Saturday Smut

Ha! bet that grabbed your attention
Last night , before the musical, we had a chance to wander around Theatre Clwyd's art gallery. Some of the exhibits on show was by an artist called Anita Klein ( and it took a minute or so for me to remember that we had bought one of her original works a decade ago when we were in Sheffield.
Now we don't usually go in for humorous smut (Hey ho!)-most of our paintings are Miss Marple-ish watercolours- but there was something quite warm about this piece which now graces our spare bedroom.........
off to work


  1. They look cozy! I like it too. Good pruchase John.

  2. Just checked out her on-line gallery. Very Rubenesque and curvy women....she does good work.

  3. Oh that is so funny. 2 Free Spirits~! I'll bet your guests are humored when they see this...It's a very good painting! Have a Tiggeriffic Day..ta ta for now from Iowa:)

  4. Now that aught to get the hits from the search engines!


    Have a great weekend...

  5. It's actually quite good, nice for a guest room!

  6. You dirty, dirty bastard, John.

  7. Well, they do look pleased with themselves...but he's a little furry! hee hee hee hee

  8. You can't help but like smut that smiles!!!

    Nancy in Iowa

  9. It worked. I came and looked more closely.

  10. I always hated that picture...

  11. BLOGGER MODERATION Dept12:57 am

    Dear Mr Gray,
    Although Blogger is tolerant of most blog content we are unable to approve pornographic illustration. Your case will be reviewed at the next senior moderation meeting and I shall let you know the outcome in due course.
    Eddie Sarong (Moderation Controller UK)

  12. Is the "Blogger Moderation" comment for real or a joke? I think it's sweet and innocent smut.

  13. Wow, I thought I'd clicked on Tracey's blog for a sec! ;)

    Sorry I've been AWOL for a bit. Glad the hen survived the badger, and glad that you had a rollicking good time at the theater!

  14. Blogger moderation are they kidding!!!!!! what next they will march in the local art gallery and museum and start placing doilies on all the bits they don't like???? have they seen TV lately. AARRRGGGG

  15. They look happy! Isobelle's right, he is a bit furry.

  16. Blogger Mods my Rrrrs! I've seen/read far worse on discussion forums - Stay of the Indian Cricket forums if you don't like rude abuse!

    btw - picture is great and I wish I owned it!

    Blogger Mods - Arghhhhhhh!

  17. I'd like to see furry man get his legs waxed for Charity... a boy at Joe's school did this last week and another pupil had to do said waxing cos if the teacher had done it she could have found herself reported for child abuse !!!

    Are you going to get your bottom spanked by Blogger ?

  18. PS Blogger Moderation dept must have missed Tracey's blog while they were checking !

  19. eddie sarong...I suspect is Yorkshire pudding!

  20. I'm amazed that Mr Sarong has - so far - let my Monty Python post go.

  21. he does not want to be deemed heterophobic tom

  22. I think it's cute John...I like the expression on their faces!
    Maura :)

  23. I'm sure any house guests will appreciate picture. I just hope they don't try to re-create it, at least, not while anyone else is home.

  24. That hairy brut is deflowering her!

  25. John G--I am laughing so hard--you did get my attention. I though you were going to do a book review :) LOL

  26. Anonymous5:48 pm

    Hey John-- well, it's two days later and the painting is still up so far. I can't believe they would censor artwork! Very strange. Perhaps they've already reviewed and realized they were flirting with the edges of cultural ignorance. In any case,I think it's fabulous. Why the guest bedroom? Expecting anyone in particular?

    I've been buried under paperwork so fell behind on your blog. I so love coming back and perusing the news of the last's very soothing here you know. Thanks for that.

    And Constance!! Bravo darling! Bravo!! From your early descriptions, John, I never expected her to turn into such a Grand Dame but here she is...all stiff legs and cold stares. Autocratic and take-no-nonsense to the hilt. What a piggy eyed little Queen you have there. Give her an affectionate scratch on the rump from the high desert dweller, will you?

  27. nice to have you back dia

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I love all comments Except abusive ones from arseholes