Bitch Love

Somewhere under these two bitches is me.
The competition between Meg and Jabba-the-hut lookalike Constance has intensified somewhat as both bitches have a need to be within a gnat's crotchet of my body at any given time. Constance has the power to bulldoze her way into position where as Meg has the agility and speed to out manoeuvre her rival and although all this exuberance of physical affection is flattering.....I am having trouble getting jobs done!

Its going to be sunny today, Chris is working away so I will take the dogs on the field for the entire day and make a start on clearing all of the vegetable patches.

The following "note" did amuse me! (Borrowed from

At Joanne’s office in Lancashire, , her team had a temporary agency administrator working on-site with them for a few days. Well, “working.” Joanne says her boss was well-aware of what this fellow was actually up to, but rather than report him through the official channels, decided to drop him a little hint instead. (No word about how the lucky employees seated next to him felt about that decision.)


Enjoy your day!!!

Happy St David's Day


  1. Brilliant !
    Enjoy your day with the girls :)
    ~ Jo

  2. Damn - having just listened to Oswald Moseley's son defend himself on the radio just now, the title of this post lead me to believe it was about something completely different. Carry on.

  3. Paddy get like that when he wants to go for a walk. Are your dogs trying to tell you something? ;)

  4. I know how you feel. Every morning I know that Willow (cat) will jump on the bed as soon as she hears me pulling the covers up, thus making the task more difficult. She seems to hear from a great distance and knows that it is connected with paper ball throwing. Its entirely my fault, I started it and now haven't got the heart to shut her out but never the less it gets my goat every day. How pathetic !!!!!!

  5. Nothing like the love of a dog to make you feel worthy...even on the worst of days.

    Enjoy your garden work.

  6. EXCELLENT note. And Constance looks very pleased with herself.

  7. One of the best things about having dogs ~ one never doubts that he/she is loved!

    As for the P/A note: Such a nice, non-threatening way to handle the situation...


  8. The girls just love ya. :O), its good to be loved.

    I agree with Knatolee, Constance does look pleased with herself in that photo LOL.

  9. You certainly are a multi-talented Lord. You never said that you had worked in Lancashire as a temporary agency administrator.

  10. That reminds me, I should clear my Search History. Thanks!

  11. What I really love is the expression on Constance's face. I always think that bulldogs have gone through the process of fanshenning, which is some philosophic Chinese thingy which makes onetotally and completely impervious to worries and stress.

  12. LOL isn't it nice to be LOVED John!!
    Maura :)

  13. You know, each time I open your blog with Zephyr around. He just giggles over that hen pecking at him.

    It is a nice day here as well.

  14. Hope you all have a great day, John. :)

  15. Ha Ha Ha!...That's the way to do it. Send a very clear message. Perfect. What a soft and shrivelled chipolata he now is. Ho hum.

    Love the pics of William & Meg by the way. Cute and stunning. You ought to post a caption competition of this one. Their expressions are beautiful.

    Albert looks just like one of our two (called ‘Misty Moo’).

    Say a big “Hi” to Boris for me – and – “Only 300 days to go Christmas! “

  16. thanks to all for your comments and welcome phil
    yours is an entertaining blog!

  17. Re: Bitch Love, I get a feline variant of that whenever I try o work on the computer. It usually starts out OK, like right now I have Q'Tesh draped across my right shoulder, I can still type. Then Valla comes along, and if she dapes over my other shoulder, t still works. Unfortunately, either they start fighting and using my head as a shield, or they decide they both need to be held at the same time, stacked like firewood in my arms. As to the other, my 13 yr old boy learned that corporations aren't the only ones who monitor searches, and it wasn't done quite as nicely as that note. LOL! Kate x


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