Hey Ho

Just before our guest's morning ablutions Albert thoughtfully deposited a large dead mouse in the bath

The screaming has just about abated...........

Sorrel doesn't "do" country.........................


  1. Poor Sorrel. She will never understand that this is a gift from Albert. Remind her to be thankful that it was dead. Think what she would have done with a live mouse in the bath!

  2. vegan "former best friend" visiting with vegetarian partner in my feeble attempt at rapproachment after too many years apart.
    I always remembered her as having a wicked sense of humour, but alas it was not evident when the cat brought in and disemboweled heavily pregnant rat while I was in the kitchen preparing the special meal I'd worked on for 2 days.

    They left quite suddenly :((

    The meal was actually rather nice- and enough left over for the next 3 days :))

    I think cats do it on purpose xx

  3. THANKS for a chuckle at the start of my day John!! While I 'do country' I don't do dead mice either! :-)))

  4. Poor lady, I think we can assume she will not visit again soon.

  5. A kitty who loved me used to stuff crickets down my shoes for a present.

  6. Maybe if it had been placed in a nice guest basket, with shampoo, conditioners and bath oils, the "gift" would have been appreciated. :0)
    Have a great day!

  7. She needs to read up on cats. She should have been grateful. ;o)

  8. Albert was just trying his best!

  9. I probably would have screamed loud and long too John....but couldn't stop laughing! Poor Sorrel.

  10. The height of flattery, sharing prized catches, I think an apology is needed to Albert.

  11. Can't see what the problem was. At least it wasn't a spider! ;)

  12. poor sorrel...it's going to be a
    L O N G day!


  13. Tom Jones the cat always brought a headless mouse or bird and put it right by the back door we knew to look but visitor's didn't

  14. I would have killed the bloody thing....I HATE RODENTS!!!! xxx

  15. rofl what a visit Sorrel is having lol

  16. So few words, but those you used painted a hilarious picture, over which I am still chuckling!

  17. Oh, I'm still laughing. Cats and their presents are so marvelous. And, you always have to make sure that you are properly appreciative, or they get really p/o'd. I'm sorry that it upset Sorrel, though.

  18. Sorrel needs a medal. What that poor woman has endured this week! xxxx

  19. yes diane......especially as she is pathologically frightened of birds, mice,big dogs, loud noises, and......mud

  20. Poor Albert, his offering was not appreciated. :(

  21. Albert was just bringing the next meal. :)

    I'd rather a dead rat than a live cock roach!

    Thanks for the chuckle John. Hope the rest of the day is better!

  22. Oh dear, was said guest in bath when mouse was deposited??

  23. Oh how I love that story!

  24. I think I love Albert! Emma the Calico Queen tried to bring a (live) green snake into the apartment last Fall. Yes, Sorrel is lucky the mouse was dead!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  25. I do not deal well at all (AT ALL) with rodents, but i can't stop laughing.

    The eldest of my three cats learnt long ago that i can't seem to appreciate such wonderful gifts (her first gift was a dead mouse that she had hidden under the bedspread exactly between our two pillows so we knew it was for both of us), but the other two keep thinking they can win me over.


    Poor Sorrel, having to meet so many fears head on. I do hope that once the screaming subsided, she at least praised Albert for his efforts to welcome her.


  26. hehe. Yes, poor Sorrel. Again,hehe. As a kid I used to scare our housekeeper with mice. She would actually stand on a chair and scream. It was a joy to watch!

  27. Indeed, poor lady. It sounds as though she's been quite brave to visit you both in such a "hostile" to her anyway, environment. If she was American, I suspect that therapy might be forthcoming!

  28. I hate to say, but, I'm laughing at Sorrel's non - countriness. Sounds just like my mother!

    Sorry, Sorrel!

  29. Anonymous5:18 pm

    Does Sorrel now look more askance at Albert than Constance? This made me laugh and laugh! Thanks for that.


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