Côr Meibion Trelawnyd (That's Trelawnyd Male Voice Choir to you)

The Gala performance by the Trelawnyd Male Voiced Choir, sometimes is a bit of a strange affair.
I say this only as the day-to-day ordinariness of the Hall and the Village seems to contrast so sharply with the quality and varied nature of the singing and musical pieces.
The thing is, and I have to remind myself of this, that the Choir is no longer just a village affair. It has a musical director now.....and a vice President in the shape of renowned Welsh actor Jonathan Pryce.....so has gone on to bigger and better things...but it's heart and identity still lies at the Memorial Hall where a good cross section of villagers made up the packed audience.
As usual the audience had come to listen to the Choir, who were on belting form, but sticking to tradition the concert featured some local performers which included a very young and talented soprano from Llanberis ( who caused some whispers around the Hall when she turned up in a backless gown which showed off two enormous tattoos!) and a trio of teenagers from Lloc who stunned the audience with the pieces from Haydn and ( of all people) Scott Joplin.
As much of the choir now hail from all over the region, a lot of the audience were non villagers, but looking around I did spy, Peter and Val from Anchor house, Beryl who used to be the Church organist, neighbour Trevor, and many others........
We had to sneak out before the end as the chickens needed locking up, so missed the final set from the Choir, which is always something of a rousing affair......as we left several villagers where stood outside the open windows of the hall....waiting to hear the spine tingling finale.......
I am still battling with my confidence regarding an audition with the choir.......one day...I keep saying....one day..............
Oh by the way, the ONLINE winner of "Name the Pig" competition will receive a  selection from the Choir latest CD as well as a Welsh Love spoon as their prize........

Anyhow I got up this morning praying for bad weather
and your know what?
the Met Office seems to have got it right
It's pissing down!


  1. Welsh male voice choirs are wonderful. They bring my quarter-Welshness to the fore.

  2. Get out there and audition already. You will thoroughly enjoy being a part of an ensemble of this quality - I can tell just from your rousing critique.

  3. I've never heard a choir described as "male voice." Does that mean women can participate as long as they sound like men?

  4. Well, glad to hear you got bad weather?
    Stay dry and have a great Sunday!

  5. Anonymous11:25 am

    I'm glad the weather is bad, now you will feel justfied in postponing your event.

  6. Cheers for that John!

    I've got a shit load of painting to do on my new chicken coop and your famous naked Welsh rain dance has put the mockers on it once again!

    I'm gonna do my naked rain dance for next weekend now, so there!

  7. John, you took the words right out of my mouth! Yes indeed, I can see you in this choir! God knows you have time to spare! lol
    I think it's a good thing to have the choir at the hall.....keeps everything 'grounded' so to speak. Nice to 'see' a few tattoos in the mix.... a 'teaching' moment for some.

  8. Gawd, yes John, you should join the Male Voice, you have time on your hands with just a little part time job and a little things to do about the house!

    (How many times I heard that type of thing as a mother of 4 - that I didn't work and didn't have anything to do)

  9. Marvelous !

    Am sending a card to Tracey from her Bloggy pals. Haven't heard from her & worried as I know you are xx

  10. Thought about you John - it was bad here too. Must say I hoped it was raining with you as it would have been so annoying if it had been fine after all.

    Go for an audition for that choir - you never know and you would really enjoy it - even if you did have to get somebody to shut the chickens up for you during concerts.

  11. Thanks for the mention John, it was a fabulous concert and a good advert for our village as a lot of choir members and visitors were in the local pub afterwards. Young people seem to get a lot of bad press these days, so it was wonderful to see the trio of teenagers playing classical and jazz and the young soprano singing so beautifully (those tattoos were enormous!) As a young person yourself, you really should join in and go for that audition!

  12. Male voice choirs (and Brass Bands) make me cry. Glad you got the foul weather!! It wasn't so bad here today. xxxx

  13. I do like good choir. Don't get them when working I'm in Wiltshire and the area roundmy real home in Pembrokeshire has only a few. We do have a bandstand opposite the Wiltshire house though - lots of brass bands. Mmmmm.... not so sure about that.

  14. I love welsh choirs - I always cry!


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