Tearful Sunday

To some Les Miserables is just a populist musical and one that holds little credibility with "serious" theatre goers.... I disagree totally....ok it is sentimental and at times emotionally manipulative, but there are some lovely moments within the libretto. This is the 25th anniversary performance of Bring Him Home, sung by four of the most memorable Jean Valjeans.... Sorrel's pin up has to be the diminutive Alfie Boe ( The last to sing)..and I remember well, the old Irish trouper Colm Wilkinson ( the first to sing) from when I first saw Les Mis in the mid 1980s...... However my favourite must be the sexy Welshman John Owen Jones ( no 2)....who must be the best looking of the French heroes. (swoon!) Right, off for a walk with Sorrel now, we are going to photograph the parts of the village which have been previously photographed in some ancient vintage photos I received from neighbour Pat Bagguely. I will organise a "before" and "after" on the blog soon.... Anyhow enjoy the video


  1. I have to admit that this song always makes me cry--And I also think it is one of the most beautiful songs, and this version being sung by 4 of the Jean Valjeans is amazing–-I hadn't heard it before--Very powerful, thanks for sharing it John! Enjoy your day!

  2. That was wonderful, I really enjoyed it, thank you.

  3. I remember when I saw Les Mis many years ago. I was thinking "oh, I'm not going to like this" and I ended up just bawling!

  4. There used to be a punk band in the 70s called 'Les Miserable and the Sniveling Shits'.

  5. Lovely way to start my Sunday John...thanks.
    Have to say...old Colm certainly had the most tender of the voices! Maybe that's the gift of age.

  6. Beautiful voices! Thanks John.

  7. Thank you John, I couldn't resist listening to it even though I knew that it would make me cry!!! I think that like you a long walk is what we need now... while we have some sun to enjoy here in Prestatyn!!!

  8. I watched the whole performance last Sunday and was emotional the whole day. It's my favorite musical... and the 4 Jeans at the end was awesome.

  9. Who is this Les Miserables fellow you're on about? Is he related to Brian and Keith Miserables from Cleckheaton in West Yorkshire? I think they ran a road haulage company.

  10. Anonymous4:13 pm

    Yep, definitely a wet eye song that one.

    Shirl x

  11. Wow, goosebumps in abundance. What a tremendous set of voices. I think I saw Colm the first time I saw LM in the UK, although it was so long ago that my memory may be faulty. I don't think I've seen any of the others.

  12. Beautiful. There have been "showings" on our PBS station here for the anniversary. A good musical is nourishment for the soul.

  13. Love Les Mis - saw it on Broadway years ago - a magical night indeed. Then the 25th Anniversary show ran on PBS last week and it felt like front row Mezzanine all over again. One funny thing about it - so many of the songs STICK in my head for days and days and days - it drives me distracted after a fashion!

  14. Awesome...and I'm still crying ;(
    Loved it !

  15. I took hubby to see this for his birthday last August on tour in Southampton....with John Owen Jones - fab u lus ! SO want to go again.

  16. Thank you John, that was quite lovely.

  17. That was wonderful - thanks, John, for my Sunday surprise! Their voices are awesome.

    Nancy in Iowa

  18. So what's wrong with sentimental! It is beautiful and well worth a few tears.

  19. Now that takes me back...3rd March...1987....Palace theatre....6.25 GBP a ticket.....John Gray on my arm....still my favourite musical by far. Now prizes for guessing why you liked the Russell lookalike John Owen! Miss our theatre outings....Nx

  20. nia
    I remember it well!!!

  21. Grrr.... some days I hate "Blogger". I had just written a long and touching story, and Blogger ate it when I went to verify the post. Cliff notes version:
    Les Mis was my very first Broadway play, 26 Dec 1992. I was staying with a friend's family in New Jersey, and the surprised us with tickets. I was excited to be going to Broadway, but I had no interest in Les Mis. I knew it only as a book from a college course that I hated. Was I proven wrong! From the first note, I was transfixed by the performance, and taken on a roller coaster ride of emotions. I remember sitting in my seat, tears streaming down my face at the final curtain.

    Kate, who is still plagued by dodgy internet connections.

  22. I love Les Miz unabashedly!

  23. That's definitely a tear jerker. I enjoyed the 25th show and was so surprised for it didn't seem that long ago the 10th anniversary was showing on PBS here. I like Alfie Boe. I want his new CD.


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