxoxoxoxo

  4. I was only kidding about shooting the kitten to get more comments - you are taking it a step further.

    I thought that 'Love Spoons' was what the Welsh called a speculum.

  5. Tom
    I had 32 comments with a photo of a penis shaped loaf...

    go figure!

  6. "Buda" and "Pest" LOL!

  7. I tend to lose followers when I refer to any body-parts on my blog, but somehow you seem to attract them. Maybe I am not using my loaf enough.

  8. Yay! Finally got paid so I could turn around and Name the Pig!

    Good luck this weekend!

    Katie in MN xoxo


I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes