Pissed off

I have shaken my black mood
Being a bit fed up has basically bored me more than anything, and when needy Meg curled up for the 100th time on my knee (beating Constance to the punch-so-to-speak) I was resolved to kick myself up the arse and "get a grip"
so I have organised now to see Nuala in London at the end of the month, and a couple of weeks later I have planned to see old friends John ( the famous Bel-ami), Jane and Mike over in Sheffield. In between these trips I will hopefully see may friend Nige over in Manchester so my "friend" quota will be well and truly TICKED
I know what my problem has been.... I have missed my friends here in Wales. Geoff ( my village matey) left for pastures new a couple of months ago and Hazel is heavily pregnant so has quite rightly been nesting over the last month so I have felt a tad isolated...........and probably quite sorry for myself
My Achilles heel (are) my friends........I am a person that needs them as much as a goldfish needs water...and I don't do well when at least one of them is not around......mind you right now I am happy that fairly soon....I will be catching up with them........over a nice glass of wine and a nice meal......

In the mean time my black mood has been lifted by Meg, who typical of a needy bitch,has perhaps sensed my mood and has followed my every move........


  1. I think it's about time for a round of visits! Pretty soon you will be busy with chicks and the garden and openings and all that. Through caution to the wind and go and have yourself a damn good time!!!

  2. There! That should do you for a while John. Nothing like friends to straighten one out!
    And dogs, of course.

  3. Sounds like you have a plan, or two :O)...

    Meg is for sure part Teddy Bear. What a cutey!

  4. Pets will do that.
    Hope you enjoy your visits, John. It's always good to spend time with friends. :)

  5. isn't it just like a woman to sort you out!

  6. Is that a real dog or a teddy dog? lol, she looks like a toy. Who could be pissed off around that?

  7. Don’t you just love how the furry children can get us in a good mood? I’m sorry you’ve been down-I totally understand that feeling about friends. I wish I could come visit you and see all your animals and wander around Trelawynd. What fun!

  8. Pleased to hear you are pulling up and out of it - get out and live some life and enjoy yourself!

  9. Sound like an excellent plan, John. Ypou can't beat a visit with friends to take you out of yourself.

  10. Looks like Meg was a friend in need...
    Well done you for sorting out visits, something to look forward to always brightens the day.

  11. Anonymous9:10 am

    A man with a plan - always a good thing lol!

    Shirl x

  12. Well if you ever fancy a day out in the Georgian time-capsule that is Bath, give me a call and I'd be happy to show you and Chris around (have I got his name right?). We could have a couple of glasses of wine here too!

  13. If only we all lived on the same "Blog Street" We'd never be short of company! xxxxxxxx

  14. thanks all
    i was just having a memememememememememememememememememememememememe day!
    fine now.....xxx

  15. Hi John, Dogs can do that for you. I know where you're coming from as I too go for days and the only person I see or speak to is Vicki, it does sort of get you down sometimes.

  16. i was just having a memememememememememememememememememememememememe day!

    That's not like you LOL

    Will speak to you later anyway, if I'm back home at a reasonable time.


  17. Is it possible to be happy all the time? I doubt it. For most of us there are ups and downs. You just hope that the downs are short-lived and not too intense. You have to be kind to yourself and be patient and perhaps - like you - actively do something to shake off the blues.

  18. Friends and friendship are just as important as air. Kate

  19. Aww I'm glad you're feeling better now that you've got some plans made to see your friends John. I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time with everyone and get your case of 'cabin fever' taken care of. Sweet Meg deserves a treat!
    Maura :)


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