The Big Society

The lane has been looking rather scruffy recently, what with weeds mud and great sods of earth banked up against the dry stone wall. ( Believe me the above photo is an "after" shot, so does not show how awful it all looked) The highways department doesn't venture down our lane much, so in celebration of David Cameron's "Big Society" ( or irritation at the mess and what people think of it more like) I got off my arse and cleaned the whole lane border...a task that is rebounding on my lower back as we speak!
So Instead of a nice  hot bath, I am sat at the dining room table with Chris' hot water bottle stuck down the back of my pants - ( I have already received a weird look from Mrs Jones who has just called down for some duck eggs- as I know I had a definite look of Max Wall pic)- but my old bones are benfitting from the warm attention.
As I am waiting for Chris to come home from the airport after a jaunt up to Edinburgh, I thought I'd type another blog entry in between making meatballs and sorting out pancake batter for supper!
Anyhow all morning I have been ringing various builders and workmen in an effort to find a little man to repair our broken chimney pot, but typically , replies have been few and far between.
However this afternoon, as I was leaving yet another message on Steve-the-odd-job man's mobile there was a sudden knock on the cottage window and a local sheep farmer called me to say that he had found Constance on walkabout way down the lane. This surprised me as the last time I had seen her she was snoring on her bed in the kitchen, but out she indeed was after taking herself off for ever-so-slow amble in the sunshine.
The farmer, I know had done a few jobs for Jenny the postmistress , so on impulse I asked him if he would be interested in replacing the cottage chimney pot. After quickly looking at it, he said he would be delighted to! AND for a very reasonable price too! it's
Job done! and all thanks to Constance's very first moment of wanderlust......
Constance eating a bagel at lunchtime watched by the hens and Albert


  1. I think it was not wandering our fair Constance was doing, but leading. Quite a gal, she is.

  2. The wall does, indeed, look like you have worked very hard! Was the hot water bottle still in your pants when the nice fellow brought Constance back? Maybe you need to bell the old girl, so you know then she's up and about!

    Glad you got your chimney work done. Providence!


  3. I hope your back feels better soon! No fun having a bad back.

    Did you lay on the ground to get that photo of Constance? I like to get to eye level when taking pictures of my animals but Connie is quite low!

    Feel better

  4. Alas, it took a woman to get the job done, hehe! Good girl, Constance!

  5. Clever girl....good luck with the hot pants!

  6. Yea, Constance! Good Girl! I know only too well the bad back and odd walk. Take it easy and recover! Glad Chris is coming home today. I do hope that you aren't having the meatballs and pancakes in the same meal..... K

  7. Constance is proving to be a valuable asset! She deserves another bagel!

  8. Obviously she had lost patience and gone to look for a contractor herself.
    My pooch 'Faith', a cocker spaniel and the love of my life, regularly emits huge loud sighs when I fret about these kind of decisions. I'm waiting for the day when she wearily tears a page out of the yellow pages and trundles in with it, dropping the slobber coverd paper at my feet.

  9. That was a nice thing to do and I bet all of the neighbors appreciate it. I hope your back feels better quickly.

    Congrats to Constance on finding someone to fix your chimney pot (note to self, go Google chimney pot). I love that picture of her, she just looks like such a comfortable soul.

  10. Good old Connie - she knew how to get the job done! LOL!

  11. I had to laugh at the thought of you looking like Max Wall.

    Good old Constance to bring the chimney mending farmer to you.

  12. 'Big Society' my arse (or your arse, by the look of it). Check on all 4 corners for Constance's legs - 1, 2, 3, 4 - yep. They're all there.

  13. I'll bet Constance knew all along what she was doing, sneaky pup.

  14. Those stone walls are really special. I hope your back feels better soon.
    It's nice that Constance is becoming more active. Maybe she was just hibernating for the winter.

  15. Hooray for Constance and wonderful neighbors. So glad to hear it, John. :)
    I hope you are feeling better by the time I read and post this. ♥

  16. Constance is certainly earning her keep! You too, judging from the looks of that stone wall!


  17. Aren't hot water bottles wonderful?! They are just the thing for what ails the aching body.
    Good going, Constance, and the return, of course.

  18. I hope your back is feeling better John and I must say your lane looks lovely and clean. Well isn't that nice that Constance brought you over someone to fix your chimney pot...that's what I love about small towns (villages). Enjoy the rest of your weekend!
    Maura :)


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