Someone Like You

Readers of this blog will probably realise by now that I do like my "little moments"
Today I have worked like a Trojan and have completely dug over, weeded and manured my largest vegetable plot ready for planting ( below)
It was hard work but because of the beautiful weather, it was a real joy and I didn't stop until nearly 3pm when I sat and rested in the spring sun with a bagel and a circle of dogs ,turkeys and chickens.
Now I am not generally a lover of "popular music" but by chance a rather beautiful song by Adele entitled "Someone Like You" came on the radio as I was looking for the news.....
It was a lovely, peaceful and rather melancholy type of song and suited perfectly a brief moment of cloud watching ( even though there wasn't a cloud to see in the sky)
The veg patch almost finished
The last two Ghost hens sunbathing peacefully in the spring sun
I need two more followers!


  1. Congratulations! I'm steeling myself for the front garden tomorrow.
    That is some voice.
    And stop growing giant chickens!

  2. The vegetable patch looks pretty good! I wish we had more than rock and more rock and clay.

    I see two of the Ghost Hens have made it nearly through Winter. It's quite amazing, really. Good job!

  3. Yes, the two hens should have by rights died early last year!
    and look at them, healthy, obese and rather content!!!

  4. We love Adele, but this has been banned in our house as my daughter has just had her heart broken for the first time by her boyfriend of 9 months.(The swine!!)xxxx

  5. I can't get over the pace at which you can get things done. The vegetable patch looks great! I'm very glad to see that you still have two of the ghost hens. That really is remarkable.

  6. Crumbs, you must have gone like the clappers to get that lot all dug over in one day.
    Must be all the dog walking keeping you so fit. lol

  7. Hello John! Good for you...what a great way to spend the day. I'm going to head outside in a few minutes and do some cleaning where the 40x180 building came down. Can't wait to start a project out there that will probably include a large farm pond.. WOOHOO! Keeping my fingers crossed on that one. Can't believe those meat birds are still alive...that's because they are loved and well cared for by you John. Good job! I hope the rest of your day is a good one.
    Maura :)

  8. Glad to see your chickens out helping you prepare your garden. :-)
    Have a great evening!

  9. I love that song and she's a fantastic singer. Someone else, I can't remember who, put the same video up a couple of weeks ago. Sun shining here as well today. Happy digging!

  10. Wow, that's a lot of digging! You must be fit. I see the chooks are helping with the manuring, too.

  11. lucky you to be able to get out there in the dirt - holed up in the hospital all day spending most of it on labour ward cos those babies just would not stop coming!

    Adele is fab! just paid silly money for 2 tickets for my daughters to go see her in September - the things doting Mothers do, lol

    and guess what.. the hens are laying :)


  12. My My My John…nothing wrong with her lungs is there. What a voice. She’s like Charlotte Church on steroids. I’d hate to make the mistake of creeping up behind her in the kitchen as she suddenly shouts out “Dinners Ready!!” I’d probably have a seizure and drop dead at her feet.

    The United Nations ought to sanction parachuting her into Tripoli, over Gadtwatties presidential shed, and just shout him into submission.

    If she took a great big breath and went to open her mouth in front of me, I’d have to shove my white flag straight in between her teeth a bit pronto to avoid being blown away and deafened. Scary wary’s.

    Nice new veg patch. Got any room for my ‘Mooer’s?’

  13. John, you are a 'driven' man! We won't be able to get the shovel into the ground for another two months!!! Not kidding! But I am NOT much.

  14. Good work John.
    btw I don't have many pictures of Sheffield on the blog at the present but this could change over the next couple of weeks/ months as I'm putting a new local painting on there every week.

  15. You made the most of a beautiful day. Like Jim, our ground will be tundra for a few more months. It's just amazing to see your green grass.

  16. Yesterday was a nice day to be out doing stuff. I love the way dogs are keen on sharing when the food is ours but not so keen when it's theirs - not that I want any of their's you understand.

  17. I was in the garden all day myself yesterday. Weeding and readying rows. Lots of work but it was a gorgeous day here as well and as you say that made the work a lot easier!

  18. The plot looks great!

    Glad you got to steal a moment and take a breath.

  19. Adele is brilliant! I adore everything about her from that gravelly voice to her fluttering fingernails and sternly frowning brows!
    Listen to "Rolling In the Deep"...wonderful.

    Could do with a dose of your warm sunshine. My backyard's still covered in snow! Well below freezing here today.

  20. Can you come dig MY veggie garden? After the snow melts? And the ghost hens are looking great!

  21. I adore this song! :)

  22. Looks like you had a tranquil end to a hard day worth of labour John. Ahh the life of a chicken.

    Oh and P.S. less cheek on my blog!!! :P Ya cheeky bugga about my carpet! :P

    We all like a little luxury!

  23. Ohhhhh I love Adele!!!
    Got her new CD yesterday and listened to it all day long!

    Thanks for the post and great to have found you true VerdeFarms!



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