
I have nothing really to say today.
Perhaps it's a case of "bloggers' block"
I think I am need of some city time,
As I am feeling somewhat flat.
Off to put up my poly tunnel


  1. For a man of few words, you've just given me extreme poly-tunnel envy. Thanks!

  2. Poly-tunnel envy here too.
    Thanks for you message, he's a little cracker although he looks a little like Winston Churchill when he cries.


  3. I feel the vibe ;)
    It's poly-tunnel or nothing.

  4. Don`t sweat it, that happens to all of us from time to time.

  5. You just created more work for me. I now need to go see what a poly-tunnel is.
    Take care! m.

  6. I'll bet you come up with something - later. :-) If not, don't worry about it. We all can't be wonderfully creative and eloquent all the time! LOL! (Says she, who probably has the worst blog, ever!)

  7. What, dare I even ask, is a poly tunnel? As for feeling flat, it hppens to the best of us. I got taken down a few pegs first thing this morning, and I think I am just about un-angry enough to make a (hopefully) good post of it all.
    Hugs! Kate

  8. Oh goody! Maybe you have time to help out the technologically inept (that would be me). I could swear that I have already signed in twice as a friend on your blog but still my picture doesn't show up when I comment. My bottom lip is drooping about this as I am feeling left out. What am I doing wrong? Hilfe!

  9. Iris
    you are logged in to the followers and there is a photo of you too!

  10. A change of paced is always good, John. :)
    Hope you've had a great day so far!

  11. No worries's worth the trip over to your blog just to look at your header picture. Still makes me laugh every time I see it! What did you say to that hen when you took her picture?
    I'm sure the poly-tunnel-therapy will cure all.

  12. Even God took a break after seven days...


  13. Putting up one's poly tunnel is usually a signal for bad weather I find.
    Have you tried saying blogger's block quickly out loud? I think you have invented a new tongue twister - not bad for a day when you couldn't think of anything to write!
    Did you see my new buff orpington cockerel on my blog?

  14. Love your chicken header.

  15. Interesting that you are looking for a buff orpington cockerel too John. I got mine through a friend of a friend - the trouble is that if you dabble in breeding chicks there are always too many cockerels and if, like me, you don't like to kill them, you have to be on the lookout for good homes!
    He has settled in beautifully and is a lovely chap.

  16. I think this whole thing is a lure to get to me to make a bad taste joke about poly-tunnels. Well it won't work.

  17. Anonymous8:43 pm

    I've been having the same mood recently...and I believe you're right I need a change of scenery...perhaps I have spring fever!

  18. Hope you had help putting up that tunnel - unless it was a mini one (I'm trying not to succumb to tunnel envy .. by remembering the joys of just two of us trying to put up a rather large polytunnel - there was some shouting and falling off ladders and much hilarity).

    Would be enough to distract you ANYTHING for a while.

    I hope you sat inside it proud as punch afterwards (unless it WAS a mini tiny one .. would be more like a glorified sleeping bag).

  19. Bloggers block? I shall borrow that phrase I think.


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